CC Resolution No. 1047,,
RE3~1bU'I'ION N0, 1047
~ A 3i~SOLLPrYON OF TE3~3 C•11T9~' OF CUPFR'I'1710 ACCBPTit~itl (3NAI~' DAD
WH~'~B14S, Larl x. Fiachor and Hernetta V. Fisoher, hiu v~it'e, have
rs~aute~~ a are-nt Deed, u~eh is in good and sut'P~.aient Yor:a, granti~
has t!~ Cit~- of Cuparti,rta, Counf:y of Santa Glares Stare ot° California,
$ fee i:itle to pertain real property, situate in the City g-~' Cupertino, ae follervs:
PI~dINa at tho Northea8tsrly earner oP that aerta:tn parcel oP land
ee~cribed in the DeQd froel Earl ~. ~+`isoher, et ux, i:a 'fh~e gtoneso»
D-erralopment Corporation ~ecordecl May 4, 160 in Hook 4783 of OtlYaial
]~uoabia, at prrsge 583, Santa Clara County Reaorda; thence leaving aa~d
lgll~'~' OF B~3C}xJ~iNINQ slang tt~s Northerly line off' Qaid parcel Ydorth $9
58' 30" bleat, 37.00 f~~ut; tt~enae leavaing ea1cJ No:~thc~rly 11ne along a parallel. with the Easterly line of said pax~aet conveyed to The
Staneaon Devalopwent Corporation South 0 04~ 30" F.,ast, 33.00 feet;
thence leaving said par~litrl line along a 11ne p~tre11e1 ttith said
~rtherly 11ne South 89 58~ 30" Bast, 37.00 R'eet to a point on said
~>aterly line; thence leas~rag said X+aet desorlbed parallel ].ins: along
said Easterly l.ixae North 4 04 ~ 30" West, 33. UO t'eot to the POIIv'T OF
N'Ot~, Tt~EREFORE, HE l.'I' RE.gOLVED, that the City of Cupertino aooept
std gt~nt so tendered; and
][T IS FURTHER RA.50LVr.!A, th~-t the C1ty Clerk be and he le hereby
authorl.zad to rQCOrd t3aid Decd and tliia Resolution.
1PA33ED AND ADOPTED this 21st dale of Decemt~er, 1964, by the
tbllowing vote:
~t'~: Councilmen: Dempster, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stoke, F1nch
1$: Councilmen: Mane
SENT: Councilmen: eons
/$/ Faul N. Finch
yr; ~`i~y o pe »o
~~s/ ta.wz+~nce K. Martin
y ei
V ~~, ~ Ars~, II ~ ~1 ~ ~, w pMM' ~ k~' ' ~'~~ ~ ~1'.M! ~~,~,~ ' ~ta... .,p';~; •~ M„ ~~,.',~~ ~,~.~, i. "~v. p~ ~ ~ ice, .y. i, ,i., ~ ~~
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