00070024 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING.DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 457�L'_;'-Cb BUILDING ADDRCSS. � PERMIT NO. rK t fi-FKr r��klw�w OWNERWSNA .. - ) N'I'LICATIO ) G 8 C Mf J4 k^� S' 1'HONr: + SANITARY I. ( O. 739 O Op ZAROU ITiCT/pNGIN6HR: BUILDING PERNIIP INTO e.+l'f � I 2 - BLDG EI.ECr PL(1M11 MECII �¢y �y- Llceh t I a RACIOR miler s DI ions of CION- Job Description - O7�, 1 M1erehy affm,that 1 am licensed under prvvi,ion,of CM1apmr,4(comn¢txing 2-4 'ifh Scctian]pxp of Divi,ionJnf the Rosiness cosi Ymfe„inm C,Ne.and my liceme 6 w in full Intel,anti effect. 0/9 2. C z w< Licen,e Cla,v�/�� Lie,.h l S n i O Dam .'7 Comm o GAS LINE ARCHITECT'S DECLAI IION I, an I I andemmnd Illy Plan Ira a ns�pnggl� (nI / - p O hittnvcJ Prnle,sional /T—T It. X o e.ap OWE iR-Itsviep,iR DECeCono UN - m—w I hereby affnn that 1 am exempt Inn..ma Cnnvannr'x License Law Ibr the C Z< following mown.(Section 7031.5.II., wse and Pmfcsirms Code:Any city or county - Y—O which requires it permit u,conslrvcl,alter,improve,demolish or repair any,wcmre 6 sQ prion....x hnunncG nlxn requiem tle applicum far,uah lwnnil to flennigncal ewfcnfcnt I at Leis hcen-d punnam in the prma,inn,of me canracmr.Licenw,Lima(Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valu i� (commencing wxifh Section 70(1 of Divi,ion J of the Rushee,,and Prlcssionn Code) Gy-� or shot he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the ul leSet eaemptiun,Any vinlat inn ✓V of Section 7031.5 by unyapplicnnt lout Penni .necw meappli,me ,,a Gini l penally - .of nor more than five hundred dollar,(asro). APN Number Occupancy Type ❑I,: weerof the er co,o my employee wi n,"age,as reit sole eompensadnn. But ne be work,and he,(morn i,na emended er e I,u fan a:Je(see. toaa, 36933030 �gy��r�I Rusin,and property Who build,cafe:The,Car the,,o and, ed does h appy'm en rCC(IUlred InSPCCI1D115 owmrafpropeny wonlo,rnrnveded I.e..h andwho la1amees cI winkuded(it or erect fo his own cmployeas.provlde,l mal mpr rp,avement I%%ol wi ran ire ye r or olreple for vide.ILhn-build % )wildingorimpn of prim.what he did ane yew of 106 — SEWER R WATER cunmpleinn.the awncrhuilJer will have the M,Ncn of proving that he Aid not hU11J nr I.:mpmne forpmpmg or acle). 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ❑1.asowner ofthe pmpenv.tor exew,icelycemmcdngwith licensed contractors,to 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING n names he the p,,,jet,(Sen 70,14,liu, ,and Pro ion,Cca cContractors Lke aLawdoe all applyti,nV,dp,n6,rcD ITB lyIn"haJ,l,nrin"loc, here..... 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER and who entrees for such pmjecnwith a contmemr(s)Iicemed punuent to the cmnractor,Llagme Law. 502 '— FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY ❑lam exemp nedar See. .B&PC for tkriscn 506 — GAS TEST Rpa se, +PCNSATIONDrCLARATION �� 507 — FINAL PLUMBING 1 herby affrn.ander pnahy el perjary rare of the ILlmwing dellaradmu: ❑ I have and will m:urain it Cenilieme of Covent a, self-inmm for w'orker's Cnn.panmfion, a, proviild lin by Scnion 3700 or the Lt.or Cwla, for the perfanmance of he work for which this pcm,it I,issued. ❑1 hmr and will mainwin W'urkcr's Cmigwnsafion Imumn<e.as regoireA by Section . 3701 of the Lalwr C,A,.for the pnforamoce Ill'the week for which this pennil is . issued.Fly W'n ker',Cum us Zinn Immune carrier and Policy number Carrie: 'elegy Na: C:R 1 IC I N( E%IIMPTION FROM WORKIiRS' / COM :NSATION INSURANCE (Thi,wetion need not he mmplotcd if the wrout I,fit,one hundred dollar O/ ($110)or less.) y�•� I certify lent in the pater ncc ol'the weak fat wvidr.is punnet is isxncd,I V ,hall not employ any person in any manner w,as In bccgope,cljea to the worker,' Coau,sa on I-aws of Cahforie.Date Applirmt NOTICE TO APPLICANT:11:aIle,olein,min Certifeate of E.enonamn,you should became suhjecl m me w'orker's Compen.salion pnwisions it(the LM)r Code,you must Q O forthwith vomply with such provi,icm or this Ill.hall be deemed revoked. F ^ CON S'FRUCT10N LENDI NO AG UNCY ' I herby aRnn thin then,is a commit lending agency for the performance fry ufthe work for which his pennil is ismed(Sce.3097.Civ.C.) Q Lendrh Nanus - LcnAcr's Address U I cerdly that I have read mi,application and orale shat the above infer tin r is 4. E.. a....1.1 agree m comply with v11 it,and county rdinunce,and ,are Invs'x relating ' Q V to building construction.and hereby outhadxe representative,of this city to crop upon ry the above-met imeed pu,peny for fmpeelan mrsl . fy( OV agrm ill xuvc,Indeaonily and keep lw,mlexs the City of Cuperti nougulnst N liabilities.judgmetv.a,costs and expemes which may in any way accrue aguina said U ,Z City in cnnsequcna,of the griming of this permit. "'• APPLICANNffiiUNDERSTANDS AND W LLCOMPLYWITHALLNON-/pppnnnINNry/''Tff'' Issued by: Date SOURO6REGUL 1 NF. 7 1G o ff Signet .•gym A,p ieaer/Cm m r D,a Re-roofs I IAZA OUS MAA HRIA1S DISCLOSURP. w'iu me apphNin to future Wildin,..'an, fact a handle taceardat:material Type of Roof.: as defined by the Cupertino Municipal C, .Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code,Section 25532(ulp GY'�/ El yea All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future buadingoccupant use equipment or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove emit hauuduux an Cnnrm,inuntn Iclinpl by the Hny Area At,Quell,Mi anent • Dearne (r/ all new materials for inspection.- Applicant Understands and will comply with Up, all non-point source regulations. hung mad nw h✓/:ntly �ma tcha nghit if is m under Clutpxr bAg nr the Culifomin Hcalth&Sofro Gate.Seetion,25505,25533m,1255ii,l understand that / i(mc building dos ern cumcntly havca¢nam,mm if is my rtspansibiliD In notify the sect pan,nrtunclear, yran prior to „umme of a Canilcam of Occupancy, - I Signal re of Applicant Date Owner nr mhal ngn,a Data All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better OFFICE