CC Resolution No. 3009 ~ ~
~ot~vrxA~r aa. ~oa9
~ ~sor.u~~oK o~ rHe cirr cx~s~c~~, o~ r~ cx~r n~~ cup~.~z~Ho
11DOP"1'I~;iG A CIVI~. D~e:xS~ UPE~ATIONS ~'i.AN
- i~, Ordinan~:e No. 28 of t~ CiL~ of C~tpertino sdopCed oa Septe+~t~er 17,
1l5~, ~i~i ~rtablieh a c.:vil defense a~m disast~r organizatin.a; and
said ordinance provide~ thst the civil. d~efenee ar~a :~'aaster
, o~r~ds.~fYar~, the di. ~ribution of civil drefs~s~ pcwers and duCies, r.he
; ~si~s ~f functioas and services, aad t1x recruitmunt, direction, an~
trs~r~ nerrannel sha11 be presr_~f.b,~d t,~ ~tsolution adopted pursuant to
s~.~d~ ~+x~i~ .e ;
li~. TS~FORE~ 3~ IT R~SOLVED b7r tbe City Council of th~ City of Cupertinn
as ~~LZ.ewr~ :
t3.} ':'t~e civil de:ense nnd disas~ar arg~nisation of ti?e City ahall
be as d~escriLed in the dac~,+r~t entitled City of Cupertino
Cf~il befens~ Op~rations JPZa~. Septeaber 1968, attached as
£li3IBYT A, =r..luding all iL`cr..~tSon sham therein~ a~'specffi-
rally incar~:aced 1~erPin a.s ~f th+e suae were particularly de-
s.cribed in ; :fs resolutioc.
` (="t Tae civil ~Lrense and dis~s~c: '::tias of the Uirector, Asaistant
s"~irecCor. ~r:L: and sectic~ :h_efs shal', ba as described in
s~~:d Op~ra::: :s Plyn. Su~ : ~ut:e~ ara d-escribed in the said
~rratior.s 'ia:. :zay bc: ch~~~t; tirti td ti:.~ by th~ Airector
~v writte7 a.;~inistrative c:ce:s. particularlv ior thc purpase
of cenfar-:-; :o recar.~er.~'~:::.-.s t~e Director ~f the Ca~lifc.rn:a
Cffic~ of ~~er~~ncy S~rvice~ c: s::baequent c~odifications reco~~.en3e:
br the Dire_:.: of Civil ~e=e~se. ~ffice of ih2 Secretar~ af the
~.:~xscxes. ~i~~ rraup anc! ,~~~,ica cr~ief ahA11 prepare 1~~.s respectiv~
asuttx .a ~'.:e ~:ity pperati~ ~P.'~an and ~uch additioas or =evisla~s.
~s are ne_esszrv tc~ reflr_;: ;:e ~.:st r~cent directives fro~ the
IHrector ci :ne CalifoYnia ~:F::ce of Emerg~ncy Servi~es. 5uch
a~aexes~ ac3::ions, and re..sicn.~ stu~ll becoc.e a pa~rt of thc Plan
~~n ~pprct•~: of the Airec::r.
(~y i~ecis~lion C~nflicting 'r~sciutians: All previoue reeolutions
rtlAting t~ t:~e Civil D~fe~sc ~c~rationu Plgn for the Gity of
C.u~erti~ro arr hereby~ resciss~+e3.
lIS3~? AND ADOP:~ at a tegular r.reting of th~ City ~duncil of the Ctty
af ~r:i~a, Cuunty of Sant~t Clara. SLatc cf Cslif.ornie, chia 1~th. day of
3=:~=-=='r ~~971. by ct~e follcx~rin~ vate:
~.'i~~: Cauncil~~rn - ~'itzgeral~, : r-c,lieh, oreen, Noel., Stoke~
iM~1[~3: Gou~aciAa~:n - a~otle
` ~4': Gcanciliaen - ~1one
~T- ~t!'~ONED a~ /
_ ~ -
. lf~jas„ City f ~~i~ tiao
. . . _ . .