CC Resolution No. 3017 ~ ~ R~S~I.UTION NA. :f017 A RFSOI.UTTON t7F TI~F CiiTY COUNCII, GF TIIE CITY OF CUPF:ItTxNO ~STA~LT3HXNG AIV .'1GP.ICUL.TURA1. 1'RFSF.ItVF WITHTN TEiE CI'lY UF CLIPERTI~1t1, A~S~SSOR~S PARt;'ti. NUMf1'r.R 12].-4]--72 ' ~RiERF.AS, the Cuperti.no City Counci? }lli4 by Resa;~,ution established a pxocedure for initi~ting, fil.ing, and processing requests for eetabl:tsf~ment of agricul[ural pres~rv~~; a.~d WH~RF.AS, Otis F. and Muriel N. Forge;, aWners of Ast~essor's Parcel Number - 321-41-;~2, hav~ ma~le written 8pQlic~tian to the C~.ty Cauncil of the City of Cuper~ino for the e~t~hli$hm~s~t af ~ti~ ngric~lt«rnl preserve ~urFUant to thc, Californda Land Cunservr~tion Act of X~365; at,J 1J!iERFAS. Che City Council has lield a public~ hr.ar3ng on thir, applicntion, v3~f.ch hL~t i~?g ~ri~~ duly noticed as required by lnw; and IJIIERF.~1S, thc Pl~nning Detaartment of Che City of Cuperkino hns aubmitled ita ~report, putt~in~ f~xth n f~vor~ble reeammencfr~tion on thi~ requegt; Anc1 4~}IfiitF.A5, this Counctl finds th~t agriculturnl lr~nds have ~ definitc~ public v+nlue as npen spc~ca mnd the prc~exvt~tian in ~~ri~ulturr~l productlan of ~uch lnnds c~nstitutes an irr.portanC pl~~~sicnl., social~ nct~thetic and economic assc~c to cxi~r.in~ oz peudinF urbnn or metr~polltnn developmet~l:, r~ncl Id}IFRE15~ thi.t~ Cnuncil. finds that .zgricultur.zl pr~serves of lesq thnn ~ne hundred (1qQ) ncres r~r.~ nhcefi~nry due to the uni.{ue chr~r~zcterisCics: of tt~c. n~rlc~altui;~l ~nterprises in the area, nnd thr~t the est.abl~t=hmo»L of pre- , scrves af lcss than ~~nc hundr~d (100) :~cres is co»si.stent witlt the Cencrril P~An of ttif~ Cit~~. NOId, Ttt~~:EFCIRE, }3C IT }'.~SOI.VF.U by lh~ City Council of thc r.icy of Cupcrli:~a tt~nt the proP~~rty de~:ign,~tr.c~ as ASSC'iSUI•'s I'ttrcel !3umber 321-1~2-72, bein~; c,wne~: b~~ Otis and rturlcl N. i'urge, nnd contntninb 9.26 Acrc~~~ ie hereb}~ est~~h~ti:hed as an ~gYizultur~l prescrve. f3~ IT FLThTIiER kI:SOI.VE:A, that tt~e City Counril Cinds thc follawin~ u~es computible vith ilie ~gricul~ural preserve: 1. The drying~ packing or other proces~inE a~ nn ngriculturnl co~s- } ~..~aadi.ry us~ia?ly pcrformed on the premif;es t~~harc it iH prQducecl but noc ~cicl~~-ling alnu~;hter houL~~s, ferCilizer yards~ Uonr. yard, or plants for t1:c reductiu~~ of anirnnl ar vegr.table m~tter. 2. Structures necessnry ~nd incidentnl to the agricultural use o~ [he 1nnJ. 3. Tltic holding af r.onproducing !~n~+ for future ~gricitlturnl ~:~:r. The muintenance uf lAnd in its n~turs~l st~tc fot° khe purpase nf prescrvin,~ apen spnce for recreaCion or ~lant ur aniwal prenr~rves. . , . . . . . ~ ~ S. Sing~~ fnmily dwellin~~ incidental tc~ the. agrtcultur~l ua~ c~ the lanoi for the residence af the cm~cr, r•.nd the fawtly of the oWne~r. Sin~l~ Ear~ily d~llin;s incid~ntal ta the egricuY.t~ca1 use u.f Che l~nd ~~ar the! residence a~ th+a l~tsse~ oi th~: land anc~ the fs~ily of ehe lr.~~ee. Amr.r ar 1~~s~ aha11 b+~ consi:~ri.ed to incYuda: „ . . (a) Sl'OC~GP101dEY1? ~~a f~ily corparAt~~ona (b) Beaefic~arxx~ of faimily txusCe a~d estate~r (cl thociex~ af undivid~c~ pgrtial inGcresta in the Eee (d) Joint t~naut~ b. Dwellin~;m for persons employed by owner er lessec in the pgricul- turul use o~ the land. 7. The conetruction mr~d r~aineen~ance of a atnnd or ~he~lter for tha sale o£ ~~rS.culCUrnl commodittes prnduced on tha lAnd. 8. The erection, can~~:r~actiatt, a1CerAr~oci or mni.nt~nan~u af g~~. el~ctric. wnter or communicntion uCiltty facili.tin~~ in com~liance with thc City's L'ndergr~~und Uti.lity Ordin~;nce 2to. 3Z1. SE IT FURTIiER RE:SOLVED~ th~t the nbovc 1isCed GomputiUle u~3es will bcs the only usr, rcrmitted wi~hin said aEYieulrurnl p~eservc~ exc:~pt thAt tha CiCy Council z~r~y~ upon writCen request of ownerA, hucces~~xs or nq~ign:; af Chc propert;r. or upon its own moGion~ consi.der nmendmetite; to the li~t of compatlble uses. II£ IT Fl.'RTlll:lt It[.501.VFD that the Hayar iia ,iuth•~rir.~d r~ execute Lnnd Conr;erv.~[~[on C~~titriicl wittr Otis F. and Muriel N. Fc~r~c~ th~ir success~~r~ ~r a,signs. E'ASSED AND Al?OPT~U nt il regutur re~tin~; oE the City Gouncil ai Che~ City of Cupcrtina o~t the l~th. clay of .Fer.ruAry ,.t971, by the folloaing vot~: AYF:S: Counctlmea - Fit:~~;er~1~, l~ralictl, Cl~~een, ?d4e1, Sti.oke~ • ,~OES: Councilmett - 23t;tle 1lRS~NT: Cou~tcilman - N~ne AI'L'ROVIiD: % ~ ~ . 3.:.r-. ' _ ATZ'f:ST: Maynr, C:ityrc+r up~ici~~a / ~~.a~,f~.. Ci ty Cl~erk. . : r _2.~ . . . . . ~ ~ ,