CC Resolution No. 1976 ~ ~ ~ ~ a! RESQLlJTION N0. 2976 11 ~~OLI)'~ION OP T'~ CITY COUNCIL OP THE CI'T'Y OP CITPERTII'~ ~ ALI.~pMINC Cl?.~TATN CI.AIMS AND DEM~AHb3 PAYAELE IN T8E AI~laiR~TS ~ AND 1rRC~[ TH$ ~ITt~iDS AS H~RE~NAP'~ER D$SCIRIHED •i ~ y'`~,~ W~AS~ tbs Citr Clsrk or his de~~.anat~d repre~a~ntative has c~rt3fi~d tb ths accuracy af ti~t follaaiag claiw~ +nd d~eaas aAd to che ~?veilability of f~~s~du for pa~rw~sat Clr~re~- aE, a~ed th+: said clxima an?d d~rd~ hsve bee~ri auditad ~zequir~d by laW and approv~ct ~ b~? ttM CiCy lt~ua~er: LS~, t~R1SFORE, D~; Ir R~SOI.V~D thet the Gity Gouncil hereby a11aw~ the fo11ow1rK clai~s aad d~maads ia tha amounCr and fram the funds as hsr~~.naft~r seC farth. CLAIHANT 'WARRANT MIDt,!!9T TKSCRIPTYO~i . D~n~n Belke 5983 S 32.00 ~p~fni~h reEund oonte~ for R~creatian Dept. ks~ac~te of Univ. of Calif. 5984 15.00 R~~,i~trstiv~n Enr cour~e ot~ "Strt+et i Hi~hway Dr~riru~d" We114 Pargo Bank 5985 150.OQt1.00 'Tiare d~po~it fnr 2 wonths ~ 6-1/2x ii~n. Ryder 5986 40.Y0 1t~f.~sbura~nn~nk for meetin~s acd Aile~i~~e ~'aoploy~ae Credit Union 59~37 317.50 Payroll deducci~ne E~ploya~~ Retire~aent Syetem ~988 2.4~4.i6 P~yroll ~leducCian~ Cr~dit Burasu of Yuba 6 Sutrer Countiea 5989 70.00 Payroll wtthhalding, Jaraee Roo D~rcl.ay Bank 5990 6,337.70 Pxyrall deduatione for vithholding t~ac Nik~ Shsppard 5991 8.i0 Hil.~a~a for Harnh Ja~? Ayc,ar• 5992 11.ff0 l4il~a*a for Matrch ~1trt V:Lrknvich 5993 39.50 Milea~a for April ililli,a~ P~aevich 5994 7"?.00 ?iilw~~k for April J'ot~ Eu~to 5995 75.00 Mil~~~• for Apr~l F.rlMS.rd Hurphy 5996 75.00 Nil~~e for Ilpril J~ha Cxxlson 5997 7s.A0 Mtle,~~~ for April ,Iohn Turchan 5998 75.00 liilea~e for ApT+~l J~A Weat ~999 ~5.00 Mile~ge for Apr~l Iw~ Y~rborot~gh 6000 75.~i Mi1p~~e far April Ikvtd Ichord 6001 i 5.00 Hi1R+~~,~ for April Philip I~Iaytorena 60(?2 75.00 Hilt~~e for April J+ua~ Si~k 6003 75.00 Hi1e~?ga for A~r~l Michaml llaviQ 6004 75.00 Mi.la~~s for April Elnveard Kupf~r 6005 75.OQ Milea~• for AZ~ril C.a~rol B~~tun~k 6006 75.04 I411eaje for A.pril An~?' Cuny 6007 75.00 M.ilsa~e for April. Sr~rs J. Aadarson 6008 925.QQ R~tain~r for April E~plo~s~~s Maociak~on 6009 61.00 layroll d~ducCion Addra~rr?~roph Hulti~.rapli Corp. 6010 241.44 Na~ntenance agre~e~xt M~~oc. v! Bay Ara.a Gov~nuaanCs 6011 538.OU l~ea~bdrship due~, 1970-7~ A+udio-~Visual ~~:nter 6012 31.45 2elar trAn~p+~r~ncies 1~or Pl~nnin~ D~ept. r~,~ . , , ` . , , . ' ~ ~ . ~ QJ~T ~ A~OUN~"T AESCTiII°TIOl~I ~iv?a ~tl~aaC~rr ~ St~ttioaer~ 6U13 $ 3.10 Ks~a p].aC~ #or ~ouricil~xn Yilfrrri E. Dlessia~, P.A.I.A. 6014 2,026.64 Elasprintin~ eaeprnse b ~arahit~:tural sarvirea D~nr? J. lt~lke Fi0~5 48.00 ~eplax~.xs~h rsfund ~oonies for lGwcca~~toa psa~rr~~+ C#atji of ~yrrale 60~6 1,5(J~i.02 !laiat~soc~r ~r+~~~ic •ignala ~ w~stj l~htin* Ca?lif .!lrjsiciu~r' S~ervice 5Q17 1, Z45.24 C.l.S. I~uwrsnce px~iu~~ fo~ . ~7 C~~ 25 ~+~tra 6018 49.68 Tiak~tts tor "~?~nta~i.a" (~rxino J.c~b~r Co. 6019 161.70 ~rr~r ~talc~ss fvr I:u,6. D+epG. C~r~rtioa B~.rdware~ Co. 64~0 99.5~ 9'ia~.t toals i~upplie~ for 5tr~~t D+fpt. Ureb~a Ct~wical 60~1 42.40 l~i~ cl~an fnx S~raet Uept. D~r. ~nz~r I.urber 6 Buildin~ 6a~2 1b.~4 ~h~v~rl~r i ~rupplter T~vchill Printit~ & Publiohi~ag b023 111.59 I,~al publiratiocia l~1~sr-Jsun~n~ Yn~urac~c~ Gn2~ 10~565.00 U~bre1L ].~.~bilitr and audit ad,~ wt~t ~c~ G025 269.67 Pro,~a~ctor, fil.ei~ i~ spray paint Ia~srial. WsZdin~ 6026 lO.Sd A~,la iros~ Hi1l~ide Park Lrxrch Su~i~aA• Smrvic~~ 6021 211.37 Et~ra~op~s fur~i~hed & pr.inted ~s~orter's of Glipertino 60?.8 7.39 Ofti~e ~upplies !~jer Ch~aical Co~ bQ2~ 92.14 Ch~wical~ f~r Parka C~fice Msataro 6Q3n 48.01 Affice •upplieM Pa~ific Ga~ b~l~ctric Co. b431 4~i8.42 Fwtpin: 6 office rerv~cee Fa?cific Telept?one 6032 907.75 Si.inal ch+~nnels b office se~rvices Pisney-Bowea Inc. 6033 13.Z@ Tape fox pa~ttage meCai vcid 6034 S.aa Josa Wate~ Worke 6033 72.57 wat~sr for CiCy Hal~l S~.ata Cla~ra 5upply Co.~ Inc. 6Q36 17.33 1 case du~t stop 5 i u~quipment Co. 6037 15.62 Chain fcr lawm trimmer Sute of Califarnia 6~38 310.00 Papll~tian rQSeerch eCudiee A:r.hur J. Smith 6039 17.33 Pluabin$ tlluetrated S~hlen Mrial 'r3urveye 6040 15.OA Aerial pl?otos for FM etation application *+t~~st Vallay Of f ice Supply b01?1 79.32 6f f ic• rupplias G~carga AhamnoN 59~12 11Q.p0 Ref~aad of c:~eh depaeiC .~~rsoo Brothmre 5Q~:3 ~iQQ.00 R~fund of deposit A~~ery Cor.~tructi.on Co. 6Qib 439.47 itefuc~d £or preo~ure regulator 3arahsrt Con~truction Co. 60~.~ 10Q.00 R~fund of depoeit Fbsrbart R. Heaven G04t~ 5Q.00 Refucui cash depoeit Ewc.r~~~an ElackYic b0~?T SO.OQ Rnfund of depoeit L. Grroll 60~8 1a0.04 R~fund af depos! ~ C~or~~ De V~ch f,1369 50.~00 Refuad of depo~~t CtrSt:-Cr~n• 6Q50 430.~6 Rafuad for prese~ire regulator tbawld l~rnlich bOSI 5p.00 Rafund cash deFoeit A. Gr~rin bU52 50.00 It~fuad cash depoeiC .Tacka i Irvl~~ Inc. b053 150.OQ Refuc~d of depomit !tt.d Suts I4eahsai~:al 6tiSb SO.QO ~fund of d~rposit :~rbil pil Co~rpora:ioa ~OSS 110.00 IYs~Ewid of cash depcrit ~I~as~rdin l~l~ctr~c Ca. 603~ SO.QO ~~efxAd of d:posit S~a~ Co~n~t;tuction Inc. b~S7 l0U.Q0 ~fund of dapo~l.t 1~~ph J. Ta~rlor i A,rsoc. If~OSB IS0.1?0 RefuAd ca~h d~tp~sit ?srrs i W~xvMr Ina. 1~059 lOQ.00 tte£und of depaait . 18~' 3 1r03~~~~8 ~z~ , , ~ ~ s~,ce~r ~rt ~rrxcas GacWeral Ft~ad $ 53~616.97 Praptrty Txx ~uad 11~,500,~10 Stot~ Drs~n F~m~d 14.000.00 L~~Y'1T~ CAA~eructivn ~'wsd 2~826.6~i W~ter H 6 0 Fun~d 1 159.57 TOTAL wARRA~ZS 183 103.18 C~ltTI~~ : Al~'PROYED t ~ ~ C Cl~rk Ci nager~~ PASS~ ~~A~~b at a regular mser.ia~ cf the City C~uncil of thr City af Cuprrtina this ~.:.'t. ~aF of M.sy~ 1970~ by the follovi-.g~ tivte: AYES: G~::acilmen ~ Fitxgerald, Froll.ct~~ Gr~een, Notl and St~~kee ~10E5: Ga^.acilmen - ;~ene ABSE.~ : ~~.•~acilmen - ~on~ ATTE~ ~ : l?PP1RqV'~"' ~ r- ) ' t~ ~ i ~~t ~~r~l. ~:itp lar ~ !ia or. ,C t~• o upert no ^ , . ~