CC Resolution No. 1393 . • ~ ~ , ~sox~tlTZC~ ~o. 1393 H~S~t~";~'~+d~ 09F' THE CI'~Y C~UNC~L ~F ~ C7TY 4F CUP.~HT~NO a? ~.owing c~:rtain a1s~r a~ d~ea~rand~ ir. ~r~e sum of ~2;~, ~31.57 . D~mand Noa . 7908 thru . 7973 • Plua ~p~r~mer.~ Claims arid der~r3g in the eum of ~~8, i35.91. Da~ 3~~3, ~31c~, 316y thru 3187, Th~ ~1 ty Council o~" f;~e City of Cup~rGino doea 'hereby repol~, ~v~rn~l.ne a..~:~ ~rder as follc~rrr~: Sec~i~n 1. That ln ~?ccordance with s~e~3on 3?202 of the t}~v~~ K~ode, '~'~"~'t~~ ~erk or his designate~, repreaentative hereby e~rtg~';,~~~ ~:o the acc:~*_~cy of' the fa3lowing demand:3 and ~o the ava3.11b1.11L•y o~ Y~ S'~~^ paymen: ~rere~f . s~~ Ka V. ~iaddon ~ ~~y L". er Sec.'_c:~ 2. 'rhat tihe following c3aims and demands h~ve^ been W~s as req::~ :=~~'Fy law arl~ .Y~,.~'t the same are hereby allowed in t~~ _~~•::.nr here~;-~.::~r ~at forth. Claf.s~r~.:: Warr3nt Arnaunt ~ No. Fa1d ~endi~ure For:. Ph3.:L?~ w. .:;,~crm 750b 105.70 De Anza LYD,Auto ExpTL.A. Po~tu~.-~ ~~~r 'T9~9 333.27 Po,~tage ~ C. ~?~:r~~ .~.~s4nard 7~10 100.00 Daposi~ Refund-~{mas Tree Lt sat~ :~~E' R~et,_ 79? 2 3k99, 50 oA.~Dr~~+~n. Rtr. Direc~•~ ~ntsrnt_ =~~:enu~ 'rq12 29b8.17 Lecember W/H Tax Chan~~ Cormerc~ ''g13 5000.00 ApX~ropr~.ation-2nd, Half A. ~~:k 7g~.4 2'j.01 Sup~~ll.es Sarz 4•.~i=~~'rson 7915 ?57•5~ Lep;al Servireg-Candy Rk.Mtr A Tac:: ~ental. 7916 36. t:5 Equipment Rental Auto 3~ Part~ . 7g1 1~3,f~9 Truck Parts Jac~c ~~~.:.:-~a^, In~:. 'ly~~ 4.92 Fai.nC Tliinner Hlck~~~. 7919 31•55 ~ai.n~,Na~.1s,Screws & Legs for N~dg. ~ Cali ~ A clans ~ ~ e 7520 ~26. Ol Jariuary Premi.ums be~Y.~: L~ ~~3•pris~4 792I 83.02 RefSiater Forms,Ha.~ge~ StF Fea :'r_y~~ .er Pro~1e~- ~~sn. 7g22 j0.00 Aru~u~l Mernberahl.~ CampC~~ :~:~Le Prir.: i S!.F~.'.y 7923 6.65 Blue Pri.nt Suppllee Lea.~,.~~ :~i Cl,ti~~ 7y24 ~45.OU Annual S~rvice CharEe Carp~ :.t~ &{d Tr;:~ ; Fa. 7925 4~~.00 A~~embez~ Premlum ~ Caryec:,~~ ~~ngion an~ 7926 ~2.$0 December Prcmium Char~.~.~ ~hrierr~.:: 7927 1238.66 ReimburQe for Undergd.Tr~an:, Cal. ~r Recrea.~~r. Soc. 7y28 25.U0 Ara~ual Duea 9. C.. ~;~.T3~pt . nf r,'~ . 7929 ~80. 05 Repa~.ra ~o Lef~ '•Turn Slgna~ Hnmes~ead ~C Hwy. J~ine Stie~~e t~„1Sf.Doc:~,~:::s Sear..7930 5,7~ Y~66 Ca~,,Stat, Abstract Car~.t~~..,~ ~r Crmpany~ ?'931 $f~.16 Improvem~3n~ H~nds~Psin~ing Wa~c2 ~v~lop*;~^ ~ s, Iz~c . i 932 900.00 Davelapm~nl~ &e Maint. Dep. Cup~r~~.~a ~.ectri.c, 't933 94.59 ~Creet ~i.ghtir.g d~ ~ig.Repr~: C:uper~;~.s~ca ;~c,hPr Cc . 7934 lX . 2~ ~oncre~~ Cup~~ ~rdware ~ ~,'nr . 7~3~ 80.5~ s~~o~ .~cU,p~~~.iee, KeyB & A'aint Cup~~Sa~.o ~hru~~ar~r 79~~ c~43.3ki ~raee Cupca~~~s~ i~,t~r D~~~. 7937 5.76 Corp. Yard S~srvsc~~ Supt~; ~t~umsnCe,L'.S,Frint '~'g::,,~ 'T.00 l~aR?ior+~~l ~5.~~ G'ode D~.r~ato~~< ~ ~ ` G]~~.ttt bi~rr•:~r~-, A.mc:=~r.t ~o~ '~ala ~x eracli~ure ~~r: ~u~rtino Unian 5ch. Di~t~. "~939 ?13.8~ R$cv.rtl Fl~.yer; S~c~~;li.es,Trtp ll~t~s af Cupert,ina 7~~ 8.g9 pfi'~.ce~ ~up~ill.es lffi~1 ~lech~r 7~41 5.00 Add. ~'~~uium~Carp.Yd.Hld,~. ~ A~~. o~ tien.S~:~ ic~s '~~2 1.82 ~r~.d~e M~nuat Chg. Let~er~ .~a~~ili Council F/Plarcn.R~~. T~4 2.00 1 C~any ~~tylirie Landsc~.pe I~~~ii.ll Pr~nt. & Pub~. '7~+~ 45.52 ~ga1 Hotic~e ° qa~~i~ Woodwrr'-~.+..~,,x ?94~ 8Q.40 1 CovnLer ~11e ; t3~.~~~ EXectri ~ 79~6 37.63 P,V.C.~andu~.~ Repair-Pk.T.~a4: J~a tfri~Sit~is, Tnc. 79+~ 50.00 Refund nP Pa.an AeposiL• Js~~ Hill. & Cc~.,Inc. ?9~~ 3~.58 `~able,Chai•r & Axgf~aman S~oc Ir~~.rr~.tlana~ ~±ry Mgz~~.A~srx. ~94q lO,QU Blnr~ere ~'or MZS ReprrCa : ~ ?950 ~~~.9~ Type~writ~r and Ribbone ~ ~ I~. ~t~+~w aen~er S Co Ir~c . { 951 23.40 Poaket Fart$ f'o,~ Ra~hk.op~' I,aw o£ Zoni.ng & Ptanr~~ng J. ~'ape~ , Inc . 795~ 3~.2~ Of~'ic~ Suppl.ies Mo~:~~ V1.sta Fr Nar~wa.rF 7~53 9.2b Hr~.ek~t Shelf 8c L'11~,~ M~...~~c~a~n~ lra~~eti ,~~rvl~~ ?9~4 c^7.00 Plarse F~:r.~ ~o Lo~ Ang~lea Fi~.._^~- L. Atur~.:,., Ir.c. ~955 535.~8 Dx~aPer~.es ~c Yn~L~.llation P. ~c E. 797F 42?.73 S~reeG Lite~,Si.g,~er.& Corp Fi ~~r.~ r-nowes, . 7~57 3Z.~+c Po~tage Met;er Rer,tal P~.-:r~L~~~.r~a c,rri~ :~.~s ~s~r,. 7~~ 35,~0 WPOA tdEr,~berah.Lp Uuea-Annual Pr~~~F~~~'~'1~H32~~a:-,~:i.w?r~1e': '~5g 7,5J Phy. Exarn.R. SaE~nz Qt~mrent Elec::•:;::c: ~f~~ 1'~~.~.~~~ Sony & Equipment P~~::._ ~,uinter;:: ?y~l 3. ~:t~. & T~.re R~pai.z~ AE~.: 3c (~rahgw:. ?~62 .77 S~reet Repa~.r Dlateria:l~ 5~w~s, ROebtl;.r: ~::.i 7~E; 46.~t~ Floar Pain~ & Dado S~~ C t:;~' c f Suru~r; ;:a y6~ ~.;;3 Pxoporr~.an~ Le st~ara oi' bI & ~ #'or Tra£Fi c Sigt~~l Sc.:~ui~z-Dewe;- 1 ~t~. 6,hU Dir~rcrcr;.~ LeLCei~.~ &~'1Eures 9c:¢~~. 011 C~:~;::::::,: 7~~5 ,~ti.33 C}asoline z'or Corp. X~z,d Yc~:~~ Pr].nti::~ ;;-57 115,~~ Forms for~ B].dg. DApt. X~:.^~.T ~y~ 1~~U.Ci'? Renr ~:.d Copie~ E~ Er.L'ez•~,-'~: 3? 0£fic~~ Suppliea ~ iG i~Jood~:~ .~t;'.::~; 7:7G 6 L~amir~ ~1.ng Fcm m~.ca Tc~~.~.~ ;abi t~' : c:~r-,ler7~c::, ~:;~~ti~ar:a~ w?f,.C~ L'mp1.o;~e~:s BZt3t11t~'~: ~un~~i RE~~:~ ~s of' ts ;~y7~ c~'?, Effecti~re Comrnutiica~i~~n~ f'a Publi.~ 'n'~rk~ Coi~z~a~ ~:-M~~~ W, SC~:-: 7.~7~ x.C.C. t~lheGirig . . . ~ M~ i, ' ' ~ ~ WATER DEFp~'{TMT,V~, E~iFE?~5:~ ~ C~.aimazst ivr~x~ranr Am~unt t~~. Faid ~ ~en3it.ure_ F~~ra 4 - - ~ nireat;~:r of Intern~3 ~"~even~i° 3]~63 27?.60 ~.~:ce~~ex~ Withhalding Ta~c St~.~e F.~loyeea Art~ir:~.Sy$L-~•m 316~ ~~2.20 Ci,'!.~DI--<<th. Quar:er a ~.C.C~oy..Floa;i Canrrol 3169 ~.$,7~5.13 '~#tG~r i~isGric,r. Tax W~e~ "~'a~~.l~y ,~ord 3170 t~64 Fax 3 2'xuck P. G. ;an~f E. 31?i 2, 3~5.4~~ ot~'ice,l~iann stat.B;HM~D 1& 3 Weste~n m~ Co. 37.72 7,,fa4 8. 41 Purrip Installatidr. '~quipm~n; ~Sug~ne -~3u~l.ivan 31~73 2't0. 00 Engine~~ing Conaul~ai~t CaI~.~'. F'h;~siaians Ser~~ice 31?~4 ~i1.7~~ January pz~emlwna ~iere~;y Sparll.reg Me~.er Ca. ?17~ 1.7~? N~air, I.~ ne Id~L•ei~ Part; Cupertir.o Hardware ~c~. , Inc: ~ 3~"; 6 y.~4 R~~at~ilium and F~~u~l~ Earl W. Hep1e, ~nc , 31?7 120.1'r ~Repair T.,Aak-Locate Shu~ off Val Page$ Talephone Ari~ . 3er~~l.ce 317$ 18.9C~ Ser~rice f ar 1)ecemh~~r Cuper.*.ino 4ia~er Pe~.,:~rtment; 31 j9 3.3C Off'.laG W~ter ~~rvic~ ` Shel.l 4i~. ~:ampan~~ 3180 27. 3~ (lasal' n~ Edward 5. Wa].~h Cc~. 31$1 10C~.6j Set af' Pi.rH 'I'l~readt.ra~Ch~3.n V~:~ Wes~ Va~Zey orr~.~E S~.~r~.,l~~ 32$2 s~.~:~ :3 ii~~1.e Punch-Pen~ Dotl's of Cupert;ine 31$4 11.",1 ~'ti~;~l~pe~ & S~rtwiclt Scott A~.z~:n 31~5 3.t}E: i+~ael P~xmp Chria~;~ ~,or,crete ~_~L:~urt~ 3183 3'i.6'r 'rlaf:~r MN~er Lid;i G~ral.d GT'~F3c3Yr:31C1. ~1~F 6.'~0 l7~p,~31~; Re~'ttnd flan~: ~~f kr,.~rica ;I~ T ~1 ,~~1~. r.~ De~:an:b~r Sa1.E:s AdapL~c. Ll~~ ~h. ~~a~r ui' aai~~iar 1961 ~1'~t=: 7~,'~~'~~i 2' - ' . i ~ ~~~~;z.~,•~ 2' r,,y . ,Gg..r i ~ . . . . . . . ~ , . .