501 (2) NO. STREET APPLICA, ,.FOR BUDING PERMIT OF CUP 'RTIILNO Date 195_ Permit No. 1D l: Application is hereby made for a permi to_ a 41 story,TYPe _� Building at to be occupied only as in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewit 00 / 00 Estimated Value of Improvements,$ AD 170 Fee a (O v It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and �• all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of ;.j Cupertino will be complied with. Owner Address����� By- yAddress_ LONTRAfTOA, AGENT Phonc_�Q.,� - tfyD.Q' Approved I ? V � 1 / -t0/�C.P BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION�APPROVALS FOUNDATION T NSI'ECTOR FaAr2r: D li INSPPCTOR -YA9't13rr�Yi�hS�tl1C- DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL ELF.C. 1 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR • it NO. STREET LOT NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date _��/V 195L „ Permit No. Fee Application is hereby rnade,to,the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical/Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premi v a a Owner Address v By Address co*r CTOR, AGENT Approved Phone: GL Qi5►BCTOI tI NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit---�-,—G�..��77 .....Number of tle S... ------ ---------- --------_ --- Size Service Wires.....#.; . ....Number of SwQtch A ..3........ Size Service Switch---- ......Number of Receptacles 0... .......... ._....._ ..�(0 n ppa3")" �1 / Size Sub Feed Conduit.....kl...Number of Fixtures .......... .......... ....._--- --------P.V Size Sub Feed Wires-- ------...Ranges................ KW---------- ---------- -------- -------------- Number of Circuits................... Oven .............. KW.....----...-- --------- ---------- _---...------ Number of Meters.....................Signs------- Transformers....---- ------- -_--.--- -----------.- Misc.------ Dryers-------------------................... --------- ---------- -------.... Motors----------- -------- HP.........._-...---- Phase------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors. ... HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- Motors----------------. HP----------------- Phase.................... H P Charge..... -------------- TOTAL FEES ' �/ CO OF INSP N APPROVALS Rough Wiring ?�����bd�_� l� fes' Fixtures ----------------- DAT[ INarwroE DATE IDSP[CTON FinishWiring ....... ...................... Motors -----------.......--- -------------------------- DATE INSPECTOR DAT[ INSPECT.! Final .......................... --------------------------- DATE INSPCCTO[ " LOT NO. No. — STREEI ♦ "'�1 APPLICATION POR BUILDING PERMIT ?CITY OF CUPERTINO Date �_ 1�9 Permit No. Application is hereby made for a�permit to a story,Type•'•cav: ULn Building hi at to he occupied only as in accordance with Plans, Sp - (cations Plot-Plan filed herewith. p 00 Estimated Value of Improvements, s_�, 00 Pee$_ J m It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of ;-a Cupertino will col plied with. Owner Address By Address ONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone Approved BUILDING INSPECt'OR RECORD OF INSPECT`O APPROVALS FOUNDATION t - DATE INSPECTOR FRAME DATE INSPecroR (/ DATR INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. DAT INSPECTOR FINAL FLEC. DATE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. 1 DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR