CC Resolution No. 1354 ~ • • ~ ~ gi,E.SOLU'Z'~fNi t10. 13~4 RE30LUTI~dAI OF THfi CII'Y CI~UNCZL OF ~~HE CITY dF CU~RTII~Q ~ilowinA cer~ain ~ c1s3.rn~ sncl dentian~I~ in the awn of $122, ~5 Demand Nos . 7573 thxu 7~~~.. ' P1~~ W~?ter T3epartment claim~ and d~mar~de in the sum ~f $~,1~5.90. I7~mand tdo~ . 3d~1, 3027 ~hru 3o3-r. The City Counci3. of the "ity oT Cupertina :~oea hereby re~olve, deLermine and order as fal~.oWS : Section 1. That in accardanae witri aeation 37202 0~ Che l~ov~rnmen~ oC`~;`~'ie"Zri~3r Clerk er his desi~nat~d representat].ve h~re+~y certifies to the ac~ur~ey of thP follotr~.rt~ demand$ ~nd to ~he avHi].i.- bilSty o.'.' tunds for payment ther~nf. ~/a/ Kay Y. ~ia~ddon ~ Z'~.~y er r".~'c " .Secti~n 2. Th~.t th~ fallnwi ng claim~ ~nd derr~nd~ have bee» au~tted as requ re ~`iy ls.w an3 that ~l~e same are hert;by a13,~w~:d in ttle amaunt hereir,a:~ter set forth. Claimant Wiarr-xnt Amount No, pa3.d Ex~enditure for : Crocker. Ci~izens B~nk ?573 100, 000. C10 T~.me De~osi~-aen. I~'un3 Kenneth Stras~er 75?~~ 13.~4 Se~tet~ber Mil.ea~e A T~o1 3hed Ren~als 7575 18.OU Waaker Wibrater Platie A~.~~4 dc Truck Parta 7576 21.F8 Truck Parts-Stre~t Df:pt. Arr.e' Silk Sc:r~~n Pr1nt . 7577 39. ~0 Window Llecals Har..~ c?f America 7578 5~. ~3 Bvnd S~rvtcea &~:xpenses ~ickell Bros. 7579 103.~~1 Stakes for Tree~ Wiifred E. Ale~sin~; A.Y.A. 7~80 327.38 Sept,ember Frrmt. ~r-acy Er~terpri.ces 758? 5^c.32 Payrol]. Checks Hu:rough~ Corprration 7582 5~337.99 Burr~ugh~ Hook~;eep.ing Mach. Cupertino Lumber Co. ?5~3 6.03 Cement-Stree~ I~ept. Sug~. of Documents 'j58~ $.~0 Cat:a:,oge - P~anning Dept. Cu~.ertino L•'1eQtrict ~nc. ~'~5 4,~L Bulbc~ for Offic~~ Cuper~ino URi.on Sch.Dia~. 7~Ei6 2~6.00 M~iea~c-Recreation 7'rips State af Calif. 7597 ~,283.~0 Share of Tratfic Sig.Ma.Lnt. Don' ~ of Cuper~ino 758~9 1l1}.07 Foldera and L~ab~le D~c~.unenta Sec~ion 7589 1.o4 Bridge l~Sanual Chg. Ltr. F~3:~con Charter 5ervice 759~ 5.00 Recrea~lon Trlp Friden, Inc. 'r59~. ~"/'.00 Ma1nL•enance Ag~~eme:~t Fo~tln3.11 Print. & PuL]._ 759~ 7~.$9 Legai Noticea aoodyear Tire dc Rubber Co. 7593 1,726.3y Pliopave - 3treet Dept. Maffma~n Magnet Co. ?~y~ 89.00 MagneC~ fvr Ci~y Hall Dorathy Jackeai~ 7595 69.68 Award Hibbona Recreation J. Trophie~ 7596 3~.5~ De~k Set for $la,Qr City J~ C. Pape~ Ca. 759? 6~.8~ O~fiae Supplies Jorn'a A11gn. & Brak~ 3er. 759~1 22.2~ Rep~~rs to SGreet Dept.T~. Kenr~edy Bus?3ness Machinea 7'S~9 5.?~ ~'ap~~r '~ab1Q~Plannirig Dept. Et~gene R. Maa~in ?b00 607.d0 Et~?g. Feea Mar~C Thr,mae Trin 7601 103.31 Cc:~ncil Conv.-R.Demp~ter Min~ons ~.unber dc Supply 7602. 41..87 Floor Ti~.e~Corp. OPFiae S~az~ R~~~1 Es~ate Serv~.ae 7f03 ~0.00 Pool Aiapoait Refund ~ . i , r ~ ~ ~d 1 i L'~•~A~IIt: ~'f81'x'ST2~ AT11f1llrit : No. Pai.d E~eridtture Fcr: ~ l~tt"1 li~cre~~, & Pa.rk Aaen 7G01E 5,00 Annual 5ub. to Ma~a~inc~ P. p. ~c E. 7605 4,23~.35 Stree~, Sagn~l~,Offic~ ~er. ? F~t~l~ia ".~~:~e~hane 76C6 ?.30.75 Of~'ice 3erviGe ~.f~tim~ Poo1~, ~nc . 7G07 100.0~ PoQl t~pQS1.t Refund 1~ro~ch,,~s~der, Schwertley 76t)$ 7, 50 Ph~. Bxa,m. ~ IC, McKe~~ ' I~.r~y ~ R~.ta Rowe 760y 16. ~G Ciround Srea.lting Photo~ ~ P~d Star Zx~du~t. 5ervir.e 7610 1.50 f~reaae Towel~-3treet ri~pt. , ' ~a~:toga~a Nor~. Fndtn. 7611 12.50 Stree~ Tree Ser~vi.ae ~ 3~?n Jv~~ M~raury ~c Nexa 7612 34.20 Ad for Draf tisman ~ax~ Jose Blue~~int & 5u~,~. 761~ 1v.61 Blue Prirat Su~pl.i~s • Reed ~ C#a~ham , Yn~:. 761 1, 781.35 ,~treet R~pair N,ater~..al Cty. af San~a Clar~ 7615 267.8~ Traffic Pain~ 3an Jose [~at~r Works 7b16 'j.17 Office Sei~vic,e Sta~e Com~. Ins. ~x~nd 7617 ?,255.26 State Comp. Tna. ~~'he11 Or : Company 7618 ? 33,6g Casoli.n~~Stz~eet Dep~. ~ S~:otL- Auco 761g ~~9,9~ mire~-~tree~ Dept Truck~ ~ Testing dc Con~rols, Inc. 76~0 29.d~ Teatlr.g Cancrete-CiCy Naxl 3. C. iari~ k Gr~~~el 7621 1C.89 3treet Repair Matcrials ; Kestcoaat ~llmf~ '~622 4£3.57 Fllr~ for Recrer~.tinn "~'e~~ern Flta.ab.'~ff. Assn. 7623 34.84 Plumbit~g ~C He~ting Codes ~fe~t Valle,y Of,fice ;uPpl~ ?62k 2.13 Rubb+~~{ Stamp ` Xerox . 7G~5 111.14 Hent and. Copieg Pete and Anr? Gb,.rko T~~6 250.00 Cl.ty ~Ial1 Nent-Sept . Carp. H. & W. ".'.r, r~in3 7~i27 !}6.00 Augunt ~remium Ctzrp, Pensian Tr. H'un:~ 7~28 5R'.20 Augunt Premiwn Cfty o~' Cuperti,na ti~later v~ 762g 1~.~~2 Carn. Yd. W~t~r ~ervic~ Cal~fornia Corr~etional Ind~63~ 6'~,60 Tat~le Calif. Phy. Service 7631 473.86 September Premi~uma I~IATER DEPARTrIENT EXP~NSC MarCin Bre~,rer 3021 ~.47 I7e~oeiL- Refund G~orge AnderBOn 302'~ ~O,OU Deposit R~fund Cup~rtinn 1•Jater Dept . 302~ 5.78 '."o Retain De~po~i~ Refwrid ; ,Tam~e De~aringer 3029 10.00 Deposit Ret'uncl p.r~bar~ Maytum 3030 10.U0 DfspoalC Retund C?ipertino Hardw~re Ct~ . '~Ojl 110 ~ F~1 I,ock~ an~ P~inC - Fa~~s Ans~~+Er1ng Service 3032 13.2~ Answer~ng 3ervice for Offir:~ P. t]. dc F. ~~33 1, 9~?7.1o Fischer We11,F~omestead ~1, 2r 3 ~rar~ach,Hard~r,Schwert].ey 3a3~ 7.~0 phy. Exam.Dolores Harbet 1~,d3re~aoga~aph Muat . Corp, 3c~35 ~27.28 Addrer~esograph Fram~+~ ~ 1'lates ~ 7~ur~ougha Corp. ~036 2,287r'T1 Baakke~ping Maah~.ne ; State Co~r,p. Ynp. Fund ~03? 61~.05 GompQna~atior~ Ine. PrE~m~un~ Ado~~ed t~he /t ' h. day of SeptQmber 1 ener~`aT aW r~ranEe'~`~".._.~"..,~°' , ~ . . . . ~ ~