CC Resolution No. 3085 y~ ~ ~ .
,Z,r".5~~.*~~:~~:~ h0. 3~~85
h:,~ ~F 'i'H~ +CZ~Y Ci7L7~CIT. pF T~.i~ 4iTY UF CiP.'ER. T~ia
AU:~::~~i~ ?~Y PL.AX F'G~i. CI'fY OF Gt:°: a~:\0 YUR:iUA21i ?0
PRaVISICl~S Cl~'' THE PER50~',~:,. L'O~F.
'4~9ERrti . ~:.e ?ersoaael Co~s ~scnridea iat• ~2 ~reparatior. az a P~y
~3..~c. rti~ ga~~:~ rates ~tod a~ec.h~ds or coa~ens~:~on for all etp2~yees
.c~~~t Co :_s .~r:r:s~ietion Jl sc+ xs to provide :~r equitable s~lary ri?n~r~s
s::.edule~ r,~s aud ths a~or~:s so paid to a:~layee~ aa a rer~ult
dtrtof ; s~' .
k''dER~:~_, ~~a ?zrs~nnel Ccr~e ~sovidea for L~e prapased P~p Plan to be
s~:.ted ?2: ~nn~l Daard `~r the City ~au~~r, ~s the A~pof.nting
.L~~rity, L~~:.: ;:x t6) no:.r.~s of the efiectiti•a ~at~e of the Cc~d~; ;.:,d,
~?''dERc..~:, _::a ?arsonnel Ca~e p:avides for ~:a pro~used Pay P2an to be
s~.:~atted :~L Council secoaraendut:~:s by the Persorx.21. Sa~rd
zr:.-~`~ thi::, .iays af hav`~~ ~eceived i4 the Appoir?tin~; ~lutnority;
hiiE:',r.;~. i:e~aratio:., :r.:~~~tr snd trar.s~-.:als ~~f the ~raposed Pay
:~.Y aave - ..:a pursua:.: :c :.:.e provis:c:.. tile Persor.r.e~ ~,'o~e;
~ riOW, BE IT ~S~_;~ ::,at Chc C~ , 4.:~nci1 of tt~_ :.tty o:
: .Y;~~ _._:2~} adop[ t:-= ~lai. a~i~i Sch~~dule of ?t,~ Graces
af~~.~;.ed :.t.;._, de a p__~ ~=eof ~s set~_:: :~rrh thc pr:,:cipals ay
~~t:;: rA.cs , ~nlary rs~,~s sc:~~:dul~s ~a~• sh.~l.l b~ deterni:~ed
~ ~roce~ur~s :.:s ad~ir.:s.:.;::o:..
;L ;.:.SOL~'"'r.~ 4: a_ _~.e City Cl~::, :s ;~r~by ii;s4~ sccec :o
c~:.__.a_ _.:ay o: this 's.~:.=__ution to be z:i~d in the Gi:Sce oi th~
~~LE'ri: ic~J111C~p~ ~.:t.~ a.ri~l~ t1~C0«r.'. a:::4:.~~Vc? OA SI:~ iaaCi:r
.:x ? ~ ~ . . .
?ASS:.: =iED a~: a rt~.:ic.r wcetiag _:.z Ci.ty Cuuncil oz ;.i;~ City
w:z~ert:~. ~.da~ o: L .E , 197~, b~ the follcwi:~„ vote:
:.«....V.c: - i~~ u M: , . ~z~e::i..4:r . . ....:.~i, ~ ~cf~:..~, :;~c»
r.~ ~:,-,._..`_c': ~ .~vV
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A.` ~
~J :
• ~ ' ~ , ,rt~,f _
~•i~'. - Cle :iayor, ~ .y ~ Cupert::~o
I~'~ ~
~ ~
h~ Citr ~f CuperCino
~ , tA~ PLA.N
5~~tioa 1. Pur os~
Yhe purpose of thi~ !'a~ Ylan i~ to r.stablish ssla;ry saryRe~ ~~chedulus
~r grades to vfiich c~.asa~ss ef pasition~ will be a~sigc~ci and to pravi~e fo~
tst~es of pay fr.r cl~ss~s ~~c! positioas ~:hose iracumbent~ ar~ ~~eid a[ an hourly
. sat~; to provide for tt«~ eata~blish±~ent ot' ratcs of pay for ~ployees on cr.~tr
ir?itial appcin~ent r.u Cicr s~t•v3ce~ and i'or Che orderly and equitr~b~e pro~
~ «~'ession of r:.p,oyecR within a? salary rangQ baaed on a~erit and length of ser-
' yice; to prw•~ide far lnc~eas~s in salary on ~sronotion, decreases in salary on
~ dl~at~on; ar.~; tac th~ n•r;~ner and A~crurrea~es wi~en uther increaset~. decrenses.
as~d ~djubtr.~e~~ts ir~ ~.~Yxry ey.~aY ~e ~~dc.
Section 2. Pol~c~r
~ 'ih~ pa:icy under .rh:t~2~ this i'ay {`lan is to be ad~i~ist~ereJ ir~ u:~e
ai cqutt.1bi.f:~: ti~f p.~y icr cu_1,c5 anc3 rc~spc}~isiyili:.ies assi~;, :~~~rtc~•~t.~~,::
service.~ .~n~ ~.~-.parabili:;: v! c:: si:-i:~r crc>rk fn aiher pub~.ic riT.~ prtv,~t~
t~paoyaent :;zc sac,e Iab~r; r~ll .~f ::;lich is conti;.~ti~~t ~ipc;•? t~:c
Cfty's abiti:_: t~ p:« r. ~tth ~ts : polici~s.
Ser.ti~n ~1d~Inistr~i~:c-:
T~l<" ~I.:.'"..inistr~ief' C7~~. !'ii`r' ~~~:IIl ff'i }~~~rfhl ~`~':f'".St(:".". ~f1 t~ll' ~'t'I'',iUll-
acl Dire~to: s.:;;ject c~ ~oli~:i"D ~4t fortt~ e}• thr .1p~,~irci;,~ ~,uth~5r!tr.
Sec:tirr. . nc~~e?1 ~f ~ Yf 5~:,Mt ~%zl~ir~~_ ,..~lut lc;~ti
A1~ existinF City ~f Cutert„nu r~•~.~i ition5 ar.~_' ~:];;,-:~~s~ buth cy-
p] ieit cind i..: ::e~3. i~r t;~ s,~i zries an~i G~,i~;~.s src here~"~;. xt~~~ in.:e~i 1r~,:
r~pea]cd in~:.:3r as thc~• ar~ t: c:o:~2:lcr, wit1~ chlc resolu~ir~n.
5ectiun Jurisdictio:. an~ Covc~r.z~e
a~i ~~.~sicio~~s and e~^i~.yees of thc Ctty oi ^upectinc~ are sub,~c~ct to
th~ provisi~r.s af this F'ay Pl~n~ ~:tcept :~s sycr.iCically exc:.u: ed herc*in.
Section 5.1. ~xc lusior.~s
(s~ ~~ec[ed ne~bers af the Ctt; C~unc:l
(b) City Manager
(c) Assistunt City `ian~~er
(d) City Attornpy
(c) City Yrose~:ucor
~;f) Ct~c~irmeiy and a~.bers uf gppuintive iua~rds, C41I~9l~pD~Of1N~ ~ncl
. ~ . ~
~ ~
(g) L~sp~art~e~nt. R•~r ~ •
. (t~l Per.•sons e~ngag~rd u~~c cpntracl• to nupply exp,ert prafen~lonel~
~ trlch':iC~]., or oth~r ~ervices
, •
(i) Puxi:ions as?d i~acwrb~at emplayees foz Whar.~ a~ sepasst~ Mcmox-
anduw o~ l,adr_rsti~diug ia ea4ered into bettireen tht City aad
aa arployee ar~at~atip~t~ pur~u~nt tc Ch~pter 6 af th•
Per~r,r,r~l Ca~~, as sai~ 2~i~~orandua of UndeKSts~adin~ n~y pro-
vida~ fnr a di~fez~aat s~tsbii~'u~ecit aad a~3.a..r.trxtina o~
stlarriss sad w+rW,q.
f~rcttaa G. Sch~eduS.e of Pwy ~rades
The attach+~d Rch~dule of pay gradea~ offectivt~ Che 30kh day of
Jursa, ~971, is her~by c~wrle m part of this Pay Plan. On and after this data
a1.3, salaries aAd ralea of pay shall. be }eaid at on~ of the akep~ in the Pay
Grsde+ at ~+fiich chr clas~ificstion oE th~ pos~tion ha~a been mssigned, at a
rat~ b~tveen Step 3 and th~ r~axicsu~ ae authorixed by the Appointing Authority
or at an tti~~:rl} rate as set forth for thase clasaifications nc.t as~igned to
~t ?av Grade.
Section 6.1. Neek~-:ionthly Ratea
Th~ Pay Plan and SchedulP oE Pay Grndes refer~ncc to week].y
ssla: Ses is f~~r purposcs of convenience in asfninisterin~ the bi-veekl~y pttyrall
systc~ and stf~i rc.~rerence ~.s interchnnge~bl.e uith the carrespo~ding rnor~thly
e~ui~~~:.ent ~f ttiat wecklg salary.
:~c:S~n G.2. ;io~r~y xa,!:es
^1CC5 of pay far e::ployceR noC paid ~ cr.onthly salary sha11 be
l.i ~S~~d to ;h~~ :~llowln~ r.ateaoriea calr.ulated on the folla~~ing basi~;
(a) Regular fullt.ic~e ve~kly salaried enployeQS ~:ho are tn be
p~~d for 1QSS chan fullttne in any pay peria3 shall be
w their ~eross sal~ry co:npuced by dcter;,iaing the hou~ly
~ equivalent of tr~ eul.nry for thnt ~onth, ~ultip)ying
that rate by che'~~er of hours no[ vorked and aub-
tracting the: re~cult t`ror~ tti~ fullticye salary for thr.
pay period.
(b) Regular part~time izmployee~ shall be paid an hourly rAte
co:~pute3 by ~:ultip lying tlie ueekly sa lary by f if ty-two
(52) and dividing the result b~• [wo thnusand eighty
~2~Q80) haurs.
(c) L+itcrcaittent p.3rtiase en~loy~ca shull be paid an hourly
rate as ~~t farth in thr. S~lary 5chcdul~: far thcir
c:lnssificatian~ ~hich 5.71ury 5cheJule s1~a11 be on filQ
in the C.'.ty Glcrk's officc us u public recoxd and which
first sh~11 have beea uutliarized by th~ AppoinCing
Autlinrit; before t~uvin~ been so filed.
. i ~ .
. ~ ~
~sctic~n i. Iait ial Apporat~aeuts~
' X~+ etiployeea norm~l:ly ~l11 b~ t~ired xC Step 1 af t~e ~ay Crada for
' t~eir, cl~asifi.catir~Ri srhe~ first ap~ointed t~o a fulAtiwe pnsitio~a. A s~tarCing
, at a stsp above 5tep 1 r~wy b~ grantaJ by thc~ Anpointipg Authc?rity wficn
Lt~ experis~e and educatton c?f the e~n~layee exc~eds that re~uir~:d af »~r
arplqte at' rrhen recruiCmeAC e~ s~i.a~ilx~r etapl~yeer Marrants ~x~cb actior~ ta be
' ~pl~yees vho are paid at x~n hourly rate aad w~ase are
cl~s»~sd or whosc~ po~iti'on tit].e has besn changed, other than b~ ~irtue of a
rr~vxluation ar reclas~ificatioAr ahal~. b~ deemed ro bav~s t~~en Xer.ainated
and oball raceive a nev eFPaintarat.
5ection 3. Length of Service Increases
Inercases in ~al~ry bas~d on the co~~rlption nf. s sat3~factory Q~.ven
length of continuous servic~ sha~,l l~e granted to el~ ea;pl.oyeea being paid a
veekly salary in accord~ncc vith the follcn+iug provisions and c:oruiiti~s~s:
Section 8.1.
Ernploye~rs wi~o re~e!ve an ap;~ainka~ent With ~ salnry
at `:tep I~'~ the F~~ Grada for their cia~sific~ti~}n shall receive an incr~ase
in salary ta Step ~~~f thnt Pay Grade nn the suc~_esr~ful caapletiL~n af six (6)
taonths continurus servicc.
5ectior. 6.2.
On the co~aplc~tion of tc:elve (1?) months of sntisfactvey con•-
tinuotis servic~ while being paid at Step 2 of the P~y Crade,c~nployees shall
receive nr? tnc:rense fri sc:ary t~~ 5tep 3.
SecCio~ 9. `:crit Increases
On the ~:o~pYetion of twelve (12) monChs of continuous servicrs whil.e
being paid at 5tep z of the Pay Grade~ er~p]oyces becoc~e eli~ible for f~:rther
incr~~ses in salary subject ta the folloa'in~ conditiens:
(a) The eaployee'~ perfor~ance in the position shall be r,Ur.h that
it czrits co~pensation ~bove ttce avcrage af thac. pald to other
eaplo}'EC'~ per :~rming airailar tasks.
(b) Thc ~arit increase sha21 be requested by the enployee's Depart-
ment H~ad and sh~~l be uu~horized by the A~pointing Auth~rity.
{c) No nerit increase sitiall exceed five percent (57:) of the Step 3
sal~ry Eor the applicaule ~la~sific~~~:ion in ary tvelve (12)
awnth period.
(d) Anp reassignment of ~n empl~yee from hi~ currrnr posikion to n
vatant po3iti.on ahich resu~ts ~n a t~ai~t,y b~tng paid nt aC lcss
thaa StQp 3~~f the nev Pay Gradc sh.~lZ rcqutra th~ ~uccr.ssful
cumpl~~tion of satisfacrory conCinuuus ?tervic:e ~n khc new Pc~y
~ M 1~ •
~ ~ •
, Gr.~de a~t the a~p'ropri~~e ~tep or ater~s befr~re
eligible fpr ~r~rsid~r~tion of ~ nerit ir~r~w~e ~l.1•
xc+-~PYi~ng kh~ a~+ ~Stion.
Sectiau 1~1. 1'ro~otia~r
,~a ~s~Ioy~e shxll ~~i~s~ sn increaae in a~laxp at tl~.~ time af
r~~eiviag a pz.a:~ciou. Su~ch tr: ~~ae sh~~l 1~e to th~ Sts~p 1~i' thf: Pay +Grsd+~
~arer hix aev cl~,~sif~catiaa ~oc t~r a sttp aext higher 7Ln s~+ouat tlast approxi-
~t~s but exc+re3`s a Eivs psrc~+~t {SZ1 ina?aa~re tn sa'l.ary if tbe s~+ni Step 1 i~
].~ser; provi~ia~. howavsr, ti~rt ~ i~cresa~ sha11 reault fa ~a ~a~lary
s~~rre Step :i cf the nea~? rar cr,.~~~. lPra~e~otior4al ihcreases itr a.~u:tus o~ th•
;~c~se~oing e~~ ':e grantad ~t tire +~iscrrCion of the Appointir.~ Auttiority.
5ection II. DeaonCioat
. ~?z~ ~^lo}•~e ~hall b~ givan a decrause in mAlary ~t tTie t~rae he re-
c,eive~r a d~::_s.z for cau~a, e~~ach d~crea~se shall be to Chr sam+e s~~p in th•
2orrer P.1y Gr,*.~z as the step cxa v~ich he ,ras paid ir~~~iately ~~rior to the
~~cion nr : tep 3 of the la.~er Pay Grade if his ~alary imAe~9iat~ly prior
zo the dem~~::_= ~:as abave 5t~p 3 of the higher Pay Crade.
Sectic:. ~olunta~? F.cs3~,.yctions
A:: ~-:!,:~ee uho reeu~sts and is granted ~n reduction to a pasition
~ a lowc:r ::ade nay rec~.i~:e a salnry considered appropriate by the
:l~cinting ~._:-_rity ~rovi.dia;, such nc~r salary <toeq not result in an increase.
Se~:cj::: 3ealluciti~~ a:d ~eclussi.ficattona
r- :=._~~ee whose r~~sition has b~en allocated to a nev class or
::~~se class~:::a~fun l~as bee~ c~a~ged ta a ne~ Pay Grad~; shall be paid at the
:s~.~~ step Pay Gra~~ as the step ~n whtch he was pai~ i~edi~Cely
:r:~r to i~~ :-.3~:3e; or at a rate above Step 3 in the new Pay Grade corres-
:.:~~~n~ in .-z_a:i.onship to tre rare above Step 3 in Cl:e old Pay Crnde at w~h~ch
~ns pai~ ;..~.~~ia~aly pria: tn the change.
Se~;~ic : _ . 7rnnsf~ra
~..Io~ee whn i9 transf~zred fror~ one position to a vacant posiCion
~nothcr ::=___?iicaCion assigned to ttie same Pav Gr:~de shall nGt rr.ceivc ~
c:aage ir. rt:::s:: as a result or" srsch transf~+.r.
Sectioa ~d~~:sCment-s
Ad: ants in s~alary ray be madc h}~ thc: Appc~nting Authority to
c:+z-rect cler_:il erroro, to :.aintain equitability af pay uithin a group of
~ux~luyees or :,:sitinn~ or Eor ethr.r bood und sufficient reason.
Sec[io~ Reinstat4~eac nnd ReCurns fram L,e4ve
An ~~yee who is retnstat~d After l~yoff or suzipen~ion Ar wh~
cet~rns froc,:, i. L~~ve of Abaea~e ~~all be paid at ths garoe stP.p ar r~?ke in the
~sY Grnde fe: '.is cla~eif~cstio~rz as th~ step er xate on w:~ich he was paic~
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. ~
~ ~ ~
ia~edi~tely prf:,r tv his ~bf~nc~ fram ~ervice. M cinp]oyee p~id At ~n haurly
t"ste sh~ll upJa h=s return be paSd ttt Che Ra?ae hourly rare at ~hich he was
- ~aSd ima~ediat~lp prfor trr his .~ti~zs~nce c~r. at that which i.s c~r~istent far hi~
~rawritior? shoul~ such rat~ b~ ~~i:wng~d d~~:ing the ir~t~ri~ perind.
l;~ection 17. Pa~,Y Pesriod~
Pay period sha~11 ca~~cist uf ~~urteen (lk) calend~r dape commencing
Jr~re 3i0~ 1971. Pay davx '~e the Friday icr,mediate~y follc:wing the clo~~~
~?f tar.:: ;+~+v a~rf provided, ha+ev~r ~ thot When a xegulgrly s~hedul~d pay
~r.~ falls on a holiday observed by the r,~ty ae a nor.-WOrk day ror its offlcers
~rarl ~loyces, pay daye sball be th~ last work day icmtediately preGed3ng
~satd bollua} .
Se~tion I9. Rates of Pay
Al1 eaplayees subject t+~ thie Pay Plan sha.ll be p~id AC an Appro-
pXia~te ~eekl~• .-a• e set forth fn ttie 5che~dule of Pay Grt~de~ for tt~eir pasitic~n
title or shal ~:~e paid at az appropriaCe hourly rs~tc~ ns set forth in t~~
SaLary 5chedulz ior cheir classification. Equival~nt hourly rates for weekly
salarics shal? ;e those set forth unaer the sanc~ P~,y Crade and step ir~ tlie
5chedule of Pat Grade~ ns cF,e swject waekl.y raees.
SecCion .1p~ointin~~i:ar~~
;slar}• or ratc or ra: ciia]1 be p:~ia cri.thout the express ziuChorf-
z.aLion of the :.:~~inci~~~ Autn::it_: or at~ othen;ise nay be delegated by him
to the ~ers~::-.~:. I]~roctor~ s~~~~~~~ ta the p~~::ers, auties and rr.spanyibilities
i.~p:.sed an :i~. i; CfIC Citf Gc:...._.1.
Secti~:~ ?,~endnents t:~ iav Y1.1n ~~nd S.heuule of Pav Grades
- ~ .
. A:~-_'_~.~cs tn and ~.~i:ications of this Fuy Ylan~ iacludinF the
5chedule o: :.:~:ades ~ttac?:e: :.ereto~ shall b~~ .zccompli~'t:e~ as s~L forth in
the Personr,~~'_ ::?e.
5ec.::n ~0.1. 1r.e :=~~::ts ta S.~lar~• Schcdulc
~~enJmentf to a.: ~odifi~t~tians of thc 5alary 5chedule shall be
accoaplished ~uthoriza~ion L!~.e ~ppointfn~ ,luthori~y :~nd the f fling vf
s~.e with th~~ : i.~• Clerk.
• Se~[icr. :i. E:ffcctive Late
i'his Fa} Plnn shall ae fi3ed s~ith thr City C1crH on or beforc
June 30, 197I sha11 t~ecoce e: `~acrive as of ,Sune 30, 1971.
~S- '
. . ~ ~
' ~ ~
City of Cuperlin~ .
, Js~iy x, 1971
~'~Grad~ 8te~ 1 SE~~ 1 ; t~P 3 Haxie~um
~ .W...
1 Uhak $ 97 ~~102 $107 $118
~02~T~i 420 442 464 511
Haur 2.425 ~.3:0 2.b75 2.95(1
- 2 W~e]c $ q9 $105 $110 $121
' HONI~i 431 w53 476 525
Hour 2.475 ~.625 2.750 3.(~xS
3 We~k $102 $].07 5112 $1?4
MOSTH 4~r2 464 4n7 537
l~our ~ 2.550 2. G75 2.8l10 3.100
4 Week $.1Q~ 5110 $I15 $127
HO1Td ~•53 476 500 SS1
Hour 2.b25 2.750 2.875 3.175
S iJeek $107 ~112 S117 $12~
M~1i:: ~i64 4$5 509 561
Hour 2.h75 2.600 2.925 3.225
6 ti'ee~: $110 5115 S121 S134
r101;~: 47G SJO 525 579
~~oUr 2.750 2.E7S 3.025 3.350
7 4fe~~. $113 5118 $224 $137
~ 2~;0~:: 4II8 512 538 593
Hour 2.825 2.950 3.100 3.42.5
~ ~~~1 $115 $121 $127 ~1h0
M4i~?h 500 S25 551 t08
• ~lour 2~ 875 3.(1~5 3.175 3. !S00
, 9 Week $118 S1~4 S1~31 $142
NO~IH 513 S~9 566 6:4
Hour 2.g50 3.100 3.27:i 3.550
10 fJeek $121 ~1',~.7 S134 $14i
h,'~IiT~i S~ti 552 580 b39
Hour 3.025 3.175 3.350 3.675
11 Weel: $124 5131 $137 $151
!M)h"tK 53~ Stib 59G 655
H~~ut 3.1(30 3. 275 3.425 ~ 75
. . . . ~
¦ •
~ ~ r
Psy ~~:~a Sc~ 1 Sr~.~~?. Sce~ 3 Muximw.
_ N .
ti 12 k~cuk $~27 $~'3~+ $14G $iS5 ' .
Mt)M'1I SS2 580 l~~~ 57'1
Hou~ ~.175 3.350 3.5W 3.87;
' 13 ile~k $13~. ;137 $l42 y~1S9
; l~ONi"t~ 56b 5$4 624 688
Eiour 3. 215 3.4~: ~.:i5q 3.9?~
. ?4 WRtk ~134 $14~'i $147 $163
' HDI~T~1 580 6a'~ 639 705 -
Hour 3.350 3.5~ 3.b75 4.075 ~
I°? Week S137 ~1.42 $151 $16?
MDNTII 59S 625 656 7a~ ~
Hour 3.425 3.550 3.773 k.175 ~
1~ Week $141 $148 $155 $I71 -
MOKI'~1 61Q fr41. 673 T44 ~
• Hc~ur 3. S?~ 3. 70 3.875 4.215
17 We~k $).44 $151' g 15~ ~ 175
.~i(1NIW ~~25 65~ F89 y~g
Hou~' 3.550 3.775 3.9i5 3.365 ~
la hPCk $ I4$ $135 g i63 $1fi0
:d0.'~T'tH 6G1 673 701 7~9
N~ur 70 3. 875 ~+.075 SO~J w
, 19 Week $152 ~ I59 ~ 167 ~ 1.g4
i~10~'Tti 657 590 725 799
Nour 3.8U0 3.975 4.175 4.6~J0
20 Weeic $155 $ lb3 S 171 S:89
r1Q~Ti~ h73 707 ~42 g~~
~ HAUC 3.~~5 4.075 +.2JS 4.l75
21 week $15'1 ~ ~67 $176 $ 194 ~
HOtrfl~ 690 725 761 II39
~ l~~ar 3.9'~ 4.175 4.G00 G.850
2: Week $163 $ 171 $ 180 $ I48
MONTH 707 742 779 859
Ho+,r 4.475 ~.275 4.50~3 4.g50
' 23 W~ek S lb7 g 176 S 18 i 203
MDNTN 725 761 799 ~ gg~ 1~.-
Nour 4.175 4.4Q0 4.bJ0 5.075
24 ueek $171 $ 160 g 189 $ 208
Y~Uh'7H 743 7E10 3~9 943
Hour 4.275 ~i. S00 h. i 25 5. ?.00
2S 1,'eek $ 176 $ 1t34 $ 194 $ 214
` t70NTti 762 ~00 F40 R2G Ir
` Hour 4.440 4.6UU 4.850 5.350
, i , „