CC Resolution No. 1996 ti + ~ ~ ItE:S(3I.~lI It3!r' 1ti{.~. 1996 A RESOL[1'TIJt c~F THf: CITY GOiJ:~CII. OF THE C1.TY OF CUP~i~TINO APPxOVI1:~ FY~AL I'IAN FOR Z''~E Y?~RUl~H~tiT 0~ P'RONThGE AIANG Nq~TH SI~r 0: ~REST AYII~I3£ A~1D WEST SID~ 0~' VI5T~1 D1~VE, ~ A1T~HORIZI~C I'~i~ CITY P.~iCI~il~ TO SIGN THE PI~'AL PLAN; /lND ° AIITEl.7RIZLiC FXEClTTIOK OT AG~NT YN CONP~TECiION TH~'R~'FiIT~. iA~R•JIS, I'.iE CUPER'TYNO !Tlila~ SC~IOMqi. DISTRIC'T haY prNS~atQd to tbe ~Yt~ Cou~cil f:~r approval tt,e fia~.l plan for th~ i~rc~vQa~snt of tl~~ ~tx~ee~t l5rs?~ty,a alaa~ the ooeth sidt of Fore~z Av~n~ uad ~rest •ide of Vt~ta ~t~s ~ sud 'rilIEREAS, ther~ has b~ea prs+re~ai~d to the City Ca~acil a praposed a~r~~rnt ~or the cocuitruetioa of ~tre~ts. curb~. ~utters, sidewalka, aea~ fur otl?er inQror+~merit~. a~d ~ood aad aufficiank boad~ hsvin~ baea ~rrv~a~at~d for the faithful ~exfortiwixlce of •aid work sad the cati^~?in~ ~t of w~id a~rse~#ac, aad s~id plaa, a~r~~e~at~ ~rui band• havinR bden ~rav~d by tr.e City Attet~ae~r; N061. THE~Efft)RE~ BE IT iLF.SOLYED t7nat •Aid final pl~a for the ispravea~eat ~f s~rR~t froacxic alocy~ ttue aortF? sid~e af Fore~t Avenu~ and w~est *ide of : iata privre, be a^.i the sase ie, hereby, approved; and the City Engiae~r it~ ~sx~eby ~1utltc,rizrd to ~i~n uald fis~el pLn; a~d the Kayor and tha Citp Clerk aze hereby r~u::crized to crtecutc tk~.~e a*r~ement herdin referred to in behalf r~f the City c: ~;:rertlno. pASSED A.`.'~ ~.'~.~PT'ED a~ re~slar r~~ting of the Gity Cauncil of the Gity cf ~upertino ~~:is ISt. day of June , 1970. by the fa1lo++inR vate: e.~'~5: Coun==l-e:~ - Fi~tzgerald, Frolich. Green, Noel. Stoke; ~:.•ES: Coua:t.~~:~ - Mone ~.~S~?: Cou..:::-e:~ - None AYPROVED• . ~~i~ ".ayor~ Ci of pertina ~y' 1~.T2`~ST : ~ '~M~ ~ c:,~~• 'L-. ~ity Cl~rk ~