CC Resolution No. 3018 ' . ~ ~ F.ESOI.L'TION TA, 3018 !1 P,CSULUTIGt! c)F ;`~IE CI'T~' CO'UNCIL OF T~IF: CYTY OP CUYf.RTINO ~ ~.STA~I,IS11INr A..~ .~.[~Rl'CULTURAI~ PRF:S}:Rl'E lJITI~IN TfiE CYTY OF CUPF.KTIT+~'. hS5~5SOR'S FAKCE:L NUMBER 32b-10~018 WH~R~AS; the Cupertino City f;e,uncil has by ResolutLon estab3ished a procedure far in~Cia~ing, fil~ug, nnd }~rocessing requ~sts for ebtciblishment of abricultur~l pre~errr~,s; ami 1,'HF.RE'.AS, btig F. FOY$C~ ~rner of Assessor's Parc~l Number 326-10-018, hss macl~ ~~ritten ~tpplicativn ~o the City Counci~. af thc~ Ci.t:y c~f Cupertina . for the r.stnblit~hmcr,~t of ~as~ agriculCur~~~ ~•~e;,erve pursu:~nt to the CeliforniA Lend Cr~ns~~rvation Act of ?965; and ~ h'11F:Rt_AS, the Ci ty C+r_;:aci 1 hut; held n public hcaring on tt~is r~pplicntion ~ :rhich h~nring w~~ duly n~ticed as rcquir~~cl hy lti~a; ~nd WtIF.fiF:AS, tl~ ` l~nni~:~ ~epartment of ehc CiCy r~C Cuperttno hAa submitCed its r~port~ }~utt~:.y, foren ~ favorial,lc rec.n~rhei~d~riun on thx~ reques~; and WFlt:fit'~S, tl~is Counr_i~ finds thnt :igri.c~~ltur~l lands hnve r~ clefiniCr. public v~luc nc~ apccti spa_ti ard thr. pr~~~~rtvxtion in ngrl.cu~.tur~l productlon af such l,tinds. consr{tutcy ar. i~arC~lnt ph~~sic:~l, soe.ii~l, ~cxthetic nn! economfc a~set to ~~xi:~tln~, ar ~,~?r.~::n~ :~rban or r.~~lror~litrtp develapmcnt. h'NF:fi}:rLS~ thts Counc:. ~ir,ds thn[ c~~;ricultur.nl preserves of lc~~ lhnn one huncJ:•r1 (l0U) ncrc;:. ~;c necr.ss~ry duc~ tc~ th~ uniyuc ciir~r~c~crl~:ltc~. aC thr ~~p,rtcultur:~l CI1~CT~r~4~5 in rhe nr~~n, ;iiti~l tliat thc rstabltahm~~nC af rrc- ~rrvt~s ~f l.~;s th:~n anr~ ,~-.:~~red (100) ,~cr~s .I5 ..ont~istenk ~,~ith thc Genernl t'lnn af t!~~~ l:icy. r01~ ~ TFIi:Iti:F'ORF.~ t:F: T: P.~SOI.~'t:p by tl~e City Council of the Ci ty nf Cuperc~nu th~t thc proper;; drsi~;na[ed ~is A~sessor's Parcc't Nu;nbcr 326-10-018, be:n~ a~:n~~ci by Qtig F. F:,-~e. and contninit~E; 7.38 ncres, !s hereby egtnblished a~ on nbriculturnl pres~*:•:e. Hk IT FURTI4FR R~SnI,`.~a~ :hat ?he Citr r.o~~~~ii finr',s the folloa~ing uses co~p~tiblo with the a~rica:tural prescr~~e: l. Thc ~ryina~ FackinF or otlicr procesging of nn ~griculCural coamoditr usu~lly petfor-:~~ on thr. pr~.~mise:~ w}~cre it .ts produced t~ut not includlnF sl:~~~;hcer hous~s. fertilixer yar~l,, bone yards or plut~ts f~r the redu~tion uf animal or ve~etable matter. 2. 5tr~ct~yres n~ce~s~ry r~nJ i~iridental ta the agricul~urul use of che lnnd. 3. Th~ holding af nanproducing lunu for futurc ~grtcultucnl use. 4. xhe ~nr~inr~rr~?a~cc u. :land in itg natur~+l ~tatt fQr th~ purpog~ of ~~reservinR apen sphce €or rec:rei~tion or plgrt,r or enim~l pxeserves. r. . . ~ I . ~ ~ ~ .S. Single faaily dw+allino~s i~cidental to the agricultural uge of thE? l~r~t 7~~ xhe reeideace of ~the o~~r, ~d the fami~q of the ownet. , ~ Siagl~e f~aily dw~llir~s i~~id~ntal to thc agriculkura.~ u~e uf r.he la~i ~ tb~ rceid~nce o~ the l~acas~e ot tb~ lau~d and the family a~ the lesmee~. O~mer or lems~a stt~r.tl ~ cc~atruea ta include: ~a) 5tockholders ia f~ily corporgti~ns ~ ''`1 beneficiariea af ~~1y Crusts anJ estntee ~ (c) [hrners af undivid.~d paYtiul interests in the £4~e (d) Joxnt tenartCa . 6. Dwcllings for p~rsoaa e~rploy~d by own4r or lesee~ in the agricul- tura.3 ~+e of L•he land. 7. Tha eraccion, cnnstruction~ alCeratioc~ or mnintenance of g~a, e1.e~T~.sic, water ut' c~:x:uhic~tion utilii~r ~ncilities~ in compliunce with rhn Cit~~"s ~:,der~rounci 1'tility Ordinc~ncc !ia. 331. ~ xT ~URTH~:R F~;OI.~'I:D, thnt the a'~vve lieted cor~p.~cible uses uill b~ ~he on17 us~~.~ permitted Lithia ~~ntd ~gr.icul tur,11 preserve, excep~ thnt the ~fty . Ccur.~_:i ~.ay~ upnn ~rf;tcn rr.qucs~ of c^r.~ers~ successor~ or nH~i,3ns of the . prVF~c~r:y, ~r up~~n it< .~:rn nntior.. con~i~ler r~mendn~~nts Co th~ list of corop~~tible ugei _ ~,"f' ~UlZTitE:R R: ~;~i.':f~:U th.~t the :~?a.•ar is nuthuriz~~d Cn execute a l.and G::s~s,t~~;•~tian Contra~: ~tth ()t~s F. For~e~ htn sucr.~~ysors or .tinsi~ns. :~SStP ANU ~1~`~F:ti:_~ ac it r~gui3r ~~:~ting uf the Citp Council ~f the City QE Gu~•~, on kh~ 1Ct:,w ~ta~ of F~c1^~u~r;L,, 1971, t~y th~ Co11u~Jing vote; ~lY?.~'~ Councilr~n Fitz~er~l : roliah, (~a~een, Noe]., S~o~e3 :+0 ~;i = Ca~~nc i lmen , ~ n~ A°S:...r'T: Councilc,en - t~~?ne nt~~~~;uvf:n: . , , c Cy Cup i~,o ~,7~._:_~z : , ~ ~ -c-..- Cit~- ~ ~rk ~z_ ~ _j ~ . , , . ~ , ~ N . ; I~