CC Resolution No. 3105 1 ~ ~ ~e.~'.S~i.~?Iqti .W . 3105 , AESOLUTt~N 4F TH~ CI'YY ~"~GZL UF Tti~ CITY ~F' 0.'~ERT~~O D~C~,11R!C~DG CE*'.TAIN PtIVATt ~"~'"~l"r.RTI~S KIIHIN THE CITY TO aE /1 !f]aLIC kUt3ANCE, U~b1:t t~A1/ISIO~S O1~ GRUItr'A:+CE N0.~605 6IVI~C ;iDTIC~ Ti~ERDOl, A~ SE27IkG H!',ARII~iC bATE TlL~itEQH ~1S~ th~ City Cow~cil l~ws r~eeiv~d nw~eraus co~plaints fro* citizrn~+ c~csrai~ th~~ accusulatica o~ w~ds, ga~rd~n refusa~ cutting• snd other car~-- ~tii~~e trasA upoe~ th~e praperti+eE dtscribcd in sttachrd F.~chibit "A"; ~nd 1~,~A5~ th~ Gity Couaci2 fiyrd~t that ~aid ~eeci~ consitut~ a nuisaace tc the ~ra2t~r, vslfarr aad saf~tp a.l tlae citiseaa of tbr City~ and cor~~titute a firr w~wce; arid `AL~~i+S~ it i~ to the blst ia~eresta af the City to inatitute w~eeci abatement p~r~esc~tdin~,~r ics a:cor:~~ncc.? vith tbt provisi~ns nf Ordina~ce No. 405; At7ii~ THEREFUR~, D~ IT RE,~Cxi.S~'Fa: l. Ihat thr City Ccv.r=11 hertby cleclares the gros+th uf r+~eds, Che ~c~u~a- uiA:3ars of ka:~ez refuse, cutti~~s and other co:~busciblt: tra~h up~n thc private psc~esties dc~s::fb~S I~erein~ or alona thc public street or alley adjac~nt [t?ereto t~ ~e i~ publi:. r.u+_~ance; 2. i?~.at thr Ci?ief of t•~lice be and h~reby Is in~trur_ted tc give nocice c° :~e ~IiYSJt+.' thiR r~~oluL::.a to each and e~er}~ o~ie of Ll~e property owners, c~r~~s oC v'~i:;: :ai~i natfces a-~ a~:t~ched hereto .inJ v.:,dc a pstt herco!' b; refer- t:..~r; tha[ tha -a~.rs of :lze pr~aca; a~mers oi th~ subject real praperty tobethc: :he d.~scr::ti~ns of sa:d ;,:o~zty a~ set forth opposi:e cact-~ af said [CSQCC.- ti.~ :a~~er'. r.:~w~ ~re aa~ liste~ fs: the .~tt~chec' F:xh!bi[ ~:hict: !s r?acle a~ar~ t.t~x~f b~ rcf.:~~.c; ~ 3. I~:aL thc iir~e ar:~ ~-a~ce fon c~artn~; of any ob~e~tion ta thc pc~posr:: a~-a.+r~.rnt prc: ~ c,:in~s sh~l l be '.eld on the 16Lh ~~,y of Au~ust ~ 1971 ,.1t t:.f~ a~ur of i:?: P.H. in the Ccr~-~cf1 Ch~:~'fler, 103Qp Torre ~~ver.ue~ Cupertino~ Golif~raia~ a: :he nexc regu::ar =,ettin~ of th~~ City Council of [he Citv of Cupert:i:~. PASSf:i~ ~~t~PTf.D bv tn~ Cit~ Council of :t~r. City of Cupertino this _2nc1 da; of A_ c:guat 19~i, by cl:e f~~la~3n~ vot~: A2'~S: Counc::~~n - Fitsaerald, t'~alich~ In~rin, No~l I+~1f.5: Council~~~n - NOAR A~1~+'T: Co~+n:il~en - St~ks• API'ItO~'t:D : JlZ'~57: M~yar, C.y of' rtino . , t:~:~.r Cle