CC Resolution No. 3055 ~ ~ .e~ar~nzorr r~u. .~055 A ALSYO[.LT'lIUH OF '1'~E C~''3 CDUt~CI~. OF 11i£ CI'r'lf OP G1J!'~1R?IAO • ~5'fI11G A1.I.[~I"..ATit~! DF rDl'ICS FUNDS FROH Th'~ C~i1L.ip'O~tIA ~IC~tl1~` ~~71lIISSICI~' P~L 1~ISTA~.IJ~?TIQN OF TRAFFIC SI[.3ALS A1qf SY~~:x' R~~ZTIl4 l~lY' `i~ I3tT~R.~ECTI4Jli5 4~? SJIBA?~'~i"~.A~ S~q~1~A~ ~D/ID i~.~t ~G~J~ ApD MG CLEL~.1~1V - PA~IZICJI . i~tF14.S, th~ere i~ i~t t.l~rs wrbaa ax+e~ (hureinafter c+Rl.led "City") of th~ Gi~? of Cuge~tino, as d~f~aie~ ~r the 196~ F~dera2 ce~~us xith~a tha juri~- iictican of the Cocnty of ~~ta C].xr~? theteinafter call+ed '"~awa~::p"), a latg~ ~wl.us~e of vrehicular traff~c a~i the Lntexancticros of Saratag~~~u~r?c~yv~,!e Read +r~th Rodriguea and 2icClexl.~wae-~'acffic~ (hernin~fter c~ll~d "~ro,~act I.acation") ~r!?ich ha~ betn ateodily i~screaa~tag at u rapid r~te causing pYOblen~ with x+w~pect to high~sy cspscit~ s~ad s~afety, specifically i~, tha~ foiva af Crof~fic cvct~trtion and tra~ffic d~eLag?; aand W'H~1tEA5. in the iat~r~s t oF publ! c hsalth, snfety amd vtlfare ~ by rauons stated abo~~. ~c is ~sscnsial ttzac art ieaprovement praject ~l~erreinaft~r c~lled '7~ra~ect") at the t~a~d P~,~tct L~ecation in the form of the 1~stallation af traffic si~,al~ and a~reet restriFing to facilicate a~ove~at a~d inrraase the ~atety of ~wehicu~ar as~d F•ed~eazri~.n tr~f~ic b+e accornpli~zhed as $oo~ a~ pos~aibl~; ~d 1 W!S£IIF.~IS, the Courity ~~t~ Clarn Bo~r~ Af Superviuors (hrreinaft~er called "6eard") hAa be~eA -~~si~,r.-~ated n~ the Area-Wide TOPICS Proqram coordi- aating agent; and Id~IEREAS, Raard has s~..~-~:ceu an applicntion f~r Federa2 ?OPICS funds f~r a~aiotsnce fn the prep~ra_i~ a~ an Are~-c.•tde TU~IC5 Pl~n aad Scu~iy Report Ehereinafter ;alled "Sta~; aad there is reuson~ble certainty co b~lic•ve thr+t the 5tud~ L~ II be aut4ior{ ze~ ~y the ~ederul gevernment and cr~Wpleted atthtn ~n 1Q~-awnth ~cria~; und WNERE.IS, the Elaard h:s scw~i~~ed a propased "centAtive"pri~+ary Type YI S~rstem to tha 5cate ,vnd Frd~ersl governments far ~+pprava~.; and 1~MERE,.~S, Cit}~ has re~c~r.~le certainty to believe that th~.s project will b~ o~e of tha top priortt. pzojects to be included in the ,~rea-~.ride TOPICS Plan to b~ preoa~red; an~' ~ WtiERF.~IS. che said P~~;ect Locat±an is within the jurisdiction af Ci.ty a~d stid Pro,~e~t Location is :nclc~.ded u» port.'.ons of City streets vhic.h ar~ in- rluded cn t~e ex~sting re~era?.-AiL '~~candarr S~stem (FAS) uithin the arcn~ :in~i Federal-Aid funds, uChtr :z~a 1''C~f'IC5 Eunus, nr~ rot ~vaila~ale to camplete thi~ pro~~ct and in the opinia-a nf Cftp the said Project woulci q~lalify fur ~ederal TAPICS f~~nds; .utd i~MLR~'.AS, City desir~s to file vith Che H:[gh~+uy Comc~ission of the State of Giliforttia ~ucsu3nt to s~'~ctioxi I. Chapter 6(con~neneing vith Section 2~00), Divisior~ 3 of the Streecs a~xd Ei~hways Code (relsting to the fin~nci~g ~f TOAICS t'xo~ects) a r~yuest for ~i alloc~tion af funds to construct said Projec't~ , . ~ . . , ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ouw, n~~~, aE iz ~~r ~x cz~ry As ~z.c.a~: t~ 1. ~hat Cfrr ds+c~ ~:~rr~lry ~qwre~t tt~~ C~:ifarnia A:lpth~+ar~? l:~zis,~icra to ~.3.,~carte suffic~ieat fe~nd~ p~nwrr~t to 5erltion 1, Ch~pte~r 6(taae~~nci~ with ~tt,iRxa 23+Q0), ~i.viaian 3 c?~ L~re Streets,,and Highvays Cc~d~ fvg z'be rm~~ect ~t d~ Pro,~ect I~a+_atioa; Cit~ iN~ee~r furtreer requeet ehe C,a~ais~iar~ t~ tlloca~t~ ~a~t t~rre fiscat ~ear 197'0-71 t.~+e ~ af $45,531 Enr Gi~r; a "rb+~c Cicy agrres that x!: xresp~ictive apprapria~e bvd~t ac~mn~tt+~ ~ ~~.1 zef~+~:^; t:ar follaorixs~ rowt~ribut~~~a~ to aaid Pxo,~a~~s ~ Fia~cal T~ear 19T~?-~1l/71: Citv S33 ~9~6~; 3. That Gicp has ra~a~irme~cc3 the eff~ct of the propasQd fi~aci~s i7i-3~.~ ~edcra.l :uz~da, 28.69Z Iccal .~gcncy funds) ia relatic~ x~ a~portio~- ' a~aa~t af ~`ederaZ £t?PICS f~mdac v3rhir~ ?:be 5~ate of Californi~e; . 4. ~at Ci.p sh+~ll acyu~ir~e sti~'ificitnt righta of we~r~ if ~qair~cd. to awr~~r~e coroplet2:n of all ata~es af the uZtimaee facility or th~t the nr~ao~e~- ~+~,s7~ riQ,htR af ~.ay will be a~qs~srr~ or sstiaf~ectarilr prat~eted befor~e ada~sr- zisa~n~tnt o$ the C ro~ect fpz bids; a~d S. '~'hat :tate Diviaton ef ~lgtnwrtys chall be the le~ral ~c~3nit?trt:iwe . a~t for the :~?ICS t'roj~ct ac~ all funds fer the ccmr~tructiaa a~ s~is~ Pro,~ecL st,a33 be acc~u:atrd aad :•ele~~~raw thYOU~,h 5cate Utvisiu~t of 13i~raYs. PASS~A A:« ~PTBD s~ a reT~n3ar zoreting o.' th~~ Cit}r Cou¢ic11 af the ~City r:f Gcs~+ertino c: the 1'3tt?t da~ n~ r11 , 197X. by the fo2laving vote: ATE~: Cau~cir~ea ~ F'i~: _ :-'rcliel:, .;c•cert, ...:rar:~:~, ~ 2+U~S: Cuunci:~a+~a - Nc.S:e Ir~,~~+.'T: Got:ici:~an - Nur;e AP1'ROVED: ~ ~``'~c~ !Sayor, C ty ot Cuperti~+ ~ JI.~?L..'S"T: .---~y 4 :.~t~- . ~ir? cle ~y _ ~