CC Resolution No. 1500 ~ ~ ~ ~ l;~a~T~UTI01v Nn . 1~j0~ ' Y~EINa A Ei~SOLUTIAN OF THE ~ITY OF CUP~HTINO 4 ACCEPT~NQ A dRRNrC OF ~A3~F.AiE~iT WHBRFP,~, NaORUIJIN A. BS~,LAWAJLA, ~ wi_dower, grantor, has e:A~cuted a arant of Eage~ment which is ~n gaod nnd suf ficient form, convey~.ng to CITY OF C~JPERT~NO, ~rantee, ~ publlc service easement i'or publ.3c ut~.li.L-ies and aanit~ry eewex~a aver ~he propertiy situ~ted in ttie C~ty of Cuper'tino, County af S~nLa C1arm, State c~f Callfornia, c3eecri.bed ~ ae follows: Beginning a~ ~he mast Southea~terly aorner af ~hat certai.n p8rcel of , land desc~ibed in the deed from M11eat-one :qevelopmenC ~nmpany to ' Noarudi?~ A. 811~.aw~~.r~, et ~1, dated Au ust 12, 1961~ and recorded 1n Baok 6627 of 01'i'1a3.~1 Records, Faga ~B~, SAnta C1ara County R~GOrds, ~a1.d ~orner aJ.scs being ~~n the We~terly lin~ a.f th~ SouthQrn Pacific Railro~d Company Rlght-oi'-Way (E30.00 feet wid~); Lhence Northerl~y ~long said Westierly line oT ea1.d Rail.ro~d 1~ight-uf-Wt~y, North 1.8°5:1 ~30 r Wea~, a66.~0 feet to a po~.nt on ttle Sautherly R/VJ of McC].el7.~n Raad (40.OU feet w~.de); L•henoe souvh 15°16~53" YJeat, 26.73 feet; thence Southerly and paralle~. wi~h the aaid RailraA.~i Right-ot'-Way, South 18°yl'301r Ea~t, 839.66 feet to a poin~ an t.he Southerly l.ine of sF~id pareel cot~veyed by Mileatone Development: Ccm~iany to N. Blllawala, et ~1,; thence alor~g 8$~C~ SOU~t18I'].y 1j.t~e L't~~t, 15.~35 i'eet ta the Pc~int ~i' Fi~gi~~ning. ~r~ntor herehy further gr~nts to t~rantee the righL and privel~ge to entcr upon hi~; ~.mr~ds c;anLi.guous to and a1c~nK ;,he ~.tne af saicl hex~ein- ~bove de~cribed a~rip far ~he purpoae of lo~:~~:~.~r~~, con~truetion. i•e- pairic~g, maint;ain~.n~, or rep~.acing said pt~t~~ t;: utlJ.itSea or appur- tenancea thereto and asnitary sewei~s, ~nd i'~z~ tlle purpo$e at' doing any n~cesaar,y or lawful aot in cor.~iec~ioci witn tk:~; con3t;ruction or main- tena~ice of ~aid publie util.iti.i~s nnd ~anitary ae°+~ers; there ~l~o granted the righ~ of ~h~~ u~e o~ sufficient latid c~ontiguaus to said atri;~ on either or both ~i,de~ th~:reof ~oi~ the purpos~s of excavatian of and deposit o~ e~rtih anci nec~ss~r~y building inul,er~.t~l during the ti.me of construa~in~ $a1d public utilitie9, and ~~3nitt~ry aew~rs r~nd ~ny repair thereof. Th~ foregoing 1m ~ub~ec~ to tha following ~xpi~e~:a condition~: Tt~e aran~ee agreea to restore ~he ground ~uri't~ce and ~.ny imprave- ments ther~~un tc its original ~rade or condttian in~ofar as it 1~ pr~et,icabie and ressonnble to do so. NO1J, T~~REFORE, IT TS HER~3Y R~~S~LVED, that C i ty uf Cupertino aceept said ar~n~ of Easement so tenderei!; ~nd . ~ ~ zT IS ~~tJR'.~R ~Sd~faY~D, t:hat i:i~.e C1~y C].erk bW and t~e is herek~y autharis~ed to r~c4rd r~aid ar~nt of Easement, ~r_d thia Resolu~Lioti. PA85ED AND A.D~P'~`8It thl.a 5th~_d~y of Sep~~mber 196't, by tihe follo~wing vote: A'Y'~9: Counc:ilmen - DeYnps~er, Noel, Stakes, F.~tzgerald NOAS: Counailm+~n - Non~ AF~4ENTs Cau~~cilmen - Johr~son wT'~ST ~ APP:iQVED: , . ~ ~ ~ ~ Z'3ty ~rk M~}tcsr~~ . , i.