CC Resolution No. 3106 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~t~pWT~0~1 I~iO. 3106
k~, A IiF~SO1.UTI0~ OF TR~ CTT'Y C01lNC?.i. Ua T`HB CITY OP CUPF•ItTl~1
I~Yl~ROirlllC R~i.llIQUISNMJ~' 1!Y THE STA'i8 DYVISxdN OP ~'ICHI~lA1'S
OP A PO~t1`I011 OF SARA~'C1GA-SUMd'ZVAI.~ kpiAll {rl7t! ~ERTAIDi
p~ i~llF~t~AS~ the Stxt• Divir~an of ~i~hwwys lyas carpleted Che exterr~r[on of
S~t~ve~as l~Yi~w~y. Rawte ~JS. sbr~th~rl,~? ta 6te~rras Cre~tk I~aul~v?ard; ~ad
" VHERP~IS, the Fre~+r:rr I?~re~sw~zt~ etttered into betwe~n t!?~ Cit~r s~d tfre
~ St~+te calla for rel~~qa~stre~nt of pa~r~llel ar~erial 5tate 1lighwa~ rout~s at
, auch time ~n construc~tora i~ co~plsted; and
'F/ WHFRFIS~ in ~rder to aaatrtain continuity in the signing of State tiighway
~ route system, a portio.~ of 5tevena Creck aoulevard bec~+cen Sar~[o~a-Sunnyvale
Road and the aubjce! Raute 85 : reeway ie required as s~ tempor~r tr~eversabic
Sta[e !iigtr~ray r~u~e;
hOH, TH~REFORE. BL I"~ RF.SOI.VED~ that the City approve af the rel~n-
quishnent in ac~ordance with the following ~rran~rnents:
l. Thut the State vill roaintain tihe portion vf Steve~s Crc~~~ 1Soulevard
betWeen Route 85 lnterchangc and Sarato~A-Sunnyvale fta~c uri~iR
tf~e interlc~ period culs~inating at the approxim.~te dlte Ftoute f3`a Es
cvmpleted s~utherly ta Sar.ztoga-5unnyval~~ Etoad intcrcE,angF. ne<tr
. lt~inbo~r Drive.
2. That the 5[ate Divtsi~ti oI Eli~hs+r~ ~s will vi~len c~xistfnQ Rvute 85~
Snrntoga-Sunnyvale Road, to prov,.ie lCft-Curn stera~.• :i[ `~ariani
Avenne and Vallev Green Drive in accocd~~ncc H,ttf~ the .~pproveu
safety projP~t prnv.idin~ fur ron[ left-t~~rr. ch.~nnElizatinn
between Rout:e 280 ~nd thYou~h iimic~ uf the• propc»ed as~rnsc~tnt
3. Tt~at funda ~rill ~,c .til2ocated by 5t.1te Divialan of lti~hwnys for tlie
purpase of overlayin~ portionu aE SaratoRn-S+c~nyvale Road [e be
re3inqui3hed thr City far ta~intena~ti.~ purpose.
4. That the StatF. vill constr~act thc ~:xten5lnn of ttie prnpnse~l Ror~c.~
85 feeeway s~autherly durin6 the~ 197G-77 f iscnl y~~ar nr .~s soon a~
5. Thst ehe State study the ne~sd for addition:~l cr~ffic inprovr^~~iits
at the intersection of Ste~~~nr Crerk Boulevard With S.~srate~a-Sunnyz•a?r
Rond ~rhich asay be brou~ht :~bcut h;/ ttic shitt in 5tate hi~hway trat fic..
I[ suc~h impzove~ents are needed, t;~~n the Stntc Will fund ita partion
of coe~Cs so tha~t improvements n~a;~ be .:onsumm.~ted no later [han tt~c
Hacal y~nr beginning July~ 1972,
. .
k ~ ~
" ~Al~S~D ANU ADO!'fEa ~ r~egular ~aetin~ ~rf the Git~ Cauncil af the
~ C!¢~ aE CuPert:no this d~y of ,__,~1, ,_ust , 197Io by the ~allawing
w r~rke: ~ -
ATldS: Couricil~a ~ tit~p~r~?y.d, ~ralich~ Inrin~ l+ioel
~ ~~S GOIinC~I~/3l~ • I~al!
' ~~T: C01iqC~lOfl1! ~ ~i~D~i
Hayor, City of Cu Cino
~,27'F.ST :
City Clerk
'e ;
. . . ~