CC Resolution No. 2029 , ~ ~ ~soLUrrrax Na, 2029 , A F~BSQLUIYON OF THM CITY COUNCIL OF TWE CITY OF CU"~'ERTINQ S~'[TINC TAIC RATES Ft1Tc THE FI5CAL YF•R?R 1970~1971 IdlI.ERFAS~ th~ CiCy Canncil of Che Ctty of Cupa~~ino has adopted a budget for the fiscsl year ending June 30~ 1971; r,~d . NHERFAS, it ie neceesnry that a tax r$t~e be esxablielh~d to raise Che revenue requirsd for Che operac.ion oE said Gudget; NOi~'~ TH~ItEFORE, I~E IT RESOI,VED: , Sectian 1. Th~?t the rate of 17.OC p~r $1Q0.00 aeseased valuatioa ba the tax rata of the City of CupecCino fc~r the fiecal ye~r 1974-19~~ snd to be applied to Gencx'a]. Fund purposeR. Seccior ~'t~ 'i'hat Che rare of G.4F p~r $lOq.pO asseoased valuation ' ba ChP tax rece of the City af Cupcrtina far the ~i~G~i y~Ar 1970-1971 and to be appli~d to the redemhtton ar.d interesC exp~nei~ af C1ia Ciey Hall Bonds. Sacti.an 3. That the r~ate of 9.6C per $100.Q0 nsse:;sed valur~rion be Chr~ t~x ra~e of tha GiCy of Cupertino for the fir~aal year ].970-1971 ' end ta be appll~ed ra the redempkion and interest exp~ns~ oF the Park Aonde. 5ection G. Thut Che City Clerk is instructed to file ~ cerCi~iied copy of thi.s Resolution wiCh th~ proper County authoritice. PASSFD A2v'D AUOPTED ~t nn Ad,~ourned regular meeting oE the City Council of Che City of Cupertina~ Stute af CnliCornia, on the l~kh day of July, 1970, by the fallowii~g rote; A'~~S: Courtcilmen Fitzgerald, Frolich~ Gr~ett. Noel, 5Cokes NOES: Councilm.~n None A9SENT: Councilmen - None APPl20VED : ~ Mayor~ ty of Cuperkino A1'T~5T : : Ci y Cleck ^ , . .