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CC Resolution No. 3113
~ ~ I',F'.a"hI.l1TT4'i '•'0. 'll:l A?RESOLU'fIe`1 GF' Tlik CI1'Y COi1hCIl, OF 'Cl;~ CI1'Y OI' C.UPF,R1'IAO rvpl?RItJR TNF. Al'11TF-~`IRNT ~Jf' PUIiI.IC :ZUJS.1IJCr~ i'UR5UA.'V'1' Z'0 PROWI5IO;:S OF ORLINA;~CF: h'0. bU5 ANp KE50LU1'I~~N l~iU. 3105 1~IHEti~15. ihe City Cauncil hx~~ declured tha~ the growth f weed~, ~h~ accumul.~ticin of esirden refus~, cuttinp,s nnd other cc?mbi~~t±ble tra~h upnn t.he private properti~s a~ describeJ in Cl.ty of Cupcrtino Rcs~lution Na. 31~15 ~:e b~ a public nu;:,~uce; and I~+Tl1ER~AS, aftcr due noticc a p+iblic hcarin^ t'.herccn was held at a rcgular. ~r.~tin~ of tfii~ Cit}• ('~uncil on AuF;ust 1G~ 197;; u:zd WllI:RE~15. fram thc ev~ldcncc~ presencc:d. buth ut•c~l nnr! wxitt~n, it appenrs to be in the best interc~t~ ~~f thc City to ncquire ,~uri~uictlun ovrr ;in~l nb:ite said nuibance5; ti01:, TI~'.;:'f'C~nF. tiE IT Ri:SU1.~'t:U: 1. Titit tl~~~ City ::.ina~;~~r I~. h~ rr•by ~~rdc~ri~d to .zl~nt~~ fitu~h m~lsan:c, or cau~a fh~~ , cu hr ~~~,~t~~ l, b~• hn~•`.`.tii~ th~~ ti•.~~~~ls rr.fc~rrcd :o c~estroyc~d rr TEr;s!OVeC{ by c~.s ~1! sc f r.,;, ~~:cr~i~:al s,pr:~.•t»,r, rr .~:iy c~th~.~r a.~~[hc,cf :is dr.t cr- ttinccl b}' htr: .~n.~. th~t sl l ~!t•bt ts ~hrrl?c~r in ril~5 ar ~~.~ttc~r t,~.~ hriul~d tiu~ly; 2. li:~t l'nc~ Ci:y '~!anny~~•r •iu~i l~i~. dr;autirs, :ib:>i.ct:int~:. c~:r;a~~,~•~~i~r~, CU!1tt'.1CCSTl;; :4i::.. l~1 (~~.~;~'r rlp~r~.y~•7~~?~Il'~'!i 'S:1.l~1 ~Ill~'i• f':(rI'k~SB illlt~ll'Iii~.atln:l tv c~nLcr ii~'G~~: ~?i~' privc~~• ~•rr~~.~rsic~ fo~' tl~.~ ~~itr4~~•:~r c~! cn.rt;inE, 3atc~ ~+ut;l:_• r~:, ~•s t.~ _ .~.t~..t~•u. ,,i,~.y 3. .i~c~• ..f~•c:t~•d pru;~c:rtt• us::tix :;lu~ll I~r,v~~ th~r i iri;t dE~-:lruy or r~~r-i~v~~ c,uc'.; r.l:: :~r c±~•url:: hl~i~:~~!i . cr l~.i~~~~ :lic r;r~~;r. cl~~stra}•~~;i ur i.~~^~vc.: :tt his at:n ,~ru~~ic:rd th.it <<<~i: ~.1~~:~trt~ct Jc~c. ut' rc;ic.•v,il :~t..ill ii.t~~. l,~.ec~ :.~:i- plc~icd ~~rirc E: arcl~r,,l ~~i` [f<<~ Cl~~~ ::~na?:rr ~c l~t:: au:.hc~ri:c~1 t~~~~r~•s..i~tnti~~c:. cv d~ c,C 1'~~\' t1,~• 1:~: I7' l; F.ii::.:; Itt.:;~~I,':7"1): I. :'~a: ti~e City :'~n:~~,rr :lu~ll aer{~ ~n :?r.c~o•anC of lh~ r~n4 c~: ab~tin~ FiU~:i~ i111~C:lIll:1' .:'ii 4::it~~~(~~J b;1C'?1 ?lI:CUUItt. ~II ~7 Cl'~1()L'~ :111~~ :ltiuk:.'+'y~!1C11~ I~Ii~~ ~U ~~1(' ~~i~V C~u~~cil ~rltiich siiall L~• filc•cl ~~ItL tht~ Clty Clrrk; , ~::.1~ t~K' L'~~(~ TUrctTCt; SJ{~ "l'U.*~S~ ~1::1i'i11~~S alilt~ r.oll~ct,;.~n ~11'UGt't~Ul'~'b i~.t~elvcd thc~trti:ith ::'~,111 t,~ :is provid~~cl I~y ~)r~iL~.jr~r.~~ fic?. ~ip~. I'~1SSl:U .'lllU!''tZ:J ~t regulnt' ~.,e~tln~; at [I~c Clly Councll uf tli~~ Ctt}' uf ~ C~.ip~~rtiti~~ tt~it~ __lfithd:iy af ~Aul;Unt.____M~~ 1971, L~~ t}i4 fullr~~~1nF; vulc~: AY~S: Co~~n~ i 1:~.~•n -~itx~reralcl, ~'rol t~h, Irwin, 3toke~o, Nael t:~F:5: Couu; :li..rn - Wone A95l:NT: Cuuc~cilr.:.~n - N~~,r~~ A1'1~~:5Tt At'1'ltbl'i:I~: "Y ~ ~ ._~....r er'~Cl rl:____.._..._..._..._..._~._ ~,L~yur~ C ty u Cu~?r.t :ino~ , , , , „ , , ~1~ ~ ~ , , ,