02010124 (2) OF NO ci BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10555 MARY AVE 02010124 OW NEWS NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE CITY OF CUPERTINO 01/30/2002 9 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. s z ARCHITECUENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO to FOF R DG ELECT PLUMB MECH �<u`i C J CJ LJ I"'I m Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description Gz y o 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing CANPY METAL BULDG. p F= 5with Section 7")of Division J of the Businessa Professions coda and my licenseL('( Lim full far d t. �I Spit License Cl f-TCL#'N_ tZ� � M Da`e, Cant {'i::V-^ e +( 1 i+'� 3 a. J. ARCHITECr'S DE LARA 10. ` � G a O g 1 un 2: my plans shall M used as public records w pc Licensed Professional c n. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractor's License law for the following reawn.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions code:Any city or county. $38 50 0 IFC which requires a permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or reWir any structure i3$ thitttos,limuaed pursuntto the provisions fthe Coutiarmiuoicense aw(Chaptem. - --- -- (com eaci gwithurzuknno00)of ivisi n3 ofthntmdmssandnselawonsCo e) S FL Floor Are Valuation or that :N with Section 6m anof Division I of the le jed!ess and Profusions Code) S`p•+;,t�•(•y?9'i f d•• Y.a i l3 i'..•:::�S t+,s •+ or that he k 31.5 bythemhom•anJ the basis for the subjects thdvA Nanta to Any violation I -of nSection o,..,ban vanyapplicantfur"permit subjectsthe applicant mecivil Penalty nr)mmnrema)fvehandled aouars(ssW)' 101AFNV"DATION it. '" � - Occupancy Type 01,as owner f,he property.Lir my employees with wages as their sole compensation - --will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for'sale(SCC-]OM1:' 'Business and Professmns Code The Conn..,',License Law does nm apply 1n an 103 - UFER Required Inspections '•-E"r or through owner of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself 104 -_ REBAR or through hie own employees.provided that such vement improvements arc not intended or -offered far.sale w h -th-building t mP of i s sold that h Slim not Wild of ........._ ., .. . _-. .. L ., _ ... _ eomPle(on,the owner-Wilder will base me burden nr that he not baud or 105 - "ANCHOR BOLTS "+ • ' improve for purpose oriole.). proving - 106 SEWER & WATER I 01'i.'oF e:or,t6eproperty.:m<x-iarfvelYeontmntinewithiicensedcowomet,o _..._..__. -202 ' -UNDERFLOOR- PLUMBING' ___,r,r :. ._... ._._...._....._. _.._._... construct the project fsec.]ou.Business and Prnressions Code:)The Contractor" 2 0 3 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL' "'. 10 License Law docs not apply m an owner M propeny who builds or improves thereon, _and,who contractsfol.sueh.projects with a.mntrictoos)licensed pursuant to.the _.._.__204- UNDERFLOOR FRAME — ..___.__.._..._.._..._. ......_._... .._. Contractor's mtunder taw.,.. ❑laexcmpt Sec.. ' I'' ," �.B&,PC formisrtason 205 - UNDERFLOOR"INSULATION Owner "' Date' "" 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING rr WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB tk OR SHOWER I hereby affirm model penalty rdpe,jury mc..f me following decmrstinne: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL 0 1 have and will maintain a Cenifcaebf Claim,to self.imme for Workers 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation, as-provided for by Section d]W of the Labor Code, for the mormanceofthe work rorswhich this remit isissued., 305 - FRAME - ❑1 have and will maintain Wm1m,'s Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS - - 37b)of he Labor Code,for'he poffo rruirtc ofme work for which oda peri.,i" 307 - INSULATION "sued �M W)he's Compe sato 1 sura)a corner and Pit icy number rat 308 : _.v..... .. . ..o._ .. _. _..-..-.__.. f6y.2r13�p "' - SHEETROCK """ 'j' Cam .i_ r Imy No - r.- Lt , CERTIFICATIONOF ' FROM WORKERS— COMPENSATION ORKBRB COMVENSATION'INSUR..... f ��I.++ 1 +3 O 9 �E•';•EXTERIOR.'..ILLAATTHH.j'.._,. _.,. - It I __.,._....r„.,. (Th s sen on need not be complete)if the porissri is for one hundred dollars 311 -, SCRATCH COAT !-,c e a i ry-t ha I I a t h c-Wr OT ma-e c-0 ft krr h inm permts .auad,I ' '3.13 ­-ROOF- NAIL - ' - - - `._-, . - - - -.- :nnu not empl,y any pc ed in any map) au n,ne.mmc, b)ee!io the Wnrkere 501 - FINAL ELECTR I CAL t ENERGY Compensation Laws of California.Date,' Appfcant - '• - - - .-- - - . 502 .----FINAL—PLUMBING- ENERGY .. ._....._ NOTICE TO APPLICANT N.after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL\ENERGY ” O � bec8me:;object to the Wmker'i Ci,nFensmino fnnwikiuns of the Labor Code,You mail fnnhwitncomplywimaachprevi.sionsorthisPermitshallhedeemedrevoked. _ ___ 504 r..FINAL -BUILDING_ENERGY-- _ _ Z 'ft t 'CONSTRUCTIONLENDINCAGENCY 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL : �.. I K by ff di t th n i i dung agency fo ih'pc f nmuncd - +' oft) krwhichod x issued(Sol.3W],Civ. c) 506 GAS TEST 0. .Lea Ald,c,, 507 - FINAL PLUMBING U0 1«rtf,tha Ihae adthisopplic.mmindstemmanM1cabovcmfomutionis 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL •r auirea 1 g-emc )ply an I county ordinances and state laws relating509 - FINAL GRADE O V tobuilding construction.andl reby authorize mincientatives ofthityt t pun Iy� the above p p.nyf inspection pr{wse 510 - FINAL PLANNING A. (Re) genet "oe indemnifydk anph,mles theCty f&penmoopons, W fowl t I dg tc ...c and p es which may n any y mainst said 514 - FINAL PUB I;-MCI lS!/ U.Z" City n c of th m yycf'Ihi n APPL - TUNDIH STA )$A\DWI CO\IDLY WITH ALL NON-POINT sou•ce REcuLATrorvs. tissued by: ate igopure,of ApplicantlContmcmr .•,r ',! '.1 Dole Re-roofs / Ss HAL GidUS MATLRI is DI LOSURE wu m ppl ca t o f t m b lding a tare or handle hax,ud n material Type of Roof._.. ._.. ..... ,,. -..__ .__ 'os dstn Jby th Cpen no Al pIGW Chapter912.and ole Heald,and Safety Cone. one"Chad 2...21 rat ,r TI "j et"•- t + ?'• Y k tsf,-fes`! +oY • + ,+;IoN ;•, 5, • t , All•roofs sball be inspected pnor_to-any roofing-material being,tnstalledt Will the allplicam orfuture building gamy:eequipment or devices which If a roof is insialled:without first obtaining an inspection;"I'agree"to remove ends h ado"s air inn t.m defined by theBay Area Ail Quality Management Dioerer o, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with _.... oven . 'pN..- i,. .., ... _ - ._ tt , " - all non-point source regulattonr.', •: 1 . tr tuna read the Aazardous'mmcrials requirements Lia&,Chap...6.95 of the Cuff Health At Salty Cod secunn2$50515513 and 25534understand Nat fttiebald' gd est cue yhavnt mitis my re Po sbltYt,nmify the occupant f I uirem ss 'hsch molt bc/fi t p or to issu cc f C infect a of Do, p \) Signature of Applicant Date .: l� tuner or acts ,gen,. D„ All roof coverings to be Class"B" or better -OFFICE... _ .. .. _ . ._.. .. _.