CC Resolution No. 1493 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ar~rrzo~ ~o. ib93 A RRSOWlxO~ GP' T~il: CM7 QP CUPI~RTZ~fO ' APFROVIM3 FI~I. PL11~8 ZUR Tlffi IMPftQY1~F.li'T OI~ BUBH RQAD AT FRESIAIO AHIVE 1i1tE~!lG,S, there has b~ en presenteu, ta tt~~~~ C3.ty Counci'1 for eppro~vnl o~' fiaa.l pl+?~~s tor the im~rarr~n~ crt Hti~bb Rae?d at Pre~idta Drive; and 1~RLA~~ thara bae been pr~se~te& ~ta the City Caupcil e praposed a;re~ni: far the Gonatruction ~f iaa,p~ovea~ents; tind a~i.d plnns o.e1d ~ae~snt ha~e been app~roved blr t~e City Attorney; ncr~r, th~refore, HE IT R~OLVID that ~euid ilaal improvesaent plane of Bubb Road at ; Fr±~aidio Dri~~ be npproved a.u~Y xhat th~ City Engineer be autho~rized to gn eeid pla:.s oa behnlf af t~c Cit~r of G~apertino. I'A:iSED k.~ AAOP'TED this n.duy uf AuFU~~ ~s~~7, by the :.a? loxing votes : A~; rc+:::::~en - T~Em~:71.Er, Jotulson, Noe1, S~okes, Fitzgerrald S :~ES : Cou:.: ~ L-,en ~ ttunp ,i..3SE?JT: Coti:..;::l.:.en - Pl~nF APPHOYE:D : - ' `V" _ M~,yar,,r" City f Cup no ~ :"I'EST : G: • C3ty erk . .