CC Resolution No. 1076r• ~ g 1 ~I7t'°~ ` C4ItNCIL R,ESULIY'!'XON t~0. ~ ,_ t}1~ANPI'Ih'f3 A 'M`J1 '~7e J1~iA LAxD ~~' HHEREAS f the Gity Cot,uisi3, of the City of Cupertino x~eoeived the alapi.leation of Al L ~t fag a Va~4srdav 1°or~~! u~ ,~,,Mtgd~lr ~ O-'~~ +~~1' a ~ ~ atxi WHEREAS, the applicant has , met the bur9en of proof r*E~.ired to support his said a~+ cation, and WHCflEAS, the Planning r~mraisaion, after dtlXq noticed publio hear-~ ir~a, ha-~ recommended in ta•.or of said d'I-~ NOW, T}{EREFOFtE, HE T's' F,...SOL'/ED: That after caxei'ul cors~ideration of maps, Pasta, exhibits and ott-.+er evidence submitted in thin -nattEr, the application for tha3 g-alr~noe be, ~~ and the same is ere y approved, su ,sec ~za the terms and a t-ditionn Mhioh aire~~ao -~ berets and made a part here4r" as Exhibit "~", The pr~party trill ~ sae •ubdiwiaiaaat. 8E I~T FUf1THER RESOLVrD: That the report of findings attached hereto tyre approved and adapted, and that the Citf Clerk be, and is her~bZ*, directed to notify the parties affected by th{ 3 decinion. PASSCD ATiD ADOPTED by tae City Council of the City of Cupertino, St,2te of California, this 15th day of 1it,YroD~ , 19 ~, by thc~ to3lowing roll call vote: A~''~~: Councilmen: ~ Detaee, P'lLt~o1t1~14i il~sio ~ b hA~; Councilmen: 2 AH~'tT: Councilmen: e A PPflOVED /®/ cwt x. MFiyor~i"£y .oi~'~~.~rt no A'EI' r ' .bet~rtttitaa !C. !~ 1 - w ,. 3 ~r J a e~ Ala No . ~°~a TtL'P+~dT 17!- 1+'I~JDxAtf3S T~ sap7plication fora Fad on t~ehmlf af' ~'~1 ~'~! ~„ A shows: 1. That tkere are apetial coi~di t~ona or exoeptional chaxaoteristioa in the ratur~e et thy: propert' 'ko b~~ ~-fi'ected or that i.t' a lot~aticn, or it' a ~xrt~cundtngs are auoh as will pe~+~ the ~launnil to a~It~ a detex*~- mcl.~tiotl thAt ~ litet°g7. enfo~rcc~ent of t;ne Ordinances xto~ald reatalt in ~rt~cti+eal dit!'iculties or unraecee~iRry tu~rdmhips; Brad ~. That the greintira off' the appliaatior, ies necessary for the pra~- ser+~ati~n and enlo~asnt of 8ubatAr-titnl propc3rty rlghta; $nd ~. That the granting t f tt~e applf cation will not taateria~].iq afPeot xdl~tra~exy the health or aa~'ztx vt persona re3ldin,~ or rrorking in the n+eu.g~hborhood of the prr~pertgr aehich to the aub~ect oP they appl3aation, aned xhat; the use of sa:ld pt~opertyr in the manner which it 1a proposed Lo bye used or111 nat ba aua~terial2y d~etrda~ente~l to the public weli'rsre Syr xn~u~-ioua to t:tse value of property nr improvea~ants l4aated in ~-id sur- r~wdit~g~c. ' r ~ ~ ~. ~ ~, !1 t~ ~ M ~~ ~,,