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CC Resolution No. 1223
. 4 r ~ a~ . RF+.SOLUTION N0. J.223 + Ft~'.~c',z,.~T~0~1 UF ~ CZ~' C(~1T;~TwIL OR TN".E CITY OF CUPERTINC allo~~~ aer~a].i~ ~ clai~s r~id demande i.r? the aum of 772. ~ DGmand Nos 151~ thx~u 5564. ~ Plu.~a ~ter Pe~rtm2nt a7.aime ar~d dema~d~ i~~~ ~he aum o~ $1,C?~0.~6. ! . .De~,~+d NoR 27C38 ~hru 2712. ~ Tha ~Cit~ Couneil of the Ci~y ot Gupert~.no doea h~reby re~o].ve, , de~es~0.ne and or~der aa follo~ve~ : S~ction l. Tha~ ~ln avcortlanas mi.th Bect~on 97~d2 oP the t#~orvc.rsm~nt o~'e,`~`~F'ie`Gity alerls ar h~la degignaCed sopre~entativa Aes~sby ~erti.ttea ~o ~he accuraa,y o! tlaa Pol~owit~r, c~emand~ and ~o the av~3.libiXity ' oT tt~is for payment thereof. ~ ~ Lawrence K. Mart~.n y er Saa~ion 2. 7tuit ~ha folloHing c7.aim~ and d~em~?nd~c have be~n au~t~c3 a~ req re "Fy law and tr~~ the eame a~r~e hereby alloaed in thg am~uuy hereinafter abt forth. ~:1a1~nt Warrnnt aroac~ OA3DI Fed. Tax CP3 Amaun~; No. Amount ~id ._r._._~.__.. ___r_.__... Pt?.~1sp w, Rtiorra ]~516 65~.1' 27.48 83.78 ].3.25 529.G6 ~e~.r~i x. oough lgx5 60.~~ 2.54 ~4.70 53~2!~ ~ Flar~..~ce L. Reid 1~X7 229.00 9.G2 4~.60 lb.8i3 356.83+M1 ia~rz~~e K. Asartin 15~.8 ~j1.oo x8.~o June L. Benavi.ch 1519 ~07,~0 8.72 1~.00 182.2~+M1 ` (~let~ya Ma~{ugh ~~2A 218. o0 4, X6 0.10 17&. 3~illi~so J. Brooks 2521 3$.00 1~.20 ~6.2Q 33?.~~{'~I~ 1~r~anlr_ S. F~nney ].52~ 5~2.50 22.7g T5,95 ~3.25 vI~ 1. 00 1~89.5].+M~ ~an~aii J. F~t~gera~ct 1.52 ~38, o0 14.20 30.6o uF o0 300, 39~~ t,J. Su~.kw Martin 1g2~ 20~'~. ~0 8, 72 28. 7o ].'to, oc~ RoY~e~ 5. Shook 1525 4310 ~30 18.10 52.40 ~,6.88 J'o~ep:~ ~1. simman~ 1~26 229.40 9, Ei2 31 ~ 5o UF 1. oU ~5~~ 88-' Y~: 1 ~ iiilli.~ D. Henevich i52 43~.0o i8.:~o a.~r'o i6.88 4o3.6~r~r~ Jann ~b. aueto x5~~ 372.5~ 13.50 ~0.10 16.i38 362.o~-s~t~. F.cirrard L. Murphy 1529 3~5.00 ~,2.87 33.40 16.88 35~..8~+,~] I:ide«w ~turak~ama. xS3o 207 .50 8 a 7~ ~t3.7o 170. of3 :Te: r,~ Bot~i].a 1~31 338.00 ~~t~.2o 34. 5o TF 8G.64 208.66 ~roa~e nr~.eco 1g32 207.5a 8.72 24.80 ~.73.98 ~:.11 4~yBr~.~n x533 2t~'T.5o 8.72 ].,50 19?.2t3 Ferdi~id .SanEc~ni J.534 2o7.yo 8. 2 24.80 ~~.25 ~.6p.73 ~ ~"'ho~aa.aa S~ephen~ 15~5 2S~ ~ 5~ ].tJ. ~1 24.00 16.88 20I ~ 0~ ° pra:-~c s~rt~z ~536 2 2.5~ ~.o, 6i 20, xo i6.88 204.9~. . i~oin Zuxarda ],~3 ~8.20 3.70 12.~0 ~2.Uo u ~ aRe~ psaz~a x53 2~8. o0 9. i6 3U. ~o ~.7~3 0 j4 I.~*~ ~~on 1539 66.00 2.77 9.1~0 !~~~8~ , ~ ~?s~c~~ ~.~.ur~ri 1g4o ~4a~o.5a ~.7.24 53.50 39C~,7~;-c~r~a ~ram~ea Nuzum 15~X 306,50 712.87 31.70 2f~1.93 , Caral ~t. ~33artunek 15t~2 ~~2.5~ 6, 8 18. F30 ].3G. 8 a ~oh~ tc~rham 15~+ 410.50 ].7.2 38. oo ].6.8a 3aQ.3 .~r~tt ~ L~u~~ Aronres~ :~54~ 5?.80 2.1~3 F1. oo ? r „ N _ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ Clat~t ~Warran~ Qrass _ No. Ambunt UASDI Red,. Taac CPS Amok.~C - - - Pa1 ~ D~~a. ~e3ke 1545 51.20 2. 7. ].0 4~..95 Lor~~',.~ Brewex? 1~46 44.80 1.£l ~'i.30 36.6` xea~se~ c:ax~epa 1547 7~..uo 3. a0 6. ~.0 62.30 Ae~ t:rouse 15G8 52.20 2.19 7.~40 ~+2.6]. R~.c~ars3 Dahlgren 15~F9 101. 20 j~ , 25 7.0, 30 $6, Fi5 Jeri E~r~.n Jewc:tt 155~~ 57.6n 2,~42 8.~0 !~'t,1~i 1rar~a ~.ra~aree ~4.8o Y.F38 2.40 1~0,52 (~sor~~ I~erla 15~2 5~.80 2.3~~ 3.80 49, G5 tfiaZao~.zn P+Prry l~i53 53. 20 2. 2~ 3.~U G 7. ~+7 Hlich~el se~lwood ~y5~+ y2.0o 2.1.8 7. 42.~t2 ~:illi~m Tgeon 1.555 ~4.~0 2.28 3.80 4$,3u I~ry Yer. gin ~.556 ~E . 60 2. o0 6. 60 3g, ~o Lesl~e ~;aid X55 o0 2.27 ?.70 ~~4 . 03 ~er~c~ ~underburke ~.55~ 3a.80 1, 2~ 4, 30 25. 2•~ R ~•ber': ~iunt er ~.559 67 . 0 2. 84 ~i . 50 ~59 .?.6 Ar.tnc-~ Freitas XSdo ~0.~0 2.12 7..10 ~1.Z8 Jan ry l~fl 5~4.40 2.28 7.?0 1llI,~F; t~~ r~ r~ ~ Wl,ngro~ ~ ~ 62 283 . 28 z 1. 89 39. 90 ~31, ~ B~.? 3~~rco~~~ ~56~ 383.40 16.10 ~0.70 3~.Gr~o Ellec .I~~mrr?on~ 1561 1~41,12 a•93 ~.9.90 1~.~.2°~ ~ . . WAT~R DE P~A~gE.NT . I'AYItOLl'~ . : ,otb~ Daolctns 2708 33~ . o0 16. 26.80 71~.83 27t~. ;~~U 1~.~a~Q ~70~ 2b~. o0 3`. Gb 3?. ~.0 2z5. ~f+ ~'or.;; ; : ~41~: t 2710 27.8. ~0 9.3.E lp ~ ~0 ~gp, ~l'. ~'n.r,~_~ri~ xayes 27~.3. 162.5Q 7,78 22.70 132,Q2 Audr~~ L. Wantan 27~.2 2~5.O~a 12.65 33.20 2~11.~?~~t1: Ado~ed the ~h. day of H'ebru~.ry 1966 T~y'ro er. n;~ nnuax~y , ~ ~ . „w . '