CC Resolution No. 1330 ~ ~ t~83~xaU~.~'ION Na. 13?~0 , B~INO A RBSCII+IJ'~'Ii~ C1~ T~~ ~;C'1°7l' t~F G'UP~R'irtl~l~0 JlCC}3F"!~`~ A i~tA1i'1" (~E? FHOtrII ~AMT~T04~ D~B'V'.E~I+OF1~0~' C~~'.PCIRAT30N ° ~ M'~C~AS, HAMZLT0~3 DE'Vl~iAP'~t~1'r OO~~A~It)?l~lf, graa~tor, h~~ ~exac:uted ~ a 4~r~t ot l~ase~ren~ ahi.ah ~.a in ga~d ,sr~d suf fiaia~it i'or~, convaying ta the CI~ ~P' CUPSRTI1i'0, grantae, an aesert~nt for pub].i~a uti~.it~a~ , u-v~r tha propcrty ei.tuated tn the Cit~r of Gupertino, Caunty of ~snta Clara, Stats~ cj~ Califor».ia, demaribed ea ~'oiloNe s ~eing a~~~rip oP arAr.d 10.0~0 feo~ in widtl~~, ~he a~nt~rl3n~e of ~rhlch befng n~are particularly de?saribad fo].loNat ]Begirusing at ~ tt.e northerly terroinua of the property li~e com~on to Lote 29 and ~ ;~O a~s aairl L~f;a c9 ana 30 arP ~shown on that cert~in map of Tract No. 3354, Carxly Rua1~ l~uun~sin, a map or tahich i.e filed in eook i89 0~ Maps~ at {~ags 5~ in t~ia off ice o~' the C~~unty Recarder of ea~d Sant~ Clara Co1nty; thence frc~m said Point o:r ~asn.-~~~ ~lor~g eaid ]~ine co~on to oa~.d Y~ota 2g t~nd 30, 8. 5~ E. 133.8~. ~eet to the sout3~sart~:r~.y tarmizius of ~ai.d line coic~aan 1•0 ~ai~i ~,c~ts 29 and 30; ex..er~dS.rva and ahortzn!.ng ~h~ side linef~ so a~ ta termina~~ at the norther:l;~ aiul soutllerl~- property line+8 of eaid Lo~s 29 and 30. ~'tie for~guln~ i$ sub~ect t~r the t't~IloNtn~,r, expre~as condit~ona: Th~ Qrantee abrees to ret~tore the grounci gurfa~e und any imprc?veu~ants therean to 1ts c?r~gina]. y~radr~ or cond3.~lon inaofnr as it is x~ra~c~icnble and ~easonable to do ~o. N~W, Z'FIEREFOR., IT :i3 H£~Y AE30LV~D, thc~~ the C1ty oC Cu~~rtino accrpt ~a1d (~r~r.t nf basement so ta~ndarred; and ~'T IS ~URTNER RESULV'ET), that ~he C:ity C1erk be a~d he in hereby ~uthorize~i to record said l3tr~rat of Easetc~nt, and thi.a ResoluL•lon, PASSED Al2D ADOPT~D tttis $th day of M„~.~1~ _ , 19E6, by the *ollowin,~ votio: AYE~: Counc~,~.men -Dempater, Fitxgerald, .Tolinsan, tdoel, Stoket~ N'G~ : Counoilmen ~),~ne A~.~TT: Counci.lmen -None ~Z~'~EST: . ~ AP~'i~CVED: , ~ /;u a~ v~ ~caa.,.~ - .1~.y..,a~..~Q.x.~a.~. L~i~"~ er .~i"a~rox , , ~ , . ~ N. .