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CC Resolution No. 2006
. ~ ~ ~ RF.SOLII"f I ON :VO. 2006 A k~:SOLUTION OF 7I~F. CITY CdUNCIi. 0~ THE CIT'Y 4F CUPEP,rTtIO ALLGI~IING CER7'AIN CLAIM~; AND DEMA?~'DS PAYAI3I.E IN 1'liE AMOUNTS AYiD FRUN Ti3E FUI~S AS HF.K~II3AFfF.R UESCRYBED FOI~ 5ALAP.IE5 AND UAG~S FOR P.~YROLL PERYOU E:JDING .7UNF 16, 1970 4~TfdEREAS~ the City Cl~rk or h:l.~ des~.~,nnted repreaentative has certitied to the uc~uti:acy of the f~llowing cl~~ims and Cem~n~is and to the availability of. funtis for ~uyment there- af: and E+~~EEZF.AS, the ~aid clAitts and d~mandF h~ve been audited as requixed b;~ law and app~~aved by th~ City Manrtger: N(yW~ THEA,~F'~RE~ B~ IT RESOI..~'~D Chat the City Council hcreby allows the following clatss and demand~ in the amounts and frotn th~ funds as hereinafter set forth. F.KPLUY~~ HARRAHT GRU$S AMOUNT , K0 . AlpLfNT PAI D CE:t:F.RAL FUPiD ~'hi 1 i{~ Stom A568 S 788.46 S 568. 8~ F~axe~?rc Reid 8569 ?98.00 214.81 .7i-~ Sisi. SSTO 564.00 404.97 R.dd.~ Lnuri n 8571 51,~7.00 341.63 i ~:I l en l~ i nmans 8572 28 Q0 195. ~3 Mimi Sls~t~~r 8573 317.55 2G5.66 l~rgnrc:e L. ~;rissmun nS74 234,qQ ]73.12 Rnh~~rt Cos~~r~n 8575 3~~+.00 235.98 ~iilliam tt~dcr 85~6 62U.Q0 ti26.29 Gl~dys *!c 11ug! 8577 31p.00 2~+p.81 G~~Xure . H~3rbst 8570~ ~30.00 208.64 barath,~ Sct?nid 8579 ?~+6.OU 166.11 J~~ri S~r.~ 8580 21~+.00 143.69 Aetty I~orrita 8581 284.OQ 221.39 Lorruinc Cplllllt+ 85d2 21G.00 153.22 M.ichnGl 1.. U.hvis 8583 298.qQ 223.37 ~llen ?t. P~~tgnlni 8S8~i 2p2.00 144.25 , Le~ XnrborauF,ti 8505 608.OQ 409.G7 Randall Fltx~;cr:~ld 858C 399.00 292.27 Bert ~'iAkrviclt 858~ 420.00 292.45 bavid Ichnrd 8588 348.00 2~~2.63 Su~iko Ft~~ rt in 8589 28G .00 208. 26 Rosc Roc~an 8590 19E3.00 159.14 ~ Ho~r~rd kupfer 8591 330.00 25b.85 Jamr.e Rouf 8592 334.00 20~.~2 Jae i.. 1~kers BS~~ 402.40 2S9.Q4 Jorg~ G. f:ncicrlr~ 8594 2g4.37 208.46 Stevc Snno 8545 29H.00 219.~1 F'hi l~p J. Maytorena 8595 330. t30 262. 42 ~lA~li~a l3et~evich t~59~ 536.Op 363.24 .1nhn ~u~to 85y8 466.OU 331.32 -1- ~ EMl'LOYF.~ ~ WAWZANT ~SS AMOUNT NO . ,A?~OUNT PAI D Edward I•~urphy 8599 $ 442.00 S 3'19.61 I~eidi Kurakami 8600 284.00 193.58 John Turchan ~601 330.00 247.67 Jawes West 8602 402.Q0 280.U9 ~ Jaee C. Reyna !l603 234.00 184.10 John Carlson 8b04 26~r.00 204.78 Jerry Roffi'lo 8li05 442.00 322.04 Thrseaas Stephens 8606 33Cl.DO 250.63 Am~brose }~risco !~7 2K4.00 204.65 Ferdin~nd ~609 27x.00 140.98 Bill 0'Briea 8609 284.Q0 233.27 Jo~eph Moore ~10 234.00 a6S.79 James E. Kusaai l1Ei11 234.00 171.31 Fr.ed N. Subeg~ a612 244.l3p 208.47 Williara E. Cls~rk 8613 140.40 114.52 Jim Reaves ~614 11.70 10.72 Lloyd J. No~ack a615 163.8A 130.41 Frank Ortiz 8616 330.00 243.45 Anthony Y. Cnstro 8617 234.00 165.89 Nlanu~l rt. Reyna 8618 234.00 148.99 Rny Swansan 8519 234.00 169.7S Gary 8~.~llrr~+n 8b20 234.04 158.U9 Uc~nnis Bcllman ~621 23b.00 172.26 . John Penc~im e622 53~x.00 38~.98 CArol Barl~urek 8623 ~14.p0 Z30.51 Donna f~rlkc 8624 2G6.00 175.57 Aat~ Cuny 8625 29tf.4U 2q4.00 Bob Dockin~ 862b 46b.00 357.05 Ken Mc hrr N52~ 314.00 236.37 Void ~628 -0- -0-- Ted YounF, 8529 246.Q0 200.34 ~rrd Clcr 8630 246.00 18b.G3 K~n Mc ltce 8631 14.63 Ig.69 • Ted Youi~g 8632 45.38 43.20 Fred Cle.r 8633 29.23 2~.83 Mt+rk h. Cuc~~l~r~• l3634 210. 60 163. S9 Mikc Shrprnrd 8635 132.OU 105.76 ti~~ia ~~~ic~i~~: 8636 96.00 90.89 Isahe]1 Stnnl~~ 8G3y 62.00 35.12 ~'~ulinc Ruclolpi; 8636 93.60 73.01 Shtrley Oeser 8639 94.00 68.39 Effie Stobic 8640 132.23 1p5.1$ Nnncy .1. 5ci~rborough $641 92.00 7S. ?S Cr~ry C. Stokes A642 150.00 129.10 Clyde L. Noc~ t1643 150.00 129.10 , J~rry J. F'itzgerald 8644 150.Q0 129.10 BonAld A. ~rulich 8b~i5 150.00 150.00 R~ym.onc" A. Crcen 8646 1Sn.00 150.OD Johr~ Jo~eph Con 8Gb7 219.38 177.35 ' Joanac Hussev 8648 lbll.00 132.84 ~ t~ry J~~n Sp~rks 86b~ 204.Q0 1G9.10 Jon havid Thomas; BbS~ IOC~.00 80.70 Nill.iem V. Neyet 8651 67'.'20 b3.68 .»2.. ~ . , • . ,r,~,~, ~ ~ ~ . ~l:~.[)TT~E HAiLRA~?"1'' GR~O~S AMOiINP ~ . A,P90UNT PAI ll TanR x~.rsici 8b52 ~ $ 42.00 ; 39.98 Stevrt~ L. Spangle ~653 38.40 3b.5ti Thc~ac 2sedley BbS~i 25.20 23.99 Daaa].~ I~r_1 Pilar ~?55 52.90 50.36 Bast+~r~ z. smtth 865ly 81.90 74.G6 Ed~-i~ .d_ ~rane ~b57 162.80 129.29 ~lill.i.~ 7~ed Sparks 565~ 117.30 99.07 gob Yfls.ssn 8659 87.40 73. ~1 Cliff ~illiams 86b~0 25.2Q 23.99 Teres~c~e P'. M~ Gonigal 8661 33.60 31.99 Shet~:~ ~rsa Be~san 86ts2 46.20 ~i~.98 John Grroper $6b3 138.00 Y.09.98 Richar~ G. Jones 86bb 27.60 26.28 St~rrve ~ msea $66S 101. 20 88.14 5tevr~ A. Coopcr $666 37.40 35.61 Lyl~ ~arzon 8667 3~.80 35.99 i Ste•rG Garthy 8658 8p.50 67.54 ' Roaa2,s. Freitas bb69 58.80 55.98 Kacea ~~dle 6b7Q 39.1p 37.22 7C~"~,L $23 ~ 620. 63 511, 720. 59 C:~tTZa i~~: AYI'RQVF.D: ~ ~1 . ~ . ~ f~ r f~ ~ .r , `~I' / , ( G~' ~ Cfty lerk ~ City "fanegcr i /r . FA5c£:~ f~:.~ ADOPF~U a; an ~d~ourned re~uia: ~c~etin~ of Cl~e City Counci..l of tl~~e City af G_Y.~rtlno tht~i ~_r.d day ~if June 197~. AYES: COUNCIi.MEt:: Fitxgerald~ ~rolich, Green~ Stotc~s l~OES: CUUNCII.MEN: A~S~ : C~IUNCILMEN: tiae2 A7"i' : AP PRO D ; ~ M r t4ty crk , y ~ ~ _,3_