CC Resolution No. 3046 ~ ~ ~ r i D~:SCfLUTl~dN N0. 3(~46 A~ES'.}LUTYO2J OF THE CxTY CtH1NCIL OF TNE CIT1' OF CUP~ATItiQ APPRQVINC FxNAL HAI' QF T~i+~CT N0. 4824, WJ:5'IRYDGP VILL4GE ~ 'IJII~~ 2; ACCE!'TING CERPAI~1 DRIVES, PLACFS, l4V~NULS AND - ~OMS; AlJTtiO~IIZIPit~ 7'H~ CYTY EtiCYNEER ANU TK~ CITY CL~RIC TO STCH TH8 P~I+TAL HAP; AND AUTHORIZING 'I'I~E AGAE~.^tF.NT IM COM~IEC'rIQN TH~:Rh'WITH . . Wli~R.FJIS~ theYe has been presenCed to ths City Cc~ur?c31 for approvAl and f~r suChorixatian ra recard m final map of Tract No. !~824, Nestxidge Yills~c Unik 2, ~hoving c+ertain avenues, drives, plat~e, and roads, by St?~pell Indu~tries of, i~a: thern California, Inc. ; anci 'WliERFAS, Chere has been presenCed ta the City Countil a proposr_d ~grcewent for the constn~c~ian of streets, curbs and guttera~ and for ather improvrmenxa, +and gaod and sufficicnt bonds having been presented for the faithful perE~yxmance of s~id w~ork and the cartying out of said agrecr~~nt; and e~ai3 mup, agreement ~ and bnncis having been appro„~..d by the ` City Attorncy; NOW~ T11F.fiE~'URE, SF. IT REaOi.VFD thn[ snicl final c~ap of Tract Ab. 4$2l~, WestridgE ~'ill~ge Uc~it 2, be and ti~e same is, herehy, r~pproved; rind khe Lvenues~ drivc~~ places, and roads shown therc~n be :~nd the sa~c are hereby accepteJ; and ttie City Fnginecr and the Ciey Clcrk are her~by Auchorized to sign said final nap; and the ~Iayor and thc City Clerk are }iereby author:t~~d to ex~cute the agrcement herein referr~d to in beh~lf af t'~~ City of Cupertino. PASSF.D Ah'D ADQPT£D at a regular me~ting of che CiCy Gouncil of Che Cii~ of Gupertino this ~',th, day of A~ l`i1 1971 ~ by the followin~ vate: . AY~:S: Councilaren - ritzget~~ld, rro:tiet~, (3reen, Sr.oke~ NQ~S : Counc ila~en - tloc~e AHSE:NT: Cour~cilcr,en - t~qel APFROVF:D: . f „ - - Ma!~ r, Ci of Cu .rtfno ATTEST: . City Clerk . .~w . . , . .