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CC Resolution No. 3103
xESO~rrION 3io3 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIlVO ALIAWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AAID DEMAI~IDS PAYABLE IN THE l~1~:ODU~l'rS ~ A1VD FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREII~?AFTER DESCRIBID FOR SAIsARI~S AND WAGES FOR THE PAYROLL P'ERIOD ENDING JULY 27, 1971 WHEREAS, the City Clerk or his designated representative has certified to ~he ~ccuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of f~uids for payment there- of, a,nd WHEREAS, the s~id claims and ~emands have been audited as required by law and approved by the City Manager: NOGI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID that the City Council hereby allows the ~ollowin~ claims e,nd demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set fortY~, EMPIAYE~ WARRA1~lT GROSS 1~11~;OUNT N0. AN10UNT . PAID GE~L FUD1D Robert ti~1, Quinlan 12009 $ 962.00 ~ 718.05 Betty Dorris 12010 368.00 279.~7 ~~1m. E. Ryder 12011 758.00 5~9.22 Effie Stobie 12012 33~.0~ 2~+9•98 Dolores Haxbst 12013 388.00 187.13 I~7ichael Davis 12014 352.00 257,12 Marsha Gauci 12015 268.00 141.~0 Audrey Magell~y 12016 158.20 121. ~+1 voia i2oi7 Dorothy Schmid Ko1V 28~~00 2VTe29 Carol Bestul 12019 227.60 161.79 Gladys McHugh 12020 388.00 287.13 Ellen Pagnini 12021 248,00 178.33 Shirley Oeser 12022 117.00 83.68 Donna Ylilliams 12023 262.00 193.50 A4erle 0. Butler 12024 630.00 457.44 Donna J. Belke 12025 296.00 211.03 C~rol Ba,rtunek 12026 378.00 276.05 Ann t~~. Cuny 12027 360.00 257.87 Ja,mes sisk 12028 6go.0o 4g4.50 ~llen Nimmons 12029 33~+.00 241.41 ~ Robert Cowan 12030 398.00 2g1.07 N~argaret Crissman 12031 266.00 201.37 Adde Laurin 12032 544.00 ~02.81 Florence Reid 12033 3~+2. 255 •~+9 James M. Sheppaxd 1203~+ 33~+.00 2~9•98 Harold Bellie 12035 352.00 275.1.2 William Benevich 12036 616.00 418.52 John Busto 12037 522.~~ 318.33 Hideko Murakar~i 12038 33~+.00 234.98 _ Edwaxd Murphy 12039 482.00 3~+o.3Z James k~est 1201+0 ~+62.00 3~+2.55 V. ~ee Ya,rborough 12041 740.00 478,50 Sumiko Martin 12042 33~+.00 2~+9•9$ ~ert Viakovich 12043 522.00 355.51 Ca,rol Sontag 1204~+ 2b8.00 202.80 Glenn Gri~~ 120~+5 486.00 359•20 Philip N,aytorena 12046 370.00 292,04 James Roof 12047 388,00 262,73 steve s~no 12048 342,po 22g,49 EMPIAYEE WARRANT GROS S AA;OUNT N0. AMOUNT PAID Travice Whitten,Jr. 12049 $ 510.00 ~ 3g0.07 ~ Dennis Bel].ma,n 12050 288.00 225,16 Anthony Castro 12051 288.00 211.71 Ho~~ard Kupfer 12052 386.00 299•53 James Kuszai 12053 352.00 252.37 Antonio Maldonado 1205~+ 280.00 223.42 Quinto Marchetti 12055 294.00 220.90 Joseph Moore III 12056 280.00 197•97 Frenk Ortiz 12057 398.00 282.14 Maxshall Reeves 12058 280.00 197.~2 Lupe J. Reyna 12059 300.00 1g6,25 Manuel M. Reyna 12060 280.00 182,34 Jerry Boffilo 12061 ~+86.00 368.81 ' Ambrose Brisco 12062 326.00 222.95 Vincenzo Novello 12063 251.25 19~+.48 Bill 0'Brien 12064 368.00 297.60 Thoma,s Stephens 12065 3'~8,op 23g,71 Fred Subega, 12066 352.00 270.05 Void 12067 void 12068 voia ~p69 Albert Tabares 12070 280.00 231.42 Peter Taormino 12071 140.00 118.54 Lloyd tnTOmack ~ t, 12072 280. 00 218. 92 Frederick Cler 12073 29~+.00 221.47 Bob Dockins 1207~+ 508.00 385.87 Kenneth McKee 12075 368.00 273.37 Ted Young 12076 291+.00 237,47 Ma,rk N. Caughey 12077 310.00 2~2.81 T. Pauline Rudolph 12078 103.25 $2.9$ Frederick Cler 12079 36.5~ 3~+.60 Kenneth McKee 12080 59,gp 56,(g Bhomas Stephens 12081 40.00 37.92 Ambrose Brisco 12082 ~+0.00 37.92 Clyde Noel 12083 150.00 115.87 Jerry Fitzgerald 1208~+ 150.00 115,87 Donald Frolich 12085 150.00 1~+2.20 G~ry Stokes 12086 150.00 108.07 Keith Irwin 12087 150.00 150.00 Jean Sim 12088 51~+.25 395•07 Martin Bamber~er 12089 55•35 50.32 Brian Beasley 12090 76,28 70.73 Andrew Brisco 12091 91.80 78.88 Kristopher Brown 12092 ~~,68 ~9•78 void 12093 voia ~09~ Patrick Callow 12095 31.73 30.08 william Ca11ow,Jr. 120g6 31•73 30.08 John cardott 12097 56.70 53.7~ Russ Chandler 12098 75.60 C6.28 Michael Cox 12099 54.00 51.19 Lowell Dockins 12100 ~5.9~ 42,68 Wesley Dockins 12101 ~+5•9~ ~+2,68 Pa.ul Friccero ~102 113,~.p 9~.28 Ruben Guerra 12103 108.00 91.24 Michael Jones 12104 6.08 5,76 Robert May 12105 5~+•68 ~+9•7$ Mike Ma~della 12106 4g,2g 45,42 Charles Mercer 12107 51.30 47.05 -2L- EN~LOYEE WARRANT GROSS ANiOUNT ~ N0. AMOUIVT PAID ~ La,wrence Pieper 12108 $ 37.13 $ 35•20 Steven Northcutt 12109 5.~+0 5.72 Scott Ritterbush 12110 76.28 7p.73 Jeffery Snyder 12111 54.00 51.19 Allen Spre~gue 12112 ~3,20 ~+0.95 william stock 12113 61.43 55.2l~ Adriano Taylor 12114 55.35 5~.32 William Meyer 12115 192.50 159•~+5 Richaxd Jones 12116 181.50 1~6.22 Void 12117 Philip E. Darn~ll 12118 289.60 234.81 Ma~rion Kitting 12119 35.20 33.37 Rudolph Leon, Jr. 12120 64.00 57.25 Ma.rgaxet Hoppmen 12121 64.00 60.67 Sali Manning c; 12122 64,00 57.25 Clinton McCexthy 12123 88.40 80.~58 Rebecca, Saunders 1212~+ 24.pp 22~75 Brita Tryggvi 12125 61.20 55•~5 Maureen Casey 12126 90.10 77.55 Michele U7right 12127 68.00 60.36 sus~n Amara~l 12128 64.00 57•25 Dean Prescott 12129 64,00 57.25 Marc Richman 12130 6~+.00 57.25 Richard Lima 12131 68.00 60.36 Rendie Sherwyn 12132 43.20 40.50 Nancy Shore 12133 67.20 59•75 Kim smith 1213~+ 138.60 114.13 Debr~ Jarvis 12135 68.00 64.04 Shellie Revilla 12136 89.60 77.17 Pa,ul Gi~nnoccaro ~~~37 1~7s20 }.~0~57 M~rk Lambros 12138 200.00 160.06 Terry Lawson 12~39 154.00 125.b5 Timothy Kerr 121~+0 181.70 151,37 Dis.ne Rau 12141 154.00 125,65 Donald Morgan 121~+2 63,$p 57,a9 Ja.ne Hazard 121~+3 15~+, 00 125 , 65 Ann Spivey 121~+~+ 128.10 ~ 106.28 Marjorie Best 12145 163.30 132.61 Marsha Csxpe 121~+6 134.20 115.8~ K~.thleen Chowning 121~+7 151.80 129.01 Maxilyn Nations 12~~+8 154.00 ~30.65 Chandler Baldwin 121~+9 171.60 143,82 J~,y Hoyt 12~50 182.60 147.04 Deborah Ketron 12151 1~+5.20 124.07 Mark Lieb 12152 52.80 48.26 John Lorigo 12153 161.00 130,89 WilliBm McCrone,Jr. 12154 171.60 138,82 Terence McGonigal 12155 138.00 113.68 Rene Munsch 12156 30.00 28,4~ Jenet Redeker 12157 130.20 112,85 Desvici Shields 12158 4~+.10 41.2~+ Teddi Warren 12159 151.20 123,56 Clifford Williams 12160 15~+.00 125,65 Wilfred Willit~,md, Jr. 12161 118.80 10~+.13 Gail Chalupsky 1.2~62 165.00 ~38.88 Susan Dever 12163 117.60 9$,1~~ Robin Thomas 121.64 154.00 125,65 -3- EMPIAYEE WARRANT GROSS AMOUNT ~ N0. AMOUNT PAID ~ James Shook 12165 $ 145.20 $ 119.07 Kirk Miller 12166 151.80 124,01 Barbara smith 12167 151.80 124.01 Willism Sparks 12~68 ~98.00 1.63.56 Kathleen Carroll 12169 64,00 57.25 Pamela Meyer 12170 32.00 3p,34 Void 12171 Joseph Forcaro 12172 120.70 100.7~+ Theresa Anzur 12173 152.00 124.16 Steven Spangle 1217~+ 76.50 66,97 James Finnell 12175 105,60 97.93 Dennis Barrett 12176 173,80 1~+0.46 Marilee James 12177 132.00 109.20 Carolyn Davis ~2178 ~54.00 130.65 John Stevenson 12179 230.00 187.60 Jerold Mell 12180 120.00 113.06 Joanne Hussey 12181 210.00 167.7~+ susan xuPack,; i2i82 200.0o i65.o6 Karen Rentschler 12183 67.20 59•75 Charles Newall, Jr. 12184 51.20 48,5~+ Cory Narog 12191 75.60 66.37 TOTAL $ 35,659•75 $ 27,188.49 r ~ CERTIFIID : APPROVID : y ~ Clerk City Manager FASSED ADID ADOPTID at a tegulax meeting of the City Council of the C3.ty of Cupertino this 2nd day of August, 1971. AYES: Councilmen - Fitzgerald, Frolich, Irwin, Noel NOES: Councilmen - None ABSENT ; Councilmen - S toke s APPROVID : Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: City Clerk -5-