CC Resolution No. 1155~~s, the city . ^ouncil of the c~,ty of Cuoerti,nr: received the ap~,L1E.e~ati~on o f ,~ o (, n ale rs ,~ t'o:r Afc " j A.N~~,.._.,., ..~,x~, '~".~. Dow~b'e Car ~uY•~.t~ '1*~~ A .. .~4~.,..'r~z~..~ 8e Ins;.a 1 ~ 3,1 „dE: ~ , T)as~ra ~.~3'S3t~~i Colby • atxti ~S, the applic~:nt .D.x~aa..~ , m+:} tt~~ t•~x~cten off' proof recpa~l.~.~3 to support his said a~pp3lcad on, and ~.lUr.~i~S, the Planning Com~aiflaion, arter duly noticed public heas- inga, fi~.e;~ , recommended in S'avcrr of said ~ 'Vh"rt.:r123C8 _.__ . _ ...... _• TIiEREPORE, HE IT AE: ~CiIN~D: 'fit a;Cter careful aonsides~aaion of maps, faCtg, exhibits and other ~ denoe tub-~:i.tt~-d in thta matter, the application for the VA ".A,~ be , and t;he 8atae ie ~G Fre y approve , su ec to t~3ye derma and conditions xhlc are Stttac.t hereto and made a part herewoY as Exhibit "A"o HE I: ~r"HE~t RESaLVED: 'T~-t the reFvrt of findir~s attached hereto are approved and adop*_e-3, and that the City Clear. te, and is hereby, directed to notify the par vies affected by ttiia deci~3vn. P.~.SSED AND A~vPTED by tre Citg• Coua~cil of the City of Cupertino, :3ts~te of California, this P ;,l,ay or .:._...'.:.~, 19 ~, by the fol- . to "~+~r.~~ :'r.- l l Call ti. t e ;~ AYc.:S: Councij:.:en: .-~-'' ,~- , ~ i < .~.t~ A l~ ~ • C ~. (~ ,; ,t ~ ~~ :lAY3 ~ Courci :~:en : ~.:. c..r ARSE',~~'; Courcil.:,en: ~-c..z,_,.~-. rt.~..,. AF?RGVED: w A ~': yor, y o--~ Cuper~no ity le l w.. File No . ., t ~- ~,(- ~ ~ REP'CRT i9F FIN~,INaS _ .--- Ths applies i:lon fora ~~~R~' ~t~ 14 ., ~ ~ o~~ bPhal~' of ~ 0 f~, r~ ~ f~,~1 ,~ shows: ,, - ~ - - '~~' y. That tt~ex+e are special conditions or ezaeptional charuoteristica ' ir. ~he~ naxur~ .ot the prop~arty ~ B>e •atteeted or that . it ~ +s location, or its a uua~roundinga are suat~ as +rsll permit the Council to aas~rc a deter- - raina~:i.~n that a literal entorcnt aP the Ordinancse . xoul~t result in prao+~ical diPticultieo or u»nc+cesr~aay hardships; and 2'. That the granting of tt~ applicaticn is n®ceesr~r~ gor the ~ pre- rservat.ion and enjoyment off' substantial property rights; and 3. That the granting of t~~e application will ni~-11q attest mriveraely the health or safety at persona residing or xor~tng in the neighborhood of the property xhiGh is the aub~eot of the application, and that the use of said propertq in the manner atii.oh it ies proposed to be uaad will not be tn~ttarial7.y- ~Setrimental to the public xelfare or in tui-.~.ous to the value of prop~~a~y or improvements located in said aur- raurc9t3,ng a . -. .---.. - 2 - ,~` ,, ~ .' r ~ ~ ~ M r ,..-. ~a I ~ ~ ~ Fyn ~ ~ ,, .. . , ~~L~~~N~~IC G{~Mf~~~S~~" !~- V-6s 0 t ., s ,~ ,~ ~'' *j { x 1 l 0430 C.'a1~6 ~v~.