CC Resolution No. 3045 ; ~ ~ ~Sp1.U1"ION N0. aU45 - A R~SOLl1'~'ION n~ THE ~Il'Y COIJHCI~ 0~' TH~ CITY OF' CUP~RTII+(0 AtpltiWli~G ~INAL PLJ1N FOR THE II~~UVkMENT OP FRt1NTAGF. A~I.Ot~iG T(lE :~~RTH SID~ OP HC CLI~t~dIN Rp~1D A1' A11B8 RQAA; AV!'iIORIZIN~G TNF CITY ENCIN~ER ?0 SICN TFIE FII~iAI. PI.AN; AND AU'rHORIZIriC I~JCFCVf'~ON 0~' AGA~~}iENT IN CONKECTION TM~ITH WFiBRFAS~ there haa becn presentel to the City Council far ~pproval ~f the fir.al pl~n for the improverosnt of the atreet frontag~ ~I.ong th~ ~,rth side uf McClellan Raad at ldubb iLoad by M~ea~uTrx Corpar~ticn; and 1~HQtF.~1S~ there ha~ been preaent~d to the City Council a prapased ~ag:eeraent for the construcl;ion af streets, curbs, gutters~ sidewalka, and far ather improve~nents. and $oo~ ~nd 8~~fficient t,~nds having bcen pre~c~nted for the fa3thEu1 pcrformance af said woxk and the carrying out nf said rigreem~nt; nnd eaid ~l~n, agreement~ and bonds iuaving be~n ~pprov~d b~ t1~e City Attorney; ` h0~.`, Tt1~R~fOR£, pF. YT R~SOLVED ~hat srrid final p1An for k}ie ic~prove- ment of strcet fx~ntase ~lon~ the north side of !tcClellun Ttoad ut Aubb Road. be and the satne is, hereby, npproved; ancl thc Cit~• F:ngineer is hereby au[liorized eo ~Ig~~ sald Cint~l piun; nnd r~e l~tuyor and the cicy~ Clerk nre hereb} autRiQrized ta execute the ~gree~nent hecein re£crred to in br!~nlf of the City of Cupertino. PASSED A;1D ADOPTfU At a regult~r u~eetSng of the Ci¢y Council af thc: City of CugcrCfno thi~ 5~t~. day n~ n~ril ~~971 ~ by [he folloaing vote: ~ AYF.5: Co:,ncilmen - ~~.~z~~rs.~ld, Frolieh, (3reen, Stoke~ KOES: Councilmen - None ABS~YT: Councilmen - Noe1 APPFi~VED: / Mayor~ Ci o pertino AT'~'EST: ~ ~ . City Ciexk