CC Resolution No. 3029 RESOLUTION 3029 " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALIAWING CERTAIN CLAIMS A1~ID DEMAI~IDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOIJ1~PrS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS I~REINAFTER DESCRIBID FOR SALARIES AND WAGES FOR THE PAYROLL PERIOD EDIDING F~RUARY 23, 1971e WHEREAS~ the City Clerk or his designated representative has certified to the accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment there- of, and WHEREAS, the said claims and dema.nds have been audited as required by law and approved by the City Manager: NOW~ TI~REFORE~ BE IT RESOLVID that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands 3.n the amounts and from the flands as hereinafter set forth. ~1ARRANT GROSS AMOUNr EMPIAYEE N0. AI~UNT PAID GENEFiAL FUND Robert W, Quinlan 10833 $ 884.62 $ 6~+2.8~+ Betty Dorris 1083~+ 350.00 271.60 Jim sisk 10835 662.00 456.4~+ Adde Laurin 10836 544.00 371.54 Ellen Nimmons 10837 318.00 223•~+5 Mimi slater 10838 386.00 295•96 Maxgaret Crissman 10839 260.00 193.66 Robert Cowan 108~+0 350.00 263.55 James Sheppaxd 10841 318.00 2~+~+.08 Florence Reid 10842 33~+.00 2~+3.56 wm. E. Ryder 10843 704.00 ~+7o.g1 Dolores Hasbst 1084~+ 368.00 238.3~+ DorotY~y Schmid 10845 27~+.00 191.71 1Kichael Davis 10846 334.00 2~+8.44 Marsha Gauci 108~+7 248.00 130.57 Caxol Bestul 108~+8 224.00 156.~+0 nonna will.iams l0&49 236.00 177.43 Gladys McHugh 10850 368.00 270.37 Jean Sim 10851 236.00 157.74 Ellen Pagnini 10852 224.00 163.31 Dolores White 10853 288.00 218.8g Lee Yarborough 10854 704.00 ~+1~+.78 Rand.all Fitzgerald 10855 448.00 328.~+7 Bert Viskovich 10856 ~+70.00 328.85 David Ichord 10857 386.00 272.76 Sum3lso Martin 10858 318.00 237.42 James Roof 10859 368.00 238.64 Joe Akers 10860 ~+~+8.00 263.~+1 Jorge Enderle 10861 33~+.00 241.48 Steve Sano 10862 318.00 245.99 Philip M~ytorena. 10863 334.00 255•29 Carol Sontag 10864 2~+8.00 186.78 William Benevich 10865 600.00 371.07 Jo~ Busto 10866 494.00 304.72 Edward MurpY~y 10867 ~+70.00 355.38 xeidi 1Hurakami 10868 318.00 222.78 John Turchan 10869 368.00 278.24 Jam.es West 10870 426.00 3~3.63 -1- r~~ r~oss aMOV~r EMPIAYEE • N0. AMOUNT PAID ' Harold Belke 10871 334.Oa 259.02 sob Dockins 10872 1+94.00 382.~+9 Ken McKee 10873 350.40 265.~+6 Ted Young 10874 27~+.00 223.04 Fred Cler 10875 274.00 209.79 Jerry Boffilo ~ 10876 470.00 347.2~+ Thomas Stephens 10877 368,00 234.~+2 Ambrose Brisco 10878 318.00 217.52 Ferdina,nd Santoni 10879 302.00 214.21 Bill 0'Brien 10880 33~+.00 273•57 Fred Subega 10881 302.00 238.42 r~oya womack io882 260.00 200.79 Peter Taormino 10883 260.00 207.55 Albert Tabaxes 10884 260.00 217.90 Frank Ortiz 10885 368.00 27~.09 Anthor~y Castro 10886 260.00 184.21 Manuel Reyna 10887 260.00 169.50 Dennis Bellman 10888 260.00 203•~+5 Antonio Maldonado 10889 260.00 204.87 James xuszai io89o 318.00 231.33 Jose Reyna 1o8g1 280.00 185.61 Marsha]1 Reeves 108g2 260.Q0 171.50 Joseph 1Koore 10893 260.00 188.38 Howard Kupfer 10894 368.00 287.87 Carol Bartunek 10895 350.00 258.84 Donna Belke 10896 274.00 199.16 ann cur~y 10897 334.00 238.39 Thomas Stephens 10898 ~+0.00 37.92 Ambrose Brisco 10899 40.00 37.g2 Ken McKee 10900 10.00 g.48 Ted Young lOgol 21.72 20.59 Fred Cler 109~ 38•57 36.56 Pauline Rudolph 10903 92.63 74.71 Shirley Oeser 1Og04 107.00 80.94 Effie Stobie 10905 222.60 181.22 Mark Caughey 10906 77.50 67.37 Nancy Scaxborough 10907 160.65 135.40 David Whitelaw 1Og08 112.00 102.98 Marie Gatto 10909 72.40 63.66 Gary Stokes 10910 150.00 11~+.31 Clyde Noel 10911 150.00 122.11 Jerry Fitz~erald 10912 150.00 122.11 Donald Frolich 10913 150.00 142.20 Raymond Green 1091~+ 150.00 150.00 r~ary sparks io915 150.00 137.~+0 Sister Maxia Griego 10916 150.00 127.70 Joanne Hussey 10917 210.00 166.88 cliff wi]liams 10918 123.20 102.89 Bob Wilson 10919 85.00 74.28 Donald C. Mor~an 1Og20 67.20 59.81 Jean Tanquaxy 10921 63.00 56.52 Donald Del Pilar 10922 93.60 84.63 Elizabeth Spivey 10923 33.60 31.85 Marsha Carpe 1092~+ 67.20 63.51 Terence McGonigal 1Og25 61.60 55.5~ Joseph Porcaro 10926 120.00 99.86 -2- Tr~AR~tANT GROSS AMOIJ1~Fr ~EMPLOYEE N0. ~AN~JUl~ ~ PAID + '~1ill.iasn R. sp~,rks 10927 1~+2.50 122.1g Marilyn Nations 10928 46.20 42.90 Carolyn Davis 10929 19.80 ~8.77 Dan McCash ~0930 70.4~0 62.44 ~ Best 10931 57.20 51•93 Ulilfred Willie~ns Jr. 10932 56•70 53.75 susan xupack 10933 64.80 61.~+3 Johnr~}r Lorigo 10934 125.~0 104.18 xi.m smith 10935 20.~0 19.34 Mark Lieb 10936 37.80 35•83 Richaxd Jones 10937 76.80 67.21 r~a,ii cn~vPs~r ~0938 67.20 63.5~. Kathleen Chowning 10939 9a•3o 81.90 William McCrone 10940 113.~0 95.~+0 Mike Webb 10}41 123.20 107.79 l~ilip Daxnall 1Oq42 36.80 34.89 Rene Nn~nsch 10943 30.00 28.44 William Meyer 10~+~+ 77.00 71.~0 ~27 63 .5 $20,422.71 CERTIFIID : APPROVID : ~ , G~/ _ l~~` C t Clerk City M~,aa~.~er PASSED A1~ OPPID at a regular mee~ing of the City Council o~ the City of' C,~zpertino this lst d~y of' Niarch, 1971. AYE~S: Counci.lm~n - Fitzgerald, Frolich, Green, Noel, Stokes NOE.S: Councilmen - None ABSE1~Pr : Council~en - No ne APFROVED : Mayor ~ Ci~y of G~.ipe~ ino ATTEST: City Clerk -3-