08070122 (2) CTTY OF CUPERTINO �-a -t'> rav^r x 'm s' *� --''a, a BUILDING DIVISION PERNUT COI�ITRAGTQ7.2�INFO1,tMATIOI�i; ' BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. KINGSBURY PL ALL VALLEY PLUMBING 08070122 OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE V]:VE'K KUMAR 3345 SELDON CT 07/17/2008 NE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (510) 376-4816 ARCHIL fENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 Y00 LICENSED CONrRACDECLARATION I thereby affirm Nat 1 am li¢rtsed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Description with Section 7000)or Division 3 of the Business and Pfolassi Mu�,,MC�my license is WTR HTR RPLCMNT p y in full fares am. :t Ll Ilea.Clue Lk.M n t-q DamContractor, ¢7W ARCHrrERS DECLARA ON WU 1 understand my plans.hall be lead ss public records k G In Licensed Professionsi j< 5 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION E I W.by aRrm that 1 am exempt from the Conuacmra License Law far the O O fallowing mamn.(Suction 71313,Business and Pmfessi.m Code:Any city at county S$ which rtquirea a Permit to cowm0.sate..improve.dmr.ha...psi,any smalmon Zy prior he its console,aLW loqulres the applicant for inch permit to file l Signed alamment 1111L he is licensed pursuant to the provisions,of dic Combactues 1.1ccaun,Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation $ (e.nmendng with Section 7000).f Division 3 of the Beat.and I'veism $300 tiw W u exempt therefore and the beau far as alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a Permit mbjccu the applicant in a civil penalty of nm mote than five hutwad dollars(swot 3 6 2 3 0 0 2 9 Number Occupancy Type ❑1,.owner or this property,.my employees with wages as their mi.computations, will do the work and dm structure u net Intended voRered nure.sake(B 7044,Sm. and profession,Code:The Canuacmrs License ea e Law doest apply in an owner of Required Inspections propesty who builds or improver therms,and who dal such work himsel f m through his oweempley ars,provided than inch improvements art not intended.offered fordo E. howevv,the building or improvement Is mid within arc year of completion.the ownv- builder will have the buNen of pmving that W did rot build or Improve for puryose of ole.). 0 1.as owner or the property am exclusively contracting with licensed mntracmrs to comesct the prolevt(Sm.7044.Besiness and Professions Cade:)The Contracwrs LL came Law does not apply to an owns a property who Wilds or improve armor.and who erosions for such pmjcm with a eontracmr(s)licensed pamuant in the Consmators Lice.Law. O lamuemptandv See ,B&PCf.v dd$ euro Owner Date WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby alfum under pedty of perjury arc of the fallowing dalaraooru: 1 ham and will rosin Wn aCmafimm ofComem m self-imurt f.Waders Compete .cation.as provided for by Section 3700 of the labor Code.for the performance of use, wad for which this permit is finned. ❑1 have and will maiom.Warterr Compcwonn Imuran.,u required by Section 3700.1'dm Later Code.four she pm(amamc of the work fmwhiN Nis permit is issued. My W.rkers Compematlon Itaatrana carrier W Policy number are: Carrier. j00 Policy No.: GOL.B?622 YU CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERSs COMPENSATION INSURANCE frhuseNrn rand set W compacted irlW pemitls for.hundrtdd.Ban(5100) or lav) I cavity drat in the perfurmasco of the work for which this permit u Wald.l shall rest employ any Perron in any meonerm as W become mbjat in the Malcas'Containment. Lawn of California.Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.after making this Ceniria¢M Eaemption,you should berme subject in the Workch Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,you most .J z ronhwith comply with such provisions or this MTit"I be deemed mmanna z O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1hereby,,ffm that then sea construction lending agency for the perfmmssr¢N a> the wart tat which tin Permit is issued(sec.3091,Civ.c.) W� Gj Landers Name 7 z Lender.Address V Q I verify that 1 have read this application and cute Nm the aWve information is Uy F enma I ag.e m comply with all city and county uncus.and state saws.ladng to L7V Wilding consmcIIan YW therebymascara.Rp.mncid,,,orator city master upon use ' Lp7 above-mentioned progeny for impecoen pum mcL „0L (We)ag.e.....had...ify and keep bamkte the City of CUPmim agaiml VI Iiabilides,judgments,eaau andapemea which may in any way accrue agsimtdd City rn consegucnce of the granting of thea permit. ^� APPLICANT UNDERST S AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued.by:s4ad� Date REG SOURCE NS. F;"'7 o 7 4�� � Re-roofs stgwm uorA$Ip melon rranmr 0 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof MI]use applicant or emuse,building aaupantzote or handle laauNom material at deMnd by the Capstan Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12.aod 0.Health and Safety Code.section 255320)? [Dy. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the, liras a or future building occupant mac If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove pp c v Area nt.deHnagemeh g P stc TSAnm air conumimnu u de0ncd by Ne Bay A.a Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. QYa 04ff 1 hew rad the hater dea s materiala rtgai.mem under Chaper&95 ofaaGlifor- makNalth&Safety CSM.Sections 25505.25533 am125534.1 undersand thatifthe Wilding des rpt vere.0y haw:a ten oak that it is my rearpo to bility m Mary as occupant of as .quillers, tpnormsa a<ancmf mar Signature of Applicant Date ' � J CS7'(7 57.7 Owner or anthon"agent Date - All roof coverings to be Class'W'or better CITY OF CUPERTINO • 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIT RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # 1 Sec : Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN . . . . . . . . : 36230029 . 00 DATE ISSUED. . . . . . . : 07/17/2008 RECEIPT # . . . . . . . . . : BS000005498 REFERENCE ID # . . . : 08070122 SITE ADDRESS . . . . . : 7484 KINGSBURY PL SUBDIVISION . . . . . . . CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . : CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA . . . . . . . OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . : VIVEK KUMAR ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . : 7484 KINGSBURY PL CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : CUPERTINO CA, 95014-5045 ' RECEIVED FROM . . . . : ALL VALLEY PLUMBING CONTRACTOR . . . . . . . : MARY SANDBRINK LIC # 23015 COMPANY . . . . . . . . . . : ALL VALLEY PLUMBING ADDRESS 3345 SELDON CT CITY/STATE/ZIP . . . : FREMONT, CA 94539 TELEPHONE . . . . . . . . : (510) 376-4816 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------= ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1BSEISMICR VALUATION 300 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 0 . 50 0 . 00 IPPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 .79 0 . 00 1PRWHEATR UNITS 1 . 00 24 . 48 0 . 00 24 . 48 0 . 00 1TRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 40 . 79 0 . 00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT 106 . 56 0 . 00 106 . 56 0 . 00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CHECK 106 . 56 #1431 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT 106. 56 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- 518 WATER HEATER • CIT- OF CUPERTINO oib� 0 WATER HEATER UPan oe ERTINO PERMIT [AXPLICATION FORM Date� APN — � ' R,,,ildingy Address: Lrt �Ju -91 :e�m] hone Name: .......... T 7 Phonei� -5 –ontracior: Cop.tr aL`-LOT _State I I. uperlipo Business License ! phone ab contaci: Fax #: Z;j& A- �n h— R„iTdina Pe-A-- t Info: —6: i 'Meeh urr. Bdd ----- I ommerc -sid.em al ial....... ... j,)'o Description: jf 017lacemort z�-��,e-w i-ication Rep, p L �JM Suramoped L� . Valuation: 00 must be coi4l t, and attached to this app Green Building Check s achieved: Green Building Point CITY OF CUPERTINO ue� WATER HEATER CITY PERMIT.APPLICATION FORM Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group 1PCWHEATR Commercial Water B PCWHEATR HeaterNent 1BSEISMICOM Seismic Commercial B / 1PRWHEATR Residential Water B PRWHEATR HeaterNent 1BSEISMICRE Seismic Residential B 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P 1TRAVDOC Travel & B Documentation 1BUSLIC Business License B CITY OF CUPERTINO WATER HEATER COf CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # Date: Building Address: Owner's Name: Phone #: Contractor: Phone #: .. Fax #: Cupertino Business License #: Contractor State License #: Contact: Phone #: Fax #: Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect ❑ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Residential ❑ Commercial ❑ Job Description: Strapped ❑ On Platform ❑ Bonded ❑ New Location ❑ Replacement ❑ Valuation (cost of project): Project Size: Express ❑ Standard ❑ Large ❑ Major ❑ Green Building: Please complete relevant portion of the Green Building Checklist & attach it to the application or if applicable, include in plan set & the sheet index. Green Building Points achieved: Revised 6/16/08 Single FaMily GreenPoint Checklist. Build It Gran The Gma i Cherddisl is based on the various green features incorporated into the home and is the Sman Soludam;From The Ground Up basis for the GreenPoint Rated program.A home tan be considered green it it futhfis the prerequisites, � �� ;ams at least 50 points,and meets the minimum points per category.Energy(3D),Indoor Air Quality/ I . ', 1-7 r , Health(5),Resources(6),and Water(9).Please comet Build It Green for a list of qualified GreenPoint !i OReam H you em interested In pursuing third-party verification. The green building practices listed below are described in the New Home Construction Green Building c I ( ) Guidelines,available at www.buildltoreen oro. L_ -.I ,.. _� ENTER PROJECT NAME A 6178 17 L4 Q L I. Points Available Per Measure 1 1.Protect Topsoil and MinknioYDisruption offiiiasting Plants&Trees ❑ a.Protect Topsoil from Erosion and Reuse she Constrictor, D ] 1 ❑ b.Limb and Dalineah Construction Footprint fix Maximum Protection _p I 2 Deconstruct Instead of Demolishing EAsting Buildings On Site D 3 a.Rerycle Job Site Construction Wale(Including Green Waste) ❑ e.Mti=50%Waste D4e64nby Waip(RacyrJingaRHrse)-.3equirud p R ❑ b.Mmlmum 65%Diversion by Weight(Recycling or Reuse) _. p.. . - -- ❑ c.Minimum 80%Dwision by Weight(Recycling a Reuse) - - - Z 4.Use Recycled Content Aggregate(tdWmum 25%) ❑ a Walkway and Driveway D 1 Elb.Roadway Base ..(t. - -. ... . . Total Points Available In Site=12 0 B.FOUNDA77ON Points Available Par Measure 1.Replace Portland Carman in Concrete with Recycled Flyash or Slag ❑ a.Moymmrn 20%Nash or Slag 0 _ _ 1 1 ❑ b.Minimum 25%Ffyash a Slag 0 —2Un Frost-Prohncied Shadow Foundation in Cold Areas(C.EC.Climate Zone 16) 0 3 3 Use Radon Resistant Construction(In At-Risk Locations Only) D 1 4.Design and Build Structural Pest Controls ❑ a Install Termite Shields&Separate All Exterior Wood-toConcreta Connections by Male!or Pink Festensrs/DNiders I o 1 ._ _... - . .. - . ....i ._ .. -. b.M New Hama Have Trunk,Base,e, Stern Located Lncatetl Least 36 Inches hour Fountlation D Tolal Palms Available in Foundation=81 0 C.LANDSCAPING I Points Available Per Measlm 1.Construct Resourc&EAclent Landscapes ❑ a No Irrvaswe Species Listed by CBI-IPC Am Plamad p ❑ b.No Pleur1 Species NIIP Require Hedging p ❑ c.75%of Plains Are Dmu mlemal Cafdomia Natives,Maditenansem,a Other Appropriate ._ .-- .. .... ...... .. �.._..-. .... gad- App pn Species El 2 Use Fire-Sale Landscaping Techniques 0 I 1 3.Minimize Tud Nem in Landscape installed by Builder ❑ a AS Turf Will Have a Water Requirement Less than a Equal to Tall Fescue(W.e plan factor) p ❑ b.TO Shall Not Be IrsaOad on Slopes Exceednp 10%a in Areas Lass than 6 Feel Wide 02 ❑ c.TO is S39%of Landscaped Amer"2 pours) -..O_ ._._... .. .. ..... ...__ n ❑ J.Tud Is 510%mLandscaped Area(Otal,lptimsl ----0..-_. .. .... ._. __. 75 1.Pimm Shade Tram p 3 5.Devi,Pleats by Water Needs(HydromNng) p I 2 &Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems ❑ a System Uses Only Low-Flow Drip.Bubblers,or Low4lbe SpmnMers x x ❑ b.System Has Smart Conbtliers 0 3 T.Incoryomte Two Inches of Compost in the To 6 W 12 Inchon of soil - p � 3 &Mulch All Planbn Beds to the Greeter of 2Inches or Local Water Ordinance Requirement 0 2 9.Use 5D%Salvaged or Recycled-Comenl Naferials for 50%of Non-Plant Landscape Demmnte 0 1 ❑ M Radom Light Pollution by Shielding Fixtures andlor Directing Light Downed p I g Total Points Available N Landscaping=31 0 D.STRUC71MAL FRAME h SU=11yG ENVELOPS I Points Available Per Measure 1.Apply optimal Value Engineering . ❑ a Place Rafters and Studs at 24-Inch On Center Framing p ❑ .bl Size Door Dand Window Headers for Lod _.... - ._-.-. ❑ c.Use Only Jack and Cripple Studs Required for Load __Q_ ._.._. __.. _.._. 1 2 Use Engineered Lumber ❑ a Reams and Headers p ❑ b.Insuraled Engineered Headers; ❑ c.Wood I-Joists or Web Trusses for Fioas ❑ d.Wood Worsts fa Rini Rehm ._..�.... ......... ..... .. . .�. ❑ e.Erg rad or Fuger-Jointed Studs for Vertical Applica6axs ❑ f.Oriented Strand Board for Slbnoor _0- E] ❑ g.Oriented Strand Board for Wall and Rod Shaalhing -. ... ... ....- -1' . 0 3.Use FSGCertlfied Wood ❑ a Dlmensiaal Lumber,Studs and Timber:Minimum 4D% p x • ❑ b.Dimensional Lumber,Studs and Tbnti Minimum 7D% �-p _ 2 ❑ c Papal Products:Mirunuan 40% p ❑ d Panel Products:Minimum 70% 0 1 02007 Build It Green Single Family GmenPoim Choi 2007 Versim Page 1 of 4 a FF G ENTE R PROJECT NAME 4.Use Solid Well Systems(Includes SIP%ICFs,&Any Non-Seek Frame Assembly) ❑ aFlcere D ? 2 • C] b.Wah -. 0 .I. . .. Z_. ❑ QRouts _D__I 5.Reduce Pollution Entering the Hem 1mm the Gaspe ❑ a nghny Seel the Air Barm behsen Garage and Luting Area ❑ In.Irises ravage Fxhanst Fan OR Build a Deal Garage0 1 &Design Elden Meet,on Trusses(i'5%of Attic Insulation Height at Outside Edge of Estpior Wag) 0 1 ❑ 7.Design Root Trustees;W Accommodate Ducbork 0 1 UUse,RerydaFConfent Steel Surds for 911%of Interim Well Framing 0 1 9r13LJ .Thermal Mau Waite:SR-Irch Drysall on All Interior Wags or Wags Weightng more Nan 40lhlcum D L 1 10.Install Overhangs and Guders - a Minimum is-h¢h Oredengs and Gutters 0 1 h.Mtdmum 24-Inea Overhangs and Gutlem 0 ] Total Points Avanable N Slruc iml Building Frame and Envelope=36 0 .E.EXT=OR FINISH Points Available Per Measure 1.Use RerytledCohtnt(No Virgin Plastic)or FSCCenilied Wood Decking 0 2 2.Install a Rain Seem Wag Sys4m 0 2 Lj 3.Uses,Durable and Noncombustible Sil Materials 0 1 ❑ 4.Select Durable and Noncembuatbla Roofing Materials 0 - 2 TOW Points Avallable in Pxtena Finish=7 0 � F.INSULATION Porus Avallable Per Measure I.Install bmneeon with 75%Reryckd Content ❑ a Wags anNur Future ❑ It.CeFmgs - D ] 2.Install Insulation that is Low-EmiWng(Certified Section 01350) ❑ A.Wells anNa Floors 0 7 ❑ b.Callings D 1 ❑ 3.Inspect Duality of Insulation Installation before Applying Drywall 0 1 1 Total Points Available in Insulation=5 0 O PLUM IMG _ Points Available Per Ideasure 1.Distribute Domestic Hot Water Efficiently(Maximum 7 Points) ❑ a Insulate HM Water Pipes item Water Heater to Kitchen 0 1 l 1 ❑ b.insulate A8 HM Wafer Pipes 0 1 1 ❑ c.Use Engineered Parallel Piping 0 1 • ❑ a Use Engineered Parallel Piping with Demand Controlled Ci¢ulaton Loop ❑ a.Use Short red Fw16mg rich,Demand Controlled Circulator,Loop _ _ _ _ _ ❑ L Use Central Cee Plurticing 0 1 1 2 ❑ I Intel Only High Efficlaney Toilets(DuapFlush or 5128 90 0 4 Total Points Avagehe h Plumbing Total 12 0 A.REAMING.VENTILATION&AIR CONDITIONIING Poise Available Per Massum 1.Design and Install HVAC System m ACCA Manuel J,D,and S Recommendation. 0 4 2.Install Settled Combustion Units ❑ a.Funmces 0 ❑ b.Water Healers 0 Z Lj 3.Install Zama Hydronic Radiant Hating with Slab Edge Inmtetion D 1 1 77 A.Install High Efficiency Air Conditioning with Environmentally Responsible Refrigerants D 1 5.Design and Install Effective Ductwork ❑ a instal HVAC Unit and Dwwork wMfn Contlummd Spacs ❑ a Use Dud Mastic on AD Duct Jams arid Seams 0 1 ❑ c.Install Ductwork ander Attic Insulation(Buried Ducts) 0 1 ❑ d.Pressure Balance the Dual System 0 1 ❑ e.Prated Duds during Construction and Clean An Ducts before Occupancy D 1 6 Install High Efhdency HVAC Films,(MERv 6+) 0 1 ❑ 7.Dont Install Fireplace or Instal Staled Ga Fireplace with EfBchency Ruling Not Less Than 60% 0 1 using CSA Standards B.Install Effective Etlteust Systas in Badsooms and Others . ❑ a Install ENERGY STAR Balhmorn Fare Vented In the Outside 0_ ❑ It.An Bathroom Fare Are on lunar a HuMdsht D... __.. .. .__?. _ ❑ c.Install Kllchen Range Hood Vented 10 the Outside 0 1 9.Install Mechanical Vemgati0n System for Coaling(Maximum 4 Points) ❑ a Install ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fee&light Kits in living Areas&Setlrooms _0 ❑ h Iratall Whole Hale Fan with Variable Speeds 0 ] ❑ c.Aumnsucaly Corroded Integrated System D 2 ❑ d Aumma lcaly Controlled Integrated System with Variants Speed Control 0 G ID.Install Mechanical Fresh Air Vantiletion System(Maximum 3 Points) ❑ a Any Whole House Vemgatian System That Meets ASHRAE 622 0 g ❑ It.install Ak-lo-Ab Heal Exchanger that maids ABHRAE 622 0 I I 2 • 11.Imtafl Carbon Monoude Alam(s) 0 1 Total Points Available in Heating,Ventilation and At Conditioning 30 D 02D07 Build 11 Green Single Family GreenPoint Checklist 2007 Version Page 2 of 4 PROJECT NAME 8 I 3 I.RENEWABLE EI188GY Points Ardllabl=_Per Measure LJ 1.Pre-Plumblw SolarHot Water Heating 0 9 • 2-Inste0sow Water Heating System 0 10 3.Inetell wiring Conduit for Future Phorovoiteie Instellifion d Provide 200 he of South-Facing Roof 0 2 4.Install Photovoltaic(PV)Panels ❑ a.30%of elastic:needs OR 12 kW(totel6 pokes) 0 5 ❑ b.BO%of electric needs OR 24kW(total 12 Patt) 0 _...... 5. ❑ c.90%of elecsic'need OR 3.6 Kyy(total 18 points) — 0 - E - ToMAvailable Pent;inRenewable Energy=2B 0 J.BUBAa1G PERFORMANCE Points Available Per Measure 1.Diagnostic Evaluations ❑ e House Passes Blower Dow Test _0 _ ] b.House Panus Combustion Safety BackdreilTest 0 1 2.Design and Build lOgh Performance Homes,-%above Title 24-minimum 15%Required - 0 no ❑ 3.House Obtelra ENERGY STAR with Indoor M Package Certification-Pike Msseure Rotel 45 points;read comment) 0 5 2 Total Avellabie Points In Building Performance=39 0 E.FINISHES Points Aeltable Pat Measure ❑ 1.Design Entryways to Ratio=Tracked In Contaminants 0 1 1 Use Lovi in Zero-VDC Paint(kh dmum 3 Points) ❑ a.Loe VOC Interim WMyCeI6ng Pence(60 0 VOCs(Ftp and<150%A VOCs(Non-Flag) 0 ] ❑ b.Zw>VDC:ad"WWVC09N PaDts(a go VOCs( —O_.. ❑ 3.Use Low VOC,Water-Salad Wood Fudshes(¢50 gpil VOCs) 0 2 ❑ 4.Use Loa-VOC Caulk and Construction Adhesives <70 gpl VOCs)for All Adhesives 0 2 ❑ 1 Use RecidedCon@M Paint 0 1 6.Use Environmentally Preferable Materiels for Interior Finish;A)FSC-Certified Wood,S)Reclaimed,C)Rapidly Renewable,of RecycledCon i m or Er Finger-Jointed ❑ a.Cabinets(5D%Minimum) 0 ] ❑ b.Interim Trim(So%Minimum) 0 ] ❑ c Shelving(50%Minknwn) - ❑ d Dow;(5D%Minimum) ❑ e.Counts (50 Minimum) 0 _ 7.Reduce Formaldehyde in Interior Finish(CA Section 01350) . ❑ s.SrA7.00r d Stas Treads(5D%Minimum) 0 1 ❑ b.Cabinet A Cwmwtops(5D%Mlmmum) O _. . ._. . .. ... ❑ c.Interior Tmn(50%Minimum) 0 1 ❑ d.Shelving(50%Minimum) 0 1 ❑ B.Aber Instegation of Fmishe%Test of Indoor Air Shwas Formaldehyde Leval<27ppb D 3 Total Avafiathe Points in Fancies 21 D I L.FLOORING 1 1 Points Available Per Measure 1.Use Environmentally Preferable Flooring:A)FSCCerdfied Wood,B)Reclaimed or Refinished,C)Rapidly Renewable,of RerydadContant,E) Fsposad Concrae.FbwingAdhachw Mu&kkm 6Dgpl VOCs. ❑ a.Minimum 15%d Floor Amt 0 1 ❑ b.Minimum 3D%of Flan Area 0_I ❑ c.MinMum 5D%of Floor Area 0 ] ❑ d.Mmunum 75X dFlow Arae' ...___. .. ._. .._... ... ... _....-.. D 1 ❑ 1 Thermal Mess Room Floor Covering Odra than Carpel on 50%w Moa of Concrete Room D 1 ❑ 1 Flooring Meat Section 01350 or CRI Green label Plus Requirenwnts(50%Minimum) D _ 2 ToW Available Pates in Flooding=7 0 M.APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING Points Available Per Measure 1.Ironed Water and Energy Efficient D'chwash rr ❑ A.ENERGY STAR(stall 1 point 0 1 ❑ b.Dishwasher Uses No More than 6S Gag de(total2points) D 1 L behalf ENERGY STAR Clothes Washing Machine with Wath Factor of 6 or Less ❑ e Meas Energy She and CEE Tier2 requirement(moSed energy factor 2.0,Water Factor 6.0)(total3 pans) 0 g ' ❑ b.Meets Energy Star And CEE Ties 3reWeemerts lmodfied anergy facto 2.2.Water Facar4Swless) 0 2 ow 5 is 3.Instep ENERGY STAR Refrigerator ❑ s.ENERGY STAR Ou i fled A<25 Cubic Feet Capacity 0 g ❑ b.ENERGY STAR Qualified A<20 Cubic Fast Capactfyi 4.Install Builtdn Recycling Canter p ❑ e Su@4n Recycling Center 0 o ❑ b,BuilNn Composting Center _..o._r ..... ... -. .'. 1 ' Total Avaaable Pours in Appliance;and Lighting=12 0 N.OTHER _ _ Points Available Per Measure ❑ 1.incorporate GreenPoint Rated Checklist in Blueprints-.Rinfineo 0 ,R ❑ 1 Derielop Homeowner Manual W Green FeaturesrSenefit 0 1 1 1 3.Community Design Measures 6 Local Priorities See the Community Planning A Design uctic0 in Chapter 4 of the New Home Guitlefares ier • measures.Maximum of 20 point for suggested measures.Local requirements may also be listed here. 0 2007 Build it Green Single Family GreenPoid ChackIs12007 Version Page 3 of 4 dl ENTER $a 'g s .OJECT c 6ai un5 .d v e Einer desorption here,end enter points avalable iw measure in approyisle rat¢go aims to the right _ D 0 _fl 0 D 0_ ❑ Einar descmryt on here and enter prints avalable iw measure in appropraL wtegones tome right 0 D 0 D 0 0_ Enter tlestTphon nere and Omer points ava0able for measure In eppmpnale cateAones to the right • ❑ - Entm deswphon nee and Omar points avmlame tw measure m appropriate categories to right 0 D 0 D 0 0 4.Innovator.List Innovative measures that meet the green budding objectives of the Guidelines.Enter up to a Build d Green Checklists and maximum combined total of 20 %s See Innovation Checklist for suggested measures,using the link to the fight. Guidelines Li Innovation in Community:Enter description here,and Omer points avallade for measure in appropriate categories to the right D 0 0 D 0 D InnovOeon m Energy:Einar desmiplion here.and enter points available im maasure to apprepmam categories to me right _ D D .0 0 D _D ❑ InnwaOoo m IAOMNM:Enter description here,and enter points m aiaGe for measure in eppropram categories to the right. _0 I 0 0 0 0 D ❑ - _ innovation a Fesourees Einar tle m here,and Omer puma available for meazure in appropriate calegmies to the right. __0 0 0_ D 0 0 ❑ InnwaOw m Wats.Einer desorption here antl enter porins available iw measure in appropdaa mmmries tome right. D 0 0 0 D 0 Toral Avwiable Points In Omer= D Total Available Poi"Specifli ategories• 4+ 96+ 42+ 66+ 43+ Minimum Points RequCategodes 0 30 5 6 9 !-,--t has not yet met the folioveing recommenced minimum requirements: - Total Project Score of At Leese 50 PoLI3 -.Repuired measures: -?.3a: 50% IvZ5fe diversion by rreght J2: 15%above Title 24 -NI:Incorporate Green?oint Rated Checklist into bluecrints -Minlnum points in specific cat gories: -EDe.'9y(30 points) . -1-Q/Healch(5 points) -Resources(6 points) -l Vater(9 points) • 0 2007 Build it Green Single Family Grear Point Checidist 2007 Version Page 4 of 4 .h. Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue F Cupertino CA 95014 - ,, TeleAone(408)777-3228 CITY OF Fax(408)777-3333 OJPEkTINO Building De artment JOB ADDRESS: PERMIT # 4b n s � �c � H0- 01C�\A OWNER'S NAME: 1 V P rry CtiY— PHONE # O — ?�LnS-09T GENERAL CONTRACTOR: FAX # I am not using any subcontractorSigna . ttue Date Please check applicable subcontra rs and complete the followin information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets &Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Ak Linoleum/ Wood Glass/ Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting/ Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile 0-711/-71 Owner/Contractor Signature Date