01100141 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ' BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 7557 LOCKFORD CT MC SOLAR ENGINEERING 01100141 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE GRANT GRAVES 1168 ASTER AVE 10/26/2001 / HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. 11 (408) 261-1211 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH i LJ LJ L__J _iJ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Z In0 1 hereby.11for mm 1 am licensed under pro,kiom of Chapter 9("Weendng Job Description mtw wimg<nion700o)ofDivisionJaftheBusinessandDofnsionsCode.endmylicenu INSTALL PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ON ROOF . [- ix infvll force.yJe e-z�' «na<cha' �' �-� Lina 3 Z !/ Or (4 . 5KW) 3 3 a H rate C°mmnar ARCHITHCrS UECLARATIO a O 4 I undersmnJ my plan.shall he used as public recoNs i p rQ2 o C Licensed Professional Oat I am BUILDER m the Contractor L=' I hereby affirm that 11, exempt from the Cwions C s e:Any c Law for the y ?C following rerun.Permit to 7onBusiness mrd Professions Code:Any tiny or county which q a peter u construct,abee'mpmm,demolish,or repair any structure n3 prion t Is req rt pi pplicam fnr sachpemmnofiles Law(ChRmem _._ .._. . ... _ thnlh Icon canuectiortahc V fDsion me Conwnnesand PelawlChapter9 I . 5 Ft:Floor itArea- r Cr• t' aluatlOn or eniscoinh Smto ,10001d the baisorfine Busmevaandkifi.Any vi Code) '„t. t 'F, 4'9.[ � 9T4 4:<i,.'i YI�`...? l +e�!: or mm he ii exempt therefrom tint the bans for the allege)ekempuob.Any violation -oPSeniW 7031.5 by any aPplicem far a permit rvbjtttx me applicvm m a civil penalty of net mom than five hundred dollars(9500). Umber P'L -:o Occupancy Type ❑1,va rof m<propcny,u my employees wim wagn...her,note cump<nsaion, will do the work:and the structure is not intended-or offered for'sale'(Sec:'701 Business'and'Profcssions Code:The Convector's License law docs nm apply m on 501 - FINAL E $l@A45tigWERGY tier of property Who builds or improves thereon,and who does such work himself °w provided that improvements 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL TRI_CAL or through h-. ply p t: nn intended or ..... .. _ ._.__ ..., ._.__.... .__- - "off d'f l- If h e ld the Wilding have t p , s Idwithin one year of improve for the pieawncr wiffJer well hove the burden of pruving mm he did not build or ” ..improve for purynu of wife.). ___.._._... _ _ _ _..__ _ ��NA.LE® _ ❑L'as project r the ro n Business eommfein with licensetl c°mmetots m �rtIr {[ commm the pray not to a,Business and Profen rens Cotler)The Contractor'strown, I License Low does nm apply m an ranter property who builds or improves thereon, ' ' and who.contrwu.for .such prejecs_with a.mntmnons).licensed Pursuant to.the ..-._ -.. ..__ _____. .._ . .. -FEBA 7-2002--- Commences - ------" --- ------------..--- . License law.. ❑lam exempt under Sec' I .B&P C forthis reason P:;' . :J',i.rp Osvwr DataBUILDING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby M.under penalty of perjury one of 1he following declarations: (� ❑ 1 have and will inoin,uia'u'Certificate of Consent to self-insuu for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the labor Code, for the _ performance of the work for which this p.it is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Wmkeq's Compcmwioo Insurance,as requited by Section 3700 of the Laher Code;for the performance of me work for which this permit is issued My Workers Compe soon Insurance tamer and Policy number ar. .. Ser 7 1....... I Came YICERTIFICATIONOF EXEMPT70NFROMWORRF/RS"'u. / / ss .t .� Y�.I 1.) f�a/ fP(j ,.'..ay': 4.c al 1 t: yf`r]`••al r , COMPENSATION INSURANCE r , -.�. _ .. _..._ . .._.. " tat-.. . . . ....... ._ ....,..... _ _.. ._... .. .. L..: (This 'on nttd not be rompincd ifils,permit is for or¢hundred dollars (SIW)rnlesx.7 ,_ I 11;n fY that in the parformamr,of the wwho,which-thispara I is Vasu<d,1 I.I' a „ _ shall not employ any person in any manner so is to become subject to,he Workers Compensation Laws of Califrmia.Cash" NOTICE TOAPPLeWork IL afiermakition pr Cerins of of Labor lode,you must "•li+n e. lucome subject to the Workers Compensation Permit of me Labor ne.k you man C) Q fonhwi,h'compl- --such pmvi.sions.,,his pemrit ahvll he tleemed revoked. E_,y , e •1 "'-'-CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY "`+ I hereby vllimi that m - sero swEl on lend g agency fo th performance t -' it .1::1 W;. of the wok for which this Parprit is iiscad(Sc 3097 Ce C1 LendsName r_, -_ ..., I.,, ._.,. ..... .. . _...... _._..._.. _. .. „ .. _ ,z Lendcrs Add ass; V 0 f1 certify,hat I have read this application and sense,hat the above information is W.,1..r 'mmacl:I agree,°comply with ell,city and c.only ordinances and state It.,relating :O;.V to luwldingcoanronion,aLd hereby imhrriu miaWs<manvesofthis city,.enterupon r:ry the shave-mentioned property,for inspection purposes., , E. IL (WUugrcemerve.indemnify and keep harmless Ne City of Cupertino against Lnliabilities,judgmetu.ants and expenses which may in any way acerae against said V,z City in conaT ce of me griming of this permit. APPLICANT UNOBRST NDSANp WILL COMPLY,N']TN ALL N6N1'DINTI' SOUR GF E'cuy^'tn_on - l J Issued by: Date Sr8^t�^P�l _ ��� R �F Re-roofs I„ - HAZA DR OtUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE D° ” —� 2-' will m PPhcant w fulubre Id' g occ p m stere r handle hawm as mma;al Type of Roof ..... -. -�-. .. - ai cap at. 'he Cart M p I CW Chapter 9 13 d theHealth and Safety than an21 ,_tJa { t .rCode All.roofs shall be.inspected prior-to-any-roofing material bein g.installed._-_ rlINe applcti tutu building c pant use cqupar nt or devices which If a roof is installed'without first obtaining an inspection}I agree.to'remove mil her.b air contaminates a d fi cd by the Bey Are.Air Q.I ty Management Dist <nall new materials for Inspection.-Applicant understands and will,comply.with _ rt oY`a - all non'-point source re ulations:, ,• - l P B n . It Ii.He read me Safety Coal, oo s m tions 2 req 125533 a under Chapter 6.95 of the Cfm bailing dos occur CWc,Sections25505xt itis and 25534-1underhandthin rIe building no,currentlyhave r tenant,ohmnrmy nuance oa enotifytoe occupant of the¢q'irtm a which must bemet poor to issuance of Certificate of Oce, .. Signature of Applicant Date G waer pd as mte� All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better OFFICE