CC Resolution No. 1852 ; ~ ~ ~ ~scria~rxa~ ,a. ias~ ~~saLVrza~c aar ~e ~:ti a~c~rL ca~ x~at cx~x or ~e~a~?xx~a ~~tzt~ar +~r ~t ~rr ~s ~mr o* sesi?~? r~a~sLaa~nrc a r~~r~r ~art~urr.~r ii~~klsAS, ctu~sa t~.a b.+~? ~?r.~+rnee~ co ch~ cic~? conmuctl of rr~e cit~ af ~t9.~ww a prv~poNs1 ~r~~; ~tA th+~ City of ~arata~,r ts~Dlls~hi~ g c~aa baundary d~li~ti.m~ thi wr~a of tetflue~r.~ ,~d futar~ s~s~wr.~ted aar~a af tbe r~spsctive citAa~; and S~E1tFA~, it t• ia the bs~t int~re~t af b~th tl~ Cit~ of S~trato~s rrpd t~ Citp of Cupertino to ~st~&l~~th th~s lrouada?r~ wt~t,cf~ viZl brt wa~ au¦ d+~fin- ir.~ ttae erea uf influe~nce a~ batb citiM~; and ~ i~REAS~ it is ~n th8 b~as~ inter~~t of bath cie~~s to dstablish ~aid bars~s~.~ry in order to defin~e th~r ar~a v'hi~h will b~ s~exed to ~the re*pecw t3ve citiee; mnd 1~tHElt~A.,~. che Counril adapted Msalutiaa po. 16~9 on 5eptembar 16, 19b8, aut~anrizing aRreemeat ~rYCh the Cit~ Qt` ~~rat+~g~t ettablirhing a r.o~amon bo~n- dwrT; ~nd Ll~l~lt~?S, the boundary lieae ~pproved hy said Resolut~an I~a. 1689 ha• bet~ •3ightly r,wdified; NOtd, 'IHEREfOkL~ ~E IT RE5(1LV~D, that the a~~yor ar~d th~ City Glerk axe h+ertby ~utharSzed ta execute a n~v .;g~r~e~eat herein referr~d to ia ~Seha7.E of the City of Cup~rtinc~. BE IT FUR1~lER RE50I,VED. [hat Rasolution No. 1689 adopt~d on Septembcr 16. 1968, be rescinded. BE IT I'llRT,H~R RESOLVED, that said n~t+ agreem~nt be forwarded to the Cie~~ Caunci~ af the Cit~ of SAratoga for approval and executian. PASSEA A.~ID AD(1FTf:D tlt±s 4th duy of „~u~uet_ , 1969, by the fo2laving vote: A'L~S: Councilmen - geaven~ Noel, l~empste~rt NOwS: Guuncilmen None ADS~~NT': Councilman Fit~p~er~ld~ Strkee~ 1lPPRAVED t ~ /"f AT'~`E.ST: r - U"`^' ~ ~ . y , City of erti r CAC~ ~Y'!e e f r ~r