CC Resolution No. 3037 ? ~ - ~ ~ y ,~:.SOU-~~o~; r;o. 3Q3? RfSi.~(.~.7I.~,~ OF TH~ CITY ir~:~3C2L bF Ti1F: C1~'1~ OF CUT~FR'fYtin /b!'P'n ~~?'~'I*~G L~AViU Il~ R~l~.`~.5~ ,IL~ CITY ATTOR`~', T~1Y,E~~:CF. Tf:RRl' .1S 11L7~SISTAI~'T ~ITY ATTOR;~~i ; A.\'D J~~21~' T. BA].L ,A.S b~;b°1T1"i CITY ATTnRNe.Y, D~S :N'~T~cZNG ~'tC~Y$ I7IC'TT~~ ~ AND PRO~'Iblb~iG FC~R TH~TR G~I:~S~TIOy ; T'~: CI'T'Y CUU!~CII. OF TH~: ~IY'Y' d~ C9i.rtER1';cIVO RF~OT.~'E5 ~1S ~OL'I.CYri'~ : S~;ction l: Appcintaaent of ~rvid fi. Adams: . Davfd H. ~da:~s i~ hPreb~? appainted City Attorncy. Ci~y of Cupertino, , r.c~ity of Sanc3 ~lara~ State of Cs~lifornia. Section butiee of Tiavid Adame: His Zuties saall consist of the following: a. ,~3~inistrative Dut~~s: ~ 1. Ne shall att~~ all reEular an:i special meetin~s af the Cic~ C.:-~ncil and the Cit}~ Pl~nning , Co~mission. ~'~s dutics in this cannection sha21 be to ren~e: a~rice and apir.ians wit~~ respeCt to ~11 le~~l -r.~tters wiiich ,:.a~• arise durin~ ant ~ such meetin~, ~xcepr infi, hoz:et•°r, Ie~al nat ~ers which may ~r: ~in ta speci.ll assessrent or ot~.er proceedin~a ::~~:ein le~~~. ser~~ices are to Le prov{deJ ' t.~y specia~ cc~~--~se1. 2. He 6ha11 a~so ~ztend mcetings oi other boards, comrnissiors ~ta_ co~itrces of thc City~ when requested ta sa by the CitS• C~unr.il c,r the • City Ma~na~,e:, ~st vhich tine he shall render , similar lcgal ~dvice and apinions. 3. He sha~.l prer,~. e resolutians, noticcs, contracts. ordiriances, ar.~: ~ther docun~nts and papers necessary, ° or approoriat~,. in :aa~ters pert~ining to ttie City~ ~rhen requ~ste~ to do so by the Cit}~. ltc shall 31so exurn3ne far Z~ryal sufficiency a~l dor.uments submitted to htm by ~,tl~e :'ity. A. }le r~tiall pr~.~ri~e the riecessary legal services requ~red i~, cc~a~ction with acquisitian of lands or easements. Y;if.~~~ shall constitute an adretnistrt~tive duty u~+ to rh~ ~+c~int h~ is directed ta co~.aenc~ eminent darsaic~ proceeding, at r.•hich paint it ahall becom~ a l~t~i~.ation s~rvice. S. Ne etwll cac~p~e:~tc With, r~nd asstsc, thc City~ its ofEicers, ~ez.cs and ~nployees~ ~n all ger.e~al ~.e~al ~ . r+att~rr p~rt~i~itr~~ to r,fie City. Nowovar ~ t~e shall . . , N ~ ~ •1 ~ ~ ~ ~ oot•? pr~~'ri~e .~~1 adv:tc~~+ to the staf~ when autharis~! t~r do ~a ty Gbe City C~un~il or ~he C.ity 1~l~a~?~str. 6. :1~ al~al.l also p~rfan, s~uct. ot2~x la~~al +~ecvic~s ~'or ~he C:lt~ as ~ be resqu~,strd by the Ci.ty Gatu~:il, ~ b. titigatiou D~~tit~st 1. H: sh~ll. re~d~cx the r~~ces~ary Itgal rervice• requirad in coaa~c~`i~n r~rith thx con,duct of c~iaent do~asi~c~ procs+edin~~~ a~s~ other litigativn ta which the C4t1% snay be at pact~. ~ 2. H~: shall represent Che Ci.ty in a11 legal proceedinas, whether civil ar criminal~ reQuir~d in the enfnrr.dNCnt of Ch~ C~.ty'e ordt~tr?ceo. 5ection 3: Appaintment of La~arence F. Ter~y: ~ Lat~rence F. Terry is herebp appnin"~d AssistanC City Atterney. S~ction 4: lluties of Lar~rre~ce F. Tcrry: Lacn ence F. Terry shall assist tl~z Ci.ty Attorney in the perEormnnce of his dutie5, as hereinabove set forth. He shul.l uct in the place of the Ci.ty . ~ttoraey~ in his absence, or by re.-son of his inability to act, for any caur~e. ~ection S: ~lpprsintn~enC of Joha T. Ball: John T. Uall is tter~by appointed Depu~y Cit:y Attorney. Section 6: I)utics af ~ohn T. Ball: John T. Ball shall ussist the City Attorne,y in the perf~rnanc~~ oE hiy ?utia..s, as hereinabove set forth. He shall act ict tlie placc of thF~ City htCcr:iey und tt•.e ~lssisCant City Attorney, i.n Cheir .zbsence, or by reason t:.~~ir inabi~ ity Co nct, E~r any ~~usc~. ~ection 7: Compensat~on: a. Adnl.nistrative: Tl~e City Attorney s5a11 reGeivc n montiity ret~iner ftcom tt~c L'ity for the perfaresance of his ~dminisCr.ltive services~ und for the udministraeive services of the AssiytnriL• t;3ty ~lttorney~ thc: 1)eputv City Attorn~!y, and ethe~r membcrs uf the law Eir~i of the City At[urncy~ in the su~ of Fiftcen Hundred bol).ar¢ lS1,S~U). To tiic exCent th~c the cvllectlvc timc af t1;r. ~ity Attorney~ the Assist.~nt i:ity Atto.-nep, [he 1)eputy City AtC~rnc:y~ .~n~S othcr m~2~nbex~ of the l~u firm ot the City Attornr.y~ for thc perf~rmancc~ of ndm~uisstrative s~srvice~, c~xCceds fort}~ (40) hour~ in r~ny onc: month~ the Cit~ Attor:tay aYi~ll be erititled to :ce~eive c~Jditi.onnt compens~s[tun frum the C[cy at che rate of larty Ylwllaare ($~iO.Oq) pen c~~ur. _ . . . . ~ , , ~ , ~ , i~ b. 'Liti~;aGion: , a Z?ie Cit;~ .~ttorncy shu,ll receivc~ u6 canp~nsatSQn for tt~e ~''s' p~rform~~ncQ of his ii.ci~~.cso~ servfcc~~ and for the lit~igstian ' service~ oE th~ Assirrtanr. City Attorn~~y, the 1)eputy Cixy ACtor.ney, r~' ~r~d other ,be~?bers of ~he tAw fir~u of tl~e City Atturn~y, the acac~unte pra~tid~d b~ thc ~~ninirn;~n fea acti~dulc af tlye Santg ~ Clara County Bar M~ocia~ian~ ~rith an hourly rate of Forty flollara ~ . (S40.40) nnJ a;~er dium rate af Two Hu~ied Fifty I~llr~rs ($250.00). c. CaapensaCion t~f Assistc+nt City AttorneV snd Deputy Gity Attorn~y: The Assiest~at C.tty Attorney, tlie Ucputy Gity Attorney~ and uther m~mbcrs of tt.c ~av firm of che City Att~srney~ ~shall laok a~lely to the City Attornuy for compensalion f'or their services. Sectian 8: Costs: ~ The City Attc~rc~ty vha21 be entitlcd Co be reimbursed by , the City fur all cos[s advanccd by him, Kuch as ~o~art cost~, filing fees. gervicc af process fces, rcparrers' £~es, jurors' fees~ vitness f~es, im•estigators' fe~s, npprnisers' feea. cost of ph~s.ograptis anci rharts ne~ded ii~ connectfon with litjfiatIon~ and the like. He ~hall nlso be rei:-bursed far all lauq distance telcphonc cal:s wadc. r,o points o~rtsidr o: Snn[.~ Clara Connt~•. I!r shall also be reiaburscd tor all tt•avel. ncals. .7nd ladc~inF evpcnses incutr4d by hi:~, thc l.ssi~tanc City attarn~y} the Uc:puty City Attarncy~ ond ~~r other n~mbcrs of the l~~u fir:: ut thc (;ity Att~~rney, When on b~:siness oui~i~i~ the County of S.~nt~ Clara for ti~e l:it~r~ in r?rcordance ~rith th~~ ~:+r.~~ rei;~burse:~ent scneciule r~rovidcrcl for other esfficers of the Citv. Sectiun 9: OverhQad: Except as taerpin ot.herwise crpres~:y provided~ the City 11Ctarney shall pay for hi~ oL-n :?venc~ad ~.rtnd Ctrt.t af the ,lssist.lnt (:ity ~`,[cox:.=.• ttie Ucputy Giiy Attarn~y, and ather ne:..bers of che ~sw firn of t1?e City Aetorney. incurred ;~t his off{ce. 1~?cuted in the (;or.,-~unitv F3~ink Build~ng, San Joset Culitarnia, tncludin~, but nut li.:,ited co~ rent, tclepliune, secrctarlal, beokkcrpin~* re~eptiatt, p~st~~,e, stationcr~, offiee l~upplies, inburonce. iihr:~ry, coppint„ t~~:c~es and li~:ense~. heverthelc~s, ttie City sh~11 su~~ply thr Cicy ~.ttc~rnev ~ith "City af ~ Cupertino" lecterhead stationery ancf enveluF,es. cu~stor,:~ry s~~cre[~,ri:~I and cleric~l help pruvici~.~d bv r.~c:,hers c~f thr Citvs' stnfE in the City liall, ond shall ala~o pay for all costs incucr~d in cannection ~!t'~ as3lntnining th~ specisl rsunicipal law '1l.brary hnoks ovned b~ the t:ity vhich are on ZO~G 'LP Cha City Attorne~. Section 10: Conf~~ence~r: ?he City A~tocney and tt~c Assi~tant City Atcorne~y ah~l~ be enti[1c~i to attend conf~rences of the ~,ea~ue of California ri[ifA, ~ a~ other lika coaferrnce~ and eaeetin~m, in tt~eir official cap+icities. Thar shrll be antitled 2o ba reir~bursed for regiscration. _3_ ~ ~ . . . . ~ ,.w~„~r,q,. . I ! ~ ~ ~1 travel, ~~1~ ~.nd 1od~ir~ e~cpene~s in accordance v~•.t~ t~a~e ~ase reidbursement sclr~dul~ ~ruwi.d~cl for okher ofEic;~rm ~f t:~e City attendicfg siMilar caqn~~re~r:~s ar~! :.aetings. In cc.~ae:~~toet , vith attet~~anc~ st ~'h car~f~ercace~ eY ~a~eYings, the tiwe rp+cnt by tlt~ City Attort~e~ s~ad br tha Ass4~tsqC City ~?Ctor~r ia ° traveliag to~ ~r a~te:rdi~, such confer~naea and ueetie~s, ~ahall aot b~ chargecl a~iase ~he City in ccxnputing th~ hour~ spaat each raonth in cuna~cti~i tirith the perforesance of administrattan ~ d~.,ties~ unlese ttaa~ are r~queated by Che City Cauruil to ~tttec~d ~uch confarences~ or acetirt~~r. S~ction 11: Itecords, Kvr~thiy States~ents r~nd Audit: 1'h~ ~ity Attouney ahall mainta~n careEul and accurate rr.cords in his office o~ all t:ine spsnt by hia~, the Acsistant City Attorney~ ; ttie Deputy City Att:araey~ and b~ okher merab4rs ~f Che la~r firm of the City Attorney t[o the cJ.osest 1/lOth of an hour)~ and of all reimburseable co~rts advar~ced by his ofEice, in ~onir.ection ~ith the City'3 buuin~e~. ~e shall render at lea~t manthly state~cr.ts to the City for Che perfarmance of all ndministrutive and litig~tion services show±c~g ti~e services per.iormeJ, the hours spent, the ~ CJ5L5 advanced, and the amount 1~e is entitled to receive fror>> the City fur the period in question. If approved, the sum sho~m to be due b~• his staternent sYu~1:. be paid to the City Attorney ~ b;~ c City crithin thirty (30~ days ~fter sai~1 approval. Ropks of a~. aunt nnci the time recorcis ci the City Attorney~ ehe I?ssistant City A~torney, c?nd ather r.~bers of tl~c. law Eirm vf the City Att~rney. ' pertsiiiing to Uusir.es~ cranss~cL4~I ior tiie Cit.y. si?aiI ~a opeci ta ~ ac:ic by tha City n~dttor~ upon ~t•ior reque:st ~f th~: ~ity Council. PASSh:D A\D ApOPT~:D at a resular meetin3 uf rnc r,ity Co~lncil a~ the CitJ of Cup~~rtin~ the ~~hda3 of ldarch ~971. ~:~E5: Council;.~en: ~'it2~~r2Za, Frol ir,h, Green, N~el, :~iC£.'3 '~~r5: COUt1C~lAW1: Ncne i~Cr~;~; Ceuric:l~en: None :~PPIZO}/~"~~. /J ( /1 ~ ~ ~ ~ "S.syor, i:i~ o Cupr_rcino / ~ r ~rrESr: . ~t.~c..--- ~ ~y r.la ~ ~