NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)No. Street' APPLICATION FOR.BUI CITY • Date / 196 Application is here made for ermit to a� V� a to he occupied only as in accordance with Estimated Value of Improvements FEES �03 09 Owner �w.a•1/s•-/--��r �'1�-ei A C ontr. 7eacT= Lot No.�� G 69Q PERMIT Sanitary No. /'�SIC" File No. �f 4G 99 story, Type' S j Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith. S Plan Check $ Address Z �re O'er Address Phone /� 7a State License r�•+ �� r� 0 9,' 7 Approved WILLIAM D. RFNinng-14 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date/-2196 FEES �,/ Contr. daj& _xd;f'/1.[C) LO• Address Phoney b��"� State License - M��y��Gy Approved �G0.—/1 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT p Date .3 _f / 196 9 GAS FEE S PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. /n%. d. _a�. Address 73fn Phone -T43 J State License Approved a`w`r—"•"' / APP ICAI TION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT" Data S_' %� 196 y FEES pp Contr. 41' ,6l2. 4(1)1 0l p . /�A. 'Address c,-1?9 Phone < 3 C/ - /7 �1 //n State License 3 Zf0.3 /n� Approved Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workrnan's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS PAD FINAL_ FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR _ FRAME LAT PLASTER GRADING FINAL_ FINAL BLDG.— BUILDING INSPECTOR ' I ELECTRICAL Alf /O QK5RECTOR MISC. UNDE ROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING r FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES '� L% 1 MOTORS FINAL L 6I� __�Q PLUMBING, GAS T APPLIANCE �eaW —' bAQTE INSP CTOR MISC. ACK FLOW REQ. O SANITARY NO. GAS you UNDERGROUND PARTIAL ROUGH_ ROUGH COMPLETE MAIN DRAIN 9 , ' 7' ARAG ! _- �J -l�9 p •J. •.7�Jn. /�q 6 1 J FINAL PLBG. f FINAL GAS y FINAL APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR M ROUTE SLIP File No. Date L` Location g �/�T Subject Notes Approved -—Gsri i —4 Date Spector nvul � al,.;r File No. Date 3—/0 — 6� Location _r�Z Subject__ Notes Approved 3—/0_ 6 '' Datte-�- Ir1 e for CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE l..L.-SUM 6LN-Ct'------------------ -- Department Job Located at--Z-07--./-- � � ------------- --- ---------------------------------- � -- d his-- --- - - _77-Ii-, 4AN--lef H�t s� u-- (� J 1-� GUL_' - - 5 ...c �. :, ��/i►--p. lP� - -------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the msp� tor. 252-4505 Date: ��. ..... y City Telephone Inspector: .r. —--------------- GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE' COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPER�TIINO / �j q.. �.. �...f i..-...17...1........................ 196...... To You are hereby authorized to connect the QG7AS service for Owner or Tenant ----. � .R o�T.. ......... ��ONS.._'............ ........ ._... ._... ....... At ...... 2.2.7..0...... .l445PINA... .... AN :............... New Service ..X................. No. of Meters ..... Z......... Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. v'eAmett ......... Wal PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPFRTINO T o You a hereby au ed to connect - eoctrjal service , for'0 Owner or Tenant.. At.......... . . ...... . ..................... No. of Wires ........... Size of Wires .... *..7Y. Size of Switch Motor Load .......................... Voltage ............. . .. ........ ... Phase ........... . Heating Load .... ............. K. \X/ . ...... ....... Voltage Light........! I ight .. ... it) ... v< New Service.... Kecolllle,[. No. of Meters ...... Service.......... No. of Add. Meters Heat220 .... ..... Move W Me PowerPh pe.s Move Meter .......... .. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. 'Office Copy T- BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No . .... 6./-�50 ........... Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. .1>1.09-74 ..... 13Ar-r-FLow Dcvl3c Lot No . ........ N ................. Owner Tenant P'Limpar-C cpp-17M or ......... ------- ------------------------------------------------ At ..... 2,21--6J ....... M.F--DJ.]V.A ........ 4�A"-E .............................................. Tract----- Satj -------- ......................................... DateConnected ---------- 7 -------- .......... 6-1 ------------------- ----- - ------------------------------ 19.......... .... .... Date Final .................. ---------------- e----, .. .......... F-N ------------ n .... 19............ PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-1M i NO. fffR EIiT IOr NO. 14 T OR ELECTRICAL PERMIT I F/ CUI ERTINO Date �J z 8 17,1f 969 a �,I)ts+ Permit No, / Q q Fee 5 3 p 3.f' ! r //�� Appli 7t n is I ereby�ln`� ►phlooity of Cupertino for a permit to install eledrirnl wiring and/or fix1bres as hste I Ic reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring, and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cuper�other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises _ IF Owner r By Htl QIf CONTRACTOR, �AGENT PI) .,i,, V 4 fj.CdlS State License YY(Q�9 6n / Address —_ Addres-2d' s E.LEMICALC— APpro e -- INSPECrM ITEM I NEW IRPL WEES Number Number of of of Power d-2 % G l I _/✓_/, add-- nC Cv�iJ./ cor NO. Y" r+o. YL9_�t5rn arr PPLI � rN APPLICATION°FOR PLUMBING PERMIT L�� , �95Q CITY OF CUPERTINO 11 Sanitary No. Date 7 196-� Permit No Fee $ 410, O D Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other Iws applicable thereto. Use of Premises �� ec, Q Owner Address o{ aJ ✓`� " PyW, 1 H(;KLX SOiva Address CONTRACTOR AGENT Phone %3.6-,/ - State License �'��aa Approved %ern I IAM D. F3ENEVICH ✓ \ PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIxT RES NUMBER UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Heate 1 _2 Size Vater Clcsets .� Material ,/ Bath Tubs 3, To Curb Showers a 3 p-D To Prop, Line Lavaturies , p-D To Existing Kitchen Sinks a So-G Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes Waste Disposals a �,{, Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines o2 .!� _ Size Water Softeners Material Bar Sinks - To Main Drain Com . Sink s Trays To Curb Dental Units Drinking Fountains Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM Hoppers Size Sinks Material,¢t/raps TOTAL F ES !Restaurant Fixture Feerains Main Drain Fee Storm Drain Feer 'ip-0Leaders Volvcs Water Sys. Fee 3, p.y Permit Fee TOTAL TOTAL FEE e-0 RECORD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough Partial Rough Rough Complete Wain Drain Final 9>63-9 LOT NO. n ?NA ER APPLIANCE PERMIT vZ AY OF CUPERTINO g 2 3 1969 Y LL o < Date 1 -t r, 196i Permit No. 3 Y OF WPERTINO ree $ 2,9, °° =LL o Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to 0 < install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to i m install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing = Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ` Use of Premises "" Owner 1/� vte e?�ti t °t L °' Address J � Z By rwew,� L;' Address¢ J-O CONTRACTOR,AGENT Phone ww WILLIAM D. BENEVICH aState License Z•� � S'° -1 Approved 0 I/�' / PLUMBING INSPECTOR Type of Appliance Units Fees II Remarks (Check d; New 1 Replace I Relocate Gas Ranges 1 I 11 1 Wall Heaters 1 I II I Gas Plates I II I I Circulating'Heaters 1 1 I - I -Blower Furnaces I yZ I Y— 11 v 1 I Gas Fired Boilers I 1 11 Warming Ovens I 1 11 1 1 Percolators 1 I I Griddles I I II Steam Tables 1 I 11 1 1 Gravity Furnaces 1 I 1 Suspended Unit Floor Furnace 1 1 II 1 I II I Miscellaneous 1 I u I NAME TYPE) _�Z- •.;I� Y✓��� I.zI,� 11, I — ��— pp lance Fees � �--�— Inspected and Approved............................................................. DATF INSPFf R 3'� TRni7 fiE l'S_j( No. Street Lot No. 4F lye I DOrmit PERMIT City of CuperSanitary No. Date t�N 2?, 1969 No. YE — > .E Application is hereby made for a permit/�[oflar� T 3 a � CstoTyYTyGF l l-R'f' 1 i�i � Building U„t.Q,�� in accordance with o [o be occupied only asy 2 Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee T m sEstimated Value of Improvements, Fee $/ O 3. D u 0 o It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and '> all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of o Cupertino will be complied with. crl T ���tl c Owners ?a / i- rr �,i�S� Address.�J ,{ �� n r 3 ° By Q'_C � .rl� Address 4/I d c E Pldene Approved WILL1AM In ctFy v CVlr _ U t 7 Building Inspector State License