CC Resolution No. 3050 ~ ~ , r.~so~.L:ga:; :~o. soso 4~t~St ::'I~\ OF TH~ CITT COUtiCTL OF TH~ CITY Ar CUF'FRTI`~G SUPPOz~i,.~.:G TIi.~ ClJ]?£RTL`w0 isZ~ION SCH04L DISTRII:T TAX ELECTIO:+ :l~,T 25, 1971 WfiERE.~s, zhe Gupe~ti~v ~s~i.an Schaol bistrict oper~te~ Pighteen ai.c.hool~t ~r3.L~ia the ci.ty li.~~t~ of Cuperrino; and , 1~kiERE~1.5, the Cup~~tiaa Ua~iea Schoo7. Discrict is ho].d~ng s~s~ election an 2~L~y 25t lg7}, to maluCai.a tt~ pr:~eat gesaEral purposa tux of 5~.9$; and ~1F~tF,~'~S, failure Co paiss thia at1~cC;inb Wauld c~uaa ~uch gerser~l purpose ~ax roCe ~d revert to $1.35, resulting in a fiva mil.lioa dollar (25X) loss ~s~ tlhe dic:rict'~ operatia~ be~dse.; and NH~~A5. such r~eductiors ~a1d virtually b~nktupt tha ~:.~ao~ a~strict; ~ WHEA~~lS, CupQrCina Uniaz~ S~c~-.ool District ha~t a saund r~cosd of ~r~ain- ~.~ining a s,raa~ educational. pro~ram at a resonable coat to zhp taxpaye~b; ~ :d ~ WtiER~~.S. :ailure of this i~sue could ha~~a a urious Offecc oa VAJ.UC5 ~:.d patentixi ra~al~ opport~:sias witbin rhe City, `OW, F~6R~, ~E I'T ~E.,~LYED, Chat :h~e City Couct~il o: C: ~y of ~u~erzino ~:sas active nrsd ~asi~ive ~upport ~i th• Cupaxtin~ L::.ic.-. School :,iszricc :a~ ~lection~ M~y 25. i971.. I'AS5~ ADOI'TEA ~t a rs~ular meetin~ of th~ City Cou.:ci: of thu CiCy ~ i CupQrt:~: t::is 5th day o: April _ 197I., hy : ~:.Ioa~in~ ~;~:e: ~Y :S: C:.:: ci.cza - Fitzg~:s,:.d~ Frolich, Gr~een. Stokes ::~:.S: ~.,.:c:l~,an 1~ona ~.3SE:~'T: ~::.:.:i,Wen - \oel A.PYi.O~'EU: . ; ;:a}or~ C y of Cuper~.r.c t ::~:sx: ~ j ~ ~ ~ G==Y er?c g ~ i . ~ ~ . ~