518 (2) STREET R BUILDIN' G PERMIT %APPLICATI& A! �CUPERTINO 7 Date— P Trott N Application is-hereby,made,forta p'ermittp /I I a 'IJ 'V� story,Type Building at to be occupied only as n accordance with Plans, ecificatto d PI)t-Planfiled herewith. 0 Estimated Value of Improvements, s7M 29 Fees—, 7 It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, Rod use of buildings within the City of Cupertino w'I be complied with. 01 Address By— J-�/ 20�� Address CONTRACT Phor Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR I I I I J o 0 0 0 0 0 Q u u u u u u u W IL W G Q d LU � Q d • LL 00 W F °C z a o a F Q w h as w a C7 CERTIFIC1Ae E O !.F.�VE OMP f'ETION r BUILDING INSPB,-TAR'S OFFIC CITY OF CUPERTINO Date 5 ........�............_.:..., 19.x=... Buil PermitrNo. `rt.�.! .......... jThe Building Located at ..,// .(7" U"'..L/-C ...... I..r3... /.K1 •. ............. .. .......... Owned by --- ......... i.....?...C1.3+?.A..� 1s.=, A%✓' ;Jl�l/� ............................................ _................. ............................. (Completed) .• Has Been (Altered) For Use As: ...........r.....: t. ..,.i........................................ 1; ................................................................. ....... ............ ... ...................................... .._............................ ................................_....:.................. ............:................ .. .................... .. .......................... BUILDING INSP[CI'OR 102 7/59-500