CC Resolution No. 3048 ~ ~ ~ R~:SOLUTIOTi NO. ~048 A RF.SOU1~,'id`I OF TtiE CI'TY COU~?iCIL Qt 'i'~iF CT.TY OF CUPCRTIIr'a AlfTi~i~RIZING TlI~ MAYQR A~ TFi~ CITY CLERK 'PO F.XECUT#: AN ~ A~GR~;;FMF~T BL•'TW~:EN 1IIE CITY flF CUP~R~'I;~O AND TFI~ CI~'X QP SA.y J4SE F'C?R TliE ^~ONSTltUCTIbN aF IMPROVFF.~!!`:NTS 0?i A PORTIpN OP" ROLY.YtiCE6t ROAD . HtlERP1?~, ti~e CiCy o~ San Jas~ !s proposin,q to con~truct sCr; e~C ~ ia~prov~ents eu Bollinger itnad b~twren Sarato~x--5unnyvgYc Rpad acyd Jahnson Avc:~'~e; anc! Wti~xF.AS, a poztion ot I3olliizge~ }tc~nd ie vithin the corpbr,3te Iimite of the City of Guperttno, whic}~ ~,c~rtios~ is more partlcularly deecribed im m~ dgret+rn~ent; ~nd W}l~R~1S~ Cupersino is d~uirous af t~.aving ,~~id portivn of ~3otlinger • ii,aad Within th~ cor}~orate lfr~its ~f Cupastirio inpraved ~r th~ snu~e Cime as the be~.atue of the ysra,~ect ~;~th3n the cnrporate limi~s of S~n Jose is i:aprt,ve~; arui I~tIFRF.r1S, thnrc t~as been prrsenCed ta [he Ciry Cc~uncil nn nf;rcer.rent by arad t>etwcen [he Gity nf Cupcrcin~ n;ic9 the C,ity of Snn Jose for thC im,oravc:c~~nt c~i Eiollin~et I:~.~~t. and th~ pcnvi?;i~ing rin:! conditious thcrein havin~; bc~.~n .tppro: ~~l by the I~irf:ctar of 1'ubiic k'ot•l:h and t1:e City Att~rnriy': - N(1tJ~ T1l~RE~i)RE, ftF: I~' RF:SqI.~'E:.l. i.hst thc !•i~tyar nnd the City Clcrk - ~re herehy nd?tiz~rr ix~~f c~ e~;e~~t~ce the ;~brcc~^~cnc her~~in referrcd Co it~ behalC of Lh~c C,ity cC CuFc rt ina. - PASSI:L~ A.`=.~ .~Y)~PTEU at a rrgular neetin~; r~f the i;ity Cuuncll af thc: City af Cupc~: ~ i rt~~ CLir ~tii~,_. dny of __A~~r`i 1^. 1971, by the folinWit~g ~ vOCC: A1tE5: council~.:n -~'~L..t;er~l~~, Frolict:, Qreen, atuke:3 IvOkS: Councilr,en - :~ar~e AOSEN'~: Counciln;~n - tyael ~ ~rtzav : ' n _ - I, ~j~ 1` . ~ ~ _ . L~' .C.~ . r _ ?ln~ar~ Ci bf 'up~rtino AT~ F:ST: . „J . c~~...,-- Citv~ Clcr!