CC Resolution No. 1124y • ~ s • g-x~-65 Fla No. 13~V-65 ,., - - -- - CITY COUNCIL P.LSOLU~'TC,1~ 1ti^. 112 [iR4r.""':'~3 /~ VANIANG.E 8a '.PENTA2TVE -__. _..._ _.. _ . _~ ~~~~~V~1~___.._' i'0 CPI~4 DXs~~IAPBRS :~ 1dHE1R1:AS, the Cit;/ Cc~uac•~1 oz' -:~~~ City c:f ~:~~p+•.rt::.no received tha application of CEM DEVSZAPLRS __,_,_, ._.__... ____ _ .,__.._..__. Y'or a Variancc: Cor i'ront ~,rde,~atreet _wiclths ote~ aee ma for r ._,.~...._...._~_._.._ _e~cact details) . A18o Tentative Map Appr+oval.. ~~ _ ....__ ~ _.... - -- _.__....~ ar.1 W~N1+F,S, the applicant hrxsc.. ~, met the burden of proof regvirecl t:o st:ppart hire Said'~~ipulic~c f;ion, nrd WiCEFtCAS, the Planning Coinmiasion, after duly noticed piib.~.ic hear- 1ngs, has t•ecomm~:nded In favor. a~° sa:i3 Variance& Tentative Map NOYJ, TNEF-EFORE, DE IT RESGI~VrD: That; after careful cor,•~i.ciex~r~.tiott o~' mapn, fs~ete, exhibits and other e~aidet~ce submitte•9 in thi:~ matLr:~, t;t~~~ at~rl.icai:ian .for the Variance & Tentative Hiap _._ rt~,~~~xxx~c~, a.n;t 1;hc :tf.1!'i~` isL~~~ r~ercTiy- a~proti~ed~ , su~~~l~at try Lila ~t:~~-mra ~.ci~.:~ ci~n~:,tl~.~nr~ WiliCll t~xe t~Ct~~chcct Y:e~~eL-o and rrade a part hez~r-oJ.' ag rrl:it.~.i L• "!1" . EE YT FURTHL~,R RF.SOL~!LD: :'hat the report of findings at;ta~~:is;i 1:::~~~~t:o are.: upprove~i and adc+rted, ar.:i that the G'i.i:y C].et~lc b,~, t~n~1 is hhre: y, ciir~~cf'ra ro noLi£y the Xartics a.i`i'ccted by th' .; ctec~ :.~.~rr• PASSED AND ADOP?rD iJy tt~e C~.ty c~au :r. ~ '. ~~i the C:~ ty oC CupF:rY.3nr~, State of California, thin 21st eia,• at` June ~, 1~ ~5, by the following roll ca~.l vote: --~`""~"~~~~ J~YES: Councilmen; Finch, Fitzt,erald, Nael, `Stokes, Dempster 'BAYS: Councilmen: None h~x3.STNT: Councilmen: None A PPRGVE.O /s/ J. Robert Dempster tf~yur, City o2' ~apert~.rio ATTEST /s/ Lawxwnae K. Martin - Fi l c: rlo , l j-V- ti5 T!,~e application fat• ;~ ._...._.___~.a~~tilce_._._.____ en t,~^,~lf or CIM Developers shows: 2. That there are a~ ::: ia:Z. ro~,~~i ~.ionrs c;:~ exar~jtional oharacteriatics i.n the naZuxe off' the prar::-~~tJ Lo h,. r:fi'ec;.,:cl or that it~$ location, or it' ~ surroun3ln~;s are aura. ~s wi?.1 1.~:r~ni~. tl~n G~un::l1. tC m;:lc.e a deter- • mir,~ti.on that a literal enfor~~r~;~cnt c,P 1,?',+.3 O~Yi.trar,~ts would rea.ilt in `~ practicril difl'irultier: oi~ unnec~F,~sa~~- hariahipa; and 2. Thit the brantir.~ of vlte a)~1~]2cation 2s n~•ceaaary C'OL' the pre- : ~er°~~ation and en,~oyment c~' outs:st;u:~t~.',r,.l propei~t.y r1 ~ht;E3; and • 3. That the ~rar-tir~s oi' L';1e ap~~lication t~till no L• matorislly affect i a3vQi rely the hc~ttlth or safpLy !~~` paz•aona reaidin~ or wor•~:i.n~ in the r,ci~hbox•hcod qf. the property s;h'cli is the oub~ect of the a~+pliro,tion, and that tlt~: u:~e of sAid prr~p~arty In the mannor wtiiah it 3.a proposed to Le used wi11 not be riatsriala.~s• detrimenhrzl to tI;e public tirelt'r.re r~r in~urlour- to the value of }~-•~F,erty or i.rnprUVC~;nanta located i.n sold sur- ,' i w~t-:din~a. .~ :~ - 2 - •. ,,~: ~; ., P - ,, , ~1 ,, . `~~; CI~'Y 4F CITP_E_R't'1'NQ City HF].I, X0321 South Saratoga-Sunnyyvale Ro2si rupertizo, California U5014 'rel.eptrone: (1108; ~~~-4505 .; RES~'~'..FJ'."ION OF TExE ~'LA~R"Y]~dd OOT+it~ffSSIJN OF TFJF CITY OF CUPER'PINO tIECOM~ ~SEl'~IIv~3 THE aRAN`I'INQ t7r ~ A VARIANCE. . 3~3$REAS, the Planning Commission of the City cf Cupertino rece~•ared an application fors VARIANCE, as stated on page two; and .. a'3EREAS, the applicant has mot the burden of proof rewired to supp•o~t his said application; and i~"~iEREAS, thz applicatiar3 shows: 3. That there arc epec3al conditions or exceptional characteris- tics 1n the nature of t'he property to be nffeeted, or that it's loca- tion, or it's surrounainga are such as till permit the Commit3siori to -nake ~ d.eterminatian that g literal enfor~aement of the Ordinance would re~~",:].t in practical difficulties or unnecessary harduh~lps; and - ~. 't'hat the granting o#' the application j.a necessary t'or the pre~~a:.^vatlon rjnd en,~ayment of substantirtl pt~opCrty rights; and ~ :;. That the hearings :>hoSr that the #;ranting of the applicat~.on wilt mot mater•lally affect ac;versely the hea1L-h or safF:ty of persona °~ resi~:slg or working in the nei~;hborhocad of the pro:er4;;f ~•"hich is the sub; ~ : t of the ~"T~~rllcatiort, rnd that the use of said rroperty in the mars:=:• ~ahirh It is propaaect ;o be u3ed t~~ill not be metcrisxly detri•. k`', men~~l tU the t~~:ti]ic ~~reli'Fre or in,jurioat~ to the valve of t~roperty or d~~ 1atQr-~•vR~ments lacy L-c.d in sai~~ s~;rrounclinE s; 1~OW, Tt{CRE~'CRtr:, DE IT Rz ::GLUED ^hat aftet~ careful consiuet•ation of maps, facts, exhibits and - other evidence s~ibmS.tted ire this matter, the apr~lication for the VAFt.IJ4~aCF be, ar~rt t:kte rir~rne ia, hereby recomtnendt~d far approval L•a the Cir, j ~:a~,".ncil of thF? City of C"JpCrtino for F.ppropriate action, subject 1: ,, t: e conditions stated on n2ge to-o; and IT M1RTtififi ItLSOLVED r 'c'hat the aforementiurred find{ ngc~ ate approved rnd alopted, and ~ that the :3ec:retary be, i~nd :ls hereby, directed to notify the parties affe-~~t~~ed by thi:~ ducir3ion. ~, (co t.is:ued on page 2) ~ ~l~ ~ ~~ ' r 9 ~- .~ Mr .2 !C ,~ ; tip.:~ ~t ~ , ,c~,