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CC Resolution No. 1365
• . I ~.r'S0~ a I~!J N~. ~~b~ R~SOYdT~IQN OF S~iE Cr~1'X COUtSCIL, ~F T'NE CI'i'7 OF CU~"ERI'~?7~U al~owing aertain al$i.aic~ end der~eand$ in the suaz or ~9, t~6.8~1. IX„r~znd A~ab•. 10, 001 ~hru. ?~0, (361 Plu~ i~afier Departmen~ cla~.~ and de.nands in ~~e ~um of ;E1,133. hl . D~sr~c1 Nos . 3Q55 ~hru 3~59 . I'he City Couactl c~f tta~ City of ~,::~aert~.no daee hereby s~eaol~e, de~~rmine anr~ or3er as Po11ow:~ : Section :1, `I't~at in ~tccor3ance wi.~h ~ecti~n 3i202 of the Goverr~ent Cocfe, ie""'L'ni'Ey Clerk or his des~.g~naC~rl re~res~nta ;ive hereby c~rtities to the sQauracy of th~ fo2lawting demands anc9 L•o the ava111bilAty o~' ~ar.is fox~ paymen~ tnereof. /s/ Kay V. Haddon ~'i~ Rler~`~`~" Sec~ion 2. ~I'h.at the following claims and demand?. ~~ve bepn audi~ed a~ re~u3.r'e~ by la~ and ~hat thE~ same are hereby allowed in thP a~oun~ hereinarter set forth. C1ai~nt Warrant Na. Amount Pa~.d Caro2 Bartunek 10, OU1 1~14 . 74 June 3enevich 10,002 196.07 itillian D. Henevich 10,003 389.07 ~err~ a. BQ~fila io,oo4 307.1+5 .~mbrose Drisco 10,005 1$7.09 ~dilli•~m .T. Hrooks 10,005 3].2.~5 John I.. ~3«s~o 10,007 35~.35 P.ichar~ .~~a.h~g~en 10, 008 21q.07 Fi?a.nk B. I~inney 10, OU9 4$4 .$0 Fan3a.11 T~'itl~erald 10,010 312.t15 !~.ay Haddon 10,011 330.00 A33e F~auri n 10, 012 364 . 30 ~usaik~ Marti.n 10„013 182,19 G~adgs M~Y.ugh 10, 011~ 191.49 Kenseet-,n E. 1~1eKee 10,01~ 165.78 Hide1~Q Murakami 10,016 182.17 F.3war1 L. Murphy 14, 017 338. 7~ James E. Nu2um 10, Olf3 281. 68 Bill s3 ~ Iirien 10, 019 21.3.27 Frzztl~ L. Ortiz 10, 020 250. a'j Ja?hn G. Parham 10,021 391.67 Plorence E. Reid 10,022 200.80 Jam~es E. Roof 1U,Ow3 237.67 Fer~inau~3 S~ntoni 10, 021~ 187. 08 Rolsert S. Shook 10, 02~ 369. 07 Thoaraa H. 5tephens 10, 026 23`i. 3~ Fhil~lp Vl. 5torm lo, 027 5613.89 Carl G. Willifuns 10,02$ 204.69 i~i11~~.am R. Barfco 10,029 39.54 Doru~a J. Belke 10, 030 50• 73 IAx~etLa Hree~er 10, 031 ~ 23. 46 J ~ - ~ C1$i~ant ~ W~~•x~n~ Nu. Arnpunt Pni d „ __r.__.,._ . Hv~a1.~ L, Burke l0, 032 ~~7 , 98 ~~cquelln Carsten~ 10,03= ~4,14 Darr1~9 Calmar 10, 03~ 2T . 59 Micha~l A. Coopcrr 10, 035 2s.31 ~Ce~rin J. Coatell.o ao,o36 37.62 ~ Misa~Cley D~ayton 10, 037 26. 34 3.''cx~las Dsyton 10, 038 42.85 I,eta~ I~.ie Eator. 10, 039 4g, 98 ~rax~c o. ~toj, lo,o~o ~3.~5 Knthys~n E1:118 lU, 041 12. 93 Caro1 J, Fair~ins 10, Ckf2 41.05 ~yZe as.x~.ette l0,043 132.59 Haz~iet E. Nill 10,0?111 86.2~ ~~lvi$ Hinrichs 10,045 170.12 }~~rsha N~.tcliings 10, ok6 20.12 ~~ayrso»d L. tr~he~ lo, 047 50.95 X.oiss M. Inwar3s 10, O~a 72. 06 .Jeri Lynn .lewett 10,04g . ~6.45 taura k~rohese l0, 05~ 158, 56 Larrie Mongiello 10,051 2g.92 Ellen tjimmons l0, Og2 8.61 . .tiar~cy K, olson ia,o5:~ 2~.6g Dennis W. Pal.~: lo, 054 3?. ~5 ~ioger M. Piaz~a 10, Og~ 17p, 21~ L.~slie A. Rci.~ 10,057 52.71 o, 056 voI n K>~ren Aiddie 10,058 0.95 E3xar3 R. Ito3riFuez 10,0~9 ~g,6?_ Bri~n ~TiUbetts 10,~50 ~1.$2 b!ary C. Yergin 10, 06x 42. ~35 1~111TL'R DEPAF I'MENr PAYROLL Aobby a. Dockins 30~5 31?.91~ Paul A, ~~ge 305~ 231.30 Joeaeph Elnaett 3057 ].91,50 Da~oi•es Narbst 3058 160, ~1 AudreX L. Westen 3~59 231.2A A3o~~~ed the ~Y.s'th. _day_ of CoCober ~.966 ~*ay er o ~n _ ng a o~erMT~~`~"--