CC Resolution No. 10451A
F~,,fiOI.+~~IG~i IlG. 2C1~i~
A A&4tl~.Cf~:LC~f -{~`Y~ C/I~T*i'1"Y/C'I~~l/r?y~GgxLyQ~a'/~C~PS~`I'~.~i~?0
Ar+Fi~+~FiMN~.~~ 1Ci~1 ~~-.i:1V t ~( 4~1 ~fi" /7A J!{~~~i
~$, t1'1erls ~6lt1E b~~ pl''C~e11t~t'~ tO the C3.Ity Cattnaii Q,~'1 8g~"@•
vent by ,~,nd ~et+ksen ~~~~, az~. Ca~~, ~ t~3~rt~,~ o~ soccrosr' t~a~c~
43L C'O~IPANY, 3.~C., ~3Y`it 0~ CT]P$RT3x0 for ~o»atitsuation of attests,
o~irbe, gutters, aide~an,ks, and Por c~thotr 1.a~pru~rmea+nta and for payment
of certain furtide to the City off" Cupertino; a~ aaidl agreement havi,t~g
been approwad Oy the City Fangineex 4!!d! b':I' the City llttor»ey;
NOW, 'TNEFiEP`4Rf3, H-$ Ir RASOLVED, that the fgayor and City Clex°k
ara~ hereby authorized Lo execute the agreu~ent herein reftrred to in
hettali' of the City of Cupertino.
PASSED AND ADOPTED thict 21:;t~r Q~ay of DeeGmber
~nFi1l, L,;~ ttte followings voterz
AYES: C:ounc.~lmPn ~» Dcmpstez•, Fitzgerald, Noa1, Stokes, Finch
NOBS: Counailinen - hone
ABSk~J~P: Councilmen - 1~onC
/s/ Paul N• Finch
/a/ Ix~wrence K. Martin
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