CC Resolution No. 3088 ~ ~ ~~L.11~I0:J H0. 3Q88 A~SOI.UTI(1~J pF I'~ CT'~'i WtTt~1CII. OF T~~ CI?Y GF CUtt~~IN~ ll~Tt'itC~RIZI~ 1`Ii~ tTS~ UF A FAi:3IKI[.E, 5LG4QATiJ~ QF 'f~i~ ?R~.ASU1kEA Iti T~ Stt+~IiB~ OP 1'Allloq~.L W11~~ANY'S Ab+iD AS (~E[I~R•- w~SF ~L~GGIIT~A ~Y x4~iE 1"RL~ASl1~.~lt i~,AS. psyroll p~eriada ~ar t~ne p~~rr~e~t af srtlariu~t and v~agas have ~iw~s ~ds;i~nated by th~ Cit~r t'~rpcil ~'psip~ bi-~v~rekly ps~riods c~a~in~ ut Icl~ ~~dd of che busi~urs ~a~ nn a,lternate 1fu~sd~yo r~ith p~pdaY~ being an tl~e ~xt follawin~ Priday; i?~d, i~R£AS. the ~1r~rin~, ai~ric~,g a~c! .ise~uia~ o~ payroll Harrante hnreto- tore l~re becn authoclxu~i to ~cst.ar,id~ ~.tth the prcecrib~rd payroll pcr:lods ~rd psydays sub,~ect ta th~r ~vb~e?ie~i~n afi e Tt?fort tlr~arsnn by tlre 7'reaeurer , ~to ~[ls+e Citv Counctl aC t~e ~eatia~ af tl~e Cit.y Cawn~it next follaring the i,rw~~?ca~ af the wnrraatr : as~d , liA1;R~A3. th~e ~ignr,. ..r~ of the Tremewrer the ~t~~n~r of tfi~ warrant~ ts by a~~cb~i~iie utaerp t!~a peu~es~ion .anci safequurciir~g of vhich i~ unde~r ti~~s tantrol of th~a btr~ect~az cf ~a~ini~trat~lv~ Sarvices who a~ City Clerk caticz~tersi~ns all City W~rrar.ts; aad, 1~It~AS. it is no[ alu~~~ poanible t'ar r, t th~c the TrRasuXer or Vic~• ~ 7rt~?surer to hC availxble tnr tF,e aLgntn~ uf ~aid vsrr~~ata~ which abe.±ncs ~;r caue~e ud~iniatrs~tive 3if~icultiea ir~ a~etin~ City abligativnat Nt~YI• THERE~'ORE:, BE: i7 PESdLYEb ~Y 'CH~ CITY CqL"~iCTi. UE 7HE Ci"I`Y OE' C~~E~CTINt~ J?s FOI,Lc~1S: r~tctian ~l. T1~:.~ ;'reaau-er ls '~eceby a~utl~~tixcd to d'e~la~gate in vritin~; :ti thr Ulr~ectti~r ~af ,~ctcainistrative Servtcus ~erc~ts~ian ta affix ~a pnyrall ~rarrante duly~ drawn purau~nt trr praviaiuns of che Pecsonnel Cad~ and tt~~ ~a;r Plan the f~csiu~ile s:~r.at~.,r~ oC the `i'r~~wur~r in ful.Eillme~E of the c~i~l~.ration ch~t sa[d vAx~caac~ b~a ~~~+~~rd br ch• 'fr~r~urer~ ,~,,,~i„ction 2. S~id wazr:ati ~th~ll h~• drswn. si~,ned n~d isaucd ~:nly after c~.e preparatiun and a~ppxoval by th~ Citp ~ns~er af a poyroll ~chedule 9et~ tisa~ forth th~e n~e af the a~nplaye~s ~ the v~,rr$~t nw~hers, che g~rose and s~et amount o:' cooapen~atiun fuz rach and other perttnent ~at~,ti~stical data x~~~ating th~retr~ which Eir~t 3h,~11 have been cer~ifi~d b~? the nlrectoc of J~ainistrativ~ 5ervicas in hi: cApacity as Cit~? ~l~tk ~s being carr~cc, ~s4aich p~yrnll schedula •h~tl be ~eade a pa~t of th~s Tra~aa~icet'a repcart r~t th~ CitY Co~cn~cil areetin~ n~xt ~olla• 'na th4 ie~suanc~e of th~ ~rarr~ts nnd ratified A~~ tesolutian of the Council. Seccton 3. The 7'ra~.turer ~+lso ia hereby authorised to dclegate in ~rrit- ir~~ to the Director oE A~~inistr~tive 5ervicea percii~alun tu affix seid it~c- ~ti~aile atgnature to ~,.neral warrant~ ta ~~tisfy urtj~ncy candition~ and othcr r~ainisr.•raci~re necessitie~; Frovided~ how~ver~ that: (a) Fundg C4 a~ct the obli~ation ar~ ~vxil~hle as uuthorized bY appropriatiaa in th~ Opsr~tieu Bud~et. ~ ~ ~(b~ x'h~ expenuliture r~quizir~ tlce drwin~ of eaid vartant shs~.l firs~ haa~ be~n a~pprr~v~d bq the City ranag~r;-uad, . (C) A repir.t ~+f v~rrsc~ts sc~ si~ned shall b.~ r~d4t hy thr ~ Dir~cGar Jld~da~atra~:i.ve Services t~u tb~ ?;re~swr~r wfiv ehatll o~t~in ratific~tian bp the City Co~mCil, at th~ " ~aeti~r ~xt full~vaia~ the is~ru~tc~s of said ~rarraats. PASS~D Ai~ ADO!?1~D ~t • re,~nl~r ~ti~~ ~af tb~ Citr C+ou~cil o! th~ CiCy of Cup~rtiq~o ~his 2,~~„ d~? of ~ur, ~e 197'1, ~r ct~ taiio~c~ votat AYES: Cauc~cil~ ~ F~'iCzg~rr~ld, :lralir,}l, C3reen, 1doe1 P10ES: Co~~ila~a - ilorte AAS~T: Coun~il~ ~ ;toke~ ArT!'1~D1F~ : n / n (J . . - lf~yor~ Gtty of Cu~scxtln~ ~rr~5r: . ~,C ~~'Y ; ~,.,L ~„~,w,.s .C'~, _ -~~~t+~,a~ C1 cy Cl~sk I . ~ . , ,