CC Resolution No. 3058 ~ ~1 ~ra~YO~ :~o. aoss A RESC,Lr:iIQ;t UF 1'NE CI~.1' C7L~tJ~;CTL OF THE CL1`Y 0~' CUPER~I.'~ID APPROt ?~s ~ INAL PL_Ald ~'f3~' ItiPROVFMF~;NT UF FRONTAGE ALO.~~G ~ $LA.`~f~i .~~:~Z'E AIdD R~i3~I~ES AVENIJE, AUftiORIZIhG TIiE CITY ~'NCIr'~ SO SIG'N T1I~ FI~1. ~LA,~'V; AND A'Ux'HORIZING EXEC~JTIO~i OF ACRF.~ I~ CAti't7EC"TION THER~.`YIITH ~'.R£~tS, :here haa ~+e~ presenCe3 to the City Council far approval af th~ fina? i?an fQr tha i~rrrveaenc of thQ stree~ fro~.tag~ alang Blaney Avenu~ ~nd i,:~:igues AvEnue ~ C~:pertino ~ilt~are, A Llmited ~'artnership, b~? Jei•oare Y.. N: ite and AssocZ~tcs, Ync. , General Pr~rCner; ~r,d ,'~ere has been ~~~nted to the CtCy Council a~ropased a~reea~nt fc: .he conaCructi~ e: streeta, ~urbs, gutters. side:r~lks. and~ for other iz::..e~ents~ and snd sufficient honds having bet~n pr~-- se~st~d Eor faithfwl perfr.rr.,a~~~ of said woek and the ca~rrp~ng out ~~t said agree~: ::~nd said pla.^, agrEe~ent ~ and bonds havi~g be~ approved by the Citr l:;:rney; KON. ::._:;'r"~TRE~ HF IT ehnt said fin~yl pl~n Eor ;~~e :~rro~e- tuts~t of stre_. :runcage ala:.,~ ~,:~.~v Avenuc nnd RadriEues :~':~::u%, '~e and thc s~n~ is. :•.~:ebr atipprave~ : r~:r: the City t'n~inecr i~a hcr~~ aR~th~sS;,ed to ai~,n sE'_= :_:.al plan; anc: L~ f ti:~~yor and t'.~~ City Clct1: ar~ ~ere~~ ~sul.ho.r- i=~d to cxe: _:a the akjrear,er.: ~rreir? refeYrE~d to in behmlf t..c C:ty af C~pertino. PASS~' r~' .~OPT~U a[ a z~~.:~ar meetin~ the City Cc•.~: ;Si c: thc City of Cc:i~._.::~ chis _l. -~•ia; ~f t~}'r~l , 1971~ , tl:e tollow- ing vote: AXES: C:_-.:lrsen - F~~..__-_ ~t~oli~~t3, iic~~trt, :~.el I~C1E5: Cc:.-.::I~ en - it _ A~SE`~x: C: ~_.::::-en - t~ _ APPFtO~"~:D : ?layur. ~itv of Cupertino ~?rrf.sr: ~xt~ - _ _ .