02020026 (4) ' CITY OF CUPERTINO - BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10370 LINDSAY AV 02020026 �s1N4 G JERROLD K AND LOUISEAbP�crrjoys}�6`62 PHONE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. W O O .ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: HUT IMG PERMIT INFO 8� Z tp� BLDG ELECT PLUMB MF.CH 0 S Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION am w I hereby amrm that Tani licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing KI 1113= o � to 'REP I PE. �y�I with Semiorys]UDO)ofDivision3of the Busine sant PmkssionsCd � ORE 10 ILC-C is in fullCC�ffalaAl//e an� r1 0:'6 Licenu L,IM Fe - ARCHITECrS D' AMTIDNa. FEB 2 6 2002 n 1 understand my plans shall be used as public records wE es o Licensed Professional BUILDING e' OWNER-exemptBUILDER DECLARATION user I arae alTnn Nm I am exempt from die Convenor's License Law for The $25000 FZQ whfiallich requires a Permit cont, t,siness end Professions Ca de:Anycity orcounry, I F❑ whmh req n gem,t t construct,applicant improve,for such demolish orerepair asig any swned ment g37 -1 no ilicenaocagl coq, p apams,of for Commamuuoicense Law(Chapter thathq Nylittwithal TansiI Sectiont7 'pp Divisinthe the Bus License law(Chapmr9 } yyN 6M-t Wa �I,A�a,, x 'y ' Valuation (cam eng with Section]OpDJ ofDivision)of N<Buayiessund Prpfessmns Code) 1 ;..a; l-a�.-a ,. , .Y_ e13,.N,j r9��kt;M i or that he is exempt Ncmfirch pad the bass for the allpied ehempubn.Any v,olmion ` -OfnotMOMthanvehundreby any ddoltrs(550mtitsubjects meappEc:mtmacieuPenalty 1b1AP-N ¢OWNDATION ;:Ir' •,. OccupancYTyPe Of normore than live hundred dopes SSW. 1,as owner of the prop¢rty,amyemployees with wages ea their vele m+mpensatiam 102 - PIERS !• � -;.Il I-do,the work"and rthe structure N nut intended-or'offered for .In(See 7}14" - ' - UFER - -Required e u e - ec ----- --- •Busln a d Professions Code The Contractor's License Law doer mit apply to an - _103 - Required Inspections �` •t �t'-7` ow nerafpropeny Who buildsorimpmves thereon,and whodocsauch work himself 104 - REBAR or through his own employees,provided that sueb Improvementsnot intended or _ _ doer for the owns in building o p - i i Id iM1 done yem of 1.0 S 'ANCHOR" BOLTS ---- completion. inov.ethcawe.fralderwillhavetheburdenofpmvngihmhedidnotbuldor 106 - SEWER & WATER improve fur purpose of sale.). ' , -__.--._..... .___.som —_velyco202"-=' UNDERFLOOR—PLUMBING-- -.;. -;, -- _ :: �. ❑Casowner of Ne p(See 71, I.eusinissadPratengwithlicensed Context to Ei+ + .:,1' -- i':P` cicenseommon-iwhe project Tapp. toa owner of anderty who mildsor Theves Thereon - 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANDCAL..' %irr, -- License law does not apply to an owner of progeny who builds or improves Hereon, -` ` ''" mod ,whacammcise Linw.ch-projcns_witti.e commctortsl licensed pursmm.to,Ne. -'Z.04,,._-...[JND�'R�.'LQQR...�'.RA[V]�',..-_._.-_ .__:.__ Commnofs License law. _. ... .,,... ,. -�--�-�-- -- ="r ❑lamecmptuneprsee ""' 6'&PC farhiartason 205 - UNDERFLOOR`: INSULATION Oit- . ' woR�..i,. .,.. .. 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING KER S Co ATIO1 N DCCLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER I hereby affirm under penalty,of pe7 ryi a of the fol lowing declarations:- 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL O I hra nn1 wll munt C nifmat 'it"Consett to elfmsurt for Wmkcr's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL C pemat n- n-provided 1 by�Section 3700 f theLabor Code: for the p r ,neahh0walk for+nehIbis per i tied ., 305 - FRAME [IT h nd II'rno t nWprkei s Co pensauon his uennce s req irtd by section3 0 6 - HOLDOWNS r - S7W of the Labor Cale f dr performance of the work forhis s pe t is 3 0 7 - INSULATION 15ad-My W tons Compensation insurance m and Pal cy an,be a O,rne'1'''• fro r,. st Ir_,f}d7Pol yNO. -..i I ... , 308 SHEETROCK--_.:...:,...�:,.,...:,.., ,.....',.1L t t1'CERDIFICATIONOFEXEMPI'IONFROMWORKERSc - - i. t, N 313.0.3"._.?i XTEkOR:bLATH;. COMPENSATION INSURANC[•`•"•'a y 310•;• -INTERIOR-LATH -----'-'• (Thisirniontiednmbecourni ilfthepetmnisforoanhundreddollen 311tf SCRATCH COAT r,rt f,•: �' ,,r i;, ., (5100) 1 ) - 1 f 1'cmify that in the perrorma c hhc ant,far hi h this{ t ,tx e 1 'shllnt crop( yuOy per nyok ra I n adeamluf ep_9_ M1ep 501 - FINAL ELECTRI CAL''ENERGY' C pnQt n cmI D; ` I „-,50.2 -...F.INAL PLUMBING ENERGY__ NOTIC i TO Ar If mrmnk ¢nuc s at Excinfilion,you .,a,,al,, 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL'ENERGY Z hcc Me a uhldtio the Wo ke! C ,npensaton pnvsnns of the Labor Cade,you niu O C Tenhwith comply w thsuch Toroll,drit,or his permit haEb deemcdrevoked 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY Zy . .., .... .._.. .. a ,t ere "tCONsereis orvLENDINCAcrNOY - ` 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL> I hereby firm that there nswcu n le J get) for the pert m c gg Lfthe work to,which his getout issued(Sec3097 Ci C) F ati 506 GAS TEST E;:Q Le der. N •W'- �+ code.s...... '�.• .-,. .. PLUMBING-­­-­­­ ­ . _. .._ -507'"--' FINAli PLUMBING """ v O ,, '. 1,1, ..,r, , 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL 'r ^ I unify th l I have read this application'md smte Nat the above information is 7 4LrE„ coii5n.I agree to comply with all city And county.Pfdi...fes and state laws relating 509 - FINAL GRADE- O:U (a building con.wuction;Mdherebyaddamnicrcpusenmtivesofthi2citytuenur.upon 510 - FINAL PLANNING the above-mentioned pmpeny for in spcaiop purposes.,,, We)vgreamseve:Indetont(yand keep harmlesstheCity'd(Cupeninoagainst 514 - FINAL PUB C WORKS f J liabilities,judgments,costs and expresses which may in any way accrue againsi said U'Z City c nseq once f d e ginning of ibisperunit " •` APPOCANT.UNDEXS'f,,ND$AND W ILL COMPLY WfrH ALL NDN-FOiv .: so(Acj3uc'ATI S., 11 Issued by: Date .§ (t ApPI as ircaltmrl r n t Re roofs Pr nHAZARO0U5�fATERiALg DISCLQSURP r^ Will the applic t r Tut rt bo Id ng Pam ogre 9r h ndle hau rdous n un I ,..Typo Of ROOF -'ds d fined by ih Cnp n n M n p,l C d Chapmr9l I th f{ Ith d Safety Cade Seaton 23572io1; "'4' r1 j( 'j E(a fl ,.t,. la S.'"'{ f"'.'r r. aj- : l. l'• v. ;1 -- All roofs shall be inspected..pnor to.any roofing•material.,being-installed. w�uN ppr ants r t r n�iid g < p t se eq ipm msrdev¢eawhich If a roof is installed'iVithout first obtaining Pg an ins eetion I'a ree.to remove en ih dosesalrco comma i 'd fined byth day Arc,AuQualuyhlanugemem all new materials for,inspection Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Yea :--, ono t.r,'; - all non- oinCsoufee re ulations" -'- - 1 have«aJ.the hazaMo s' 1•.. ~ P g 41:' mamr els requircmems under Chapmr 69l of She Cattfomm Health&Safety Cade,Sections 25505,35573 and 255)4 1 understand that "ifthebuildingdas tot currtnllY haveamnam;Nat it ismy responsibility m notify the "-'-' - - ""_-.._-......- ... ._.__ _-_.. .. __. ... ac pato to ah requiameni h,h m s,he mm poor to issuan f a Certificateof Oceapa Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class B'or better - I,. ::,.,.nt '... ._•..t-_ a. _. .. ..-' OFFICE. ...-__ . ._ - -- -- _--- -__ --- --- -..