415 (2) ' l�Ci.lam I fil y { j p ,_ LOT NO. V 9 'NO. TRE67. A L CATIOFOR BUI DI G PERMIT " CITYOF CUPS IN, - 't.,.,. • Lam... /�^-� Date I95 ,,,,Pe"rmi�t No.__�J Application is hereby made-for aNpermit to, ' i - a �_story,Type Building at to be,pccupied onlyas SLA �i.t� i n., in accordance with Plan, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. � u Estimated Value of Improvements,$�./ Fee$ 4/67:;`0_— u It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances.and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of- "'I Cupertino will be compliedwith UO Owner�/"� ' Cly O th. _ XP.�Address-j C 1 c � i By C � Address ' CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone t—d a`Q Approved BUILDING INSPECTOR J o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q u u u u u u O C. 4 d a O LU LL d {A Zs O � � a W W 0 Q W Q w m faA W P. C7 x s a 4 e CERTI , I OF COMP TION , I G INSPECTOR S, OAC g ' �x t Date . * {ti CITY OPERTIBu ding Permtt No Nr � The BuildingLocated'at ;f' /...3 } _ ....... . .'..s Owned by ................... --' i--"p ...:.. .F..... .. ....... Com leted Has Been Ak (.Altered) ) For Use As: t ^'�`- - ____ f ...... ..... ........'.T............................ .......... :. ...._..............................._..............................._..__..._...._..........................................._.......... ., .........._................................................._........................................................ �« .........................................................................................":...................................................... ........................................................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR, ' 102 7/59-500 �I .f.,-I'll I'_.'-........ 4'