CC Resolution No. 1012RI3SJ~lON N0. ~W~ RC~SOLUTIOi~ OF ~'&E ~.ITY COUNCIL CF THE CI'I`Y OF C~UPSRTI~tC Y~C&~IliI3 CANVASS fiF RS`TUlt1LS A9~1~ RESULT Oy' ~CI,t1L MUIdICIPAG UOND ELEC'PI~Nd VtiEREAS, by p~roceedinas duly tiad and taken, the epe~a3a2 a~unioipal bow elaation held in the City of Cuper- tino (hereinafter called th+~ "City") on October 6, 1964, xaa held on maid data !A aaaordanee with lax, and the motes thereat received and canvassed, and the returns thereof aa~ eertained, deteroinsd and declared in all renpeate am re- quired Dy lar~Z NOW, THLREFOR£, BC IT AESOLVBD by the City Council of the amity of Cupertin©, ae follor+a t 1. The City Clerk of the City bra and is hereby instructed to enter this reaalution on the ®inutes of this Council as a atate~aent of the result of a8id election. x. The total Hasher of ballata cast 3n the City at said special wuniaipal bond ~alettion was . ballot». t ~„ballota xore spoiled and not taunted. 3. At said special wunicipal bond election the following meaaureo xes~a subweitted to the el!er~tora of the City and the nua~ber oi` votes giv~sn in the City for and against each of said meaburea (including absentee votes) xas ,p,a follows t 1 ~, ~ a.,; ~. ~;, ~' i S _' :fie Total Total 'Vott Vote Y~ ~ "N. 4.".~ u : Shall the city or y a l) Cupertino incur a . i~onded indo.tst~ednesa in the principal a~eount .qY =~y0,000 ~, !or the aaqulA-3tion nonntruation and ao~npTetSon of tie tolloaing ~xaiaipal impro~ee4ent, f;o sit t A city Hall on Citg- oan®d larW to provide taailitiam for housir-g s~uniaipal aftiaes, together with ' furniture, tinctures, equips~ant, la~saaping site Lorp~-overeenta, t ti ~ ~ parking ~ea ~.i ias, o re+nrenta, rights ot` eray and other sacks, property or atruaturt~a neaeesary ar convenient for a laity Hall for the proper adisinistr+Jction of th+~ City goverment of the City o! Cupertino? U 8; Shall the City oP c'1"`~es) Cuper~,ino incur a banded indebtedness in the principal amount of =1,000,000 for the Polloaing aunieipal. improve.. Aent, to Mite Aaquleition oP land for park sites, inal.uding sites for a central park and neighborhood parks, and S.mpravcstent thereof for park and recreational purposes. for the Cllty of Cupertino? .~ ,... 4. The number of votQS asst in cash precinct for and against eaoh o!' said mensureb ~eaa as folloaa s 80ND MSASUA£S (A) (e) Pra,,,~ ci, nat YF~S NO Y~3 NO 1 ....STS. .~a3 ....3~L ....a1. ~ .....3r3.3. ..~ ....3Zti. ..,.1~4. 4 28,.x. .~p~.. ...:~?. ..~t~. Total. inct Yoxe b ~ ~ tee vole .rrn~.i..r..i... 6 ~rww~wr.rr.r. U .......... ~~ .w~.... ~4 ~~ r , vo7c~ ,.,,,~!^~, ~ ... x r .., .. ~, ~~ ~ . ~ ,. • . ~~ t e w r ~, C 5. Ali abe~erit voter baiiota k-ave been duly rw.- caeived and canvsae~~~t in t1~e, fai~a and canner es r~~~rluired ~iy lava, and the a~e~at~lt of the aba~entec vote tc+r and .egainst each of said eneai/ua~`Qa as~6aaitted at said special taanicipal b~nQ, eiectio~~ is e® set forth abc~re. 6. That~t®~„Q~c' than tao-thirds (2/~') o! tell oY' tt*,ee votes cast at said mpecioal sacsnicipai bond e9.ectian crs said Measure (A) xere in 3'a-vor of asid ^oasure, nn4 tlza~t said Meaau.re (A) _~ A S ~~,~,,,,~,_. 7. ~1-at Mc ~ than tao-thirds (2/3) of ali of tt-e votes Gnat at acrid e~pQCiel c~unicApal bond !ri©ctY~n on said Measure (8) sere in favor of said mosaure» and that said Mar.aure (s) ,~R ~. - ,~„Q. pR:jSf~D AIYD ADC1P'PLb thSs 1~h day of October, lqd~, by- *f-e fo1lr~Ming voter Ads Counaiia~~en = Dom~ter, Pitagerald,, Ti;.-cx, Finch ~OTLi t CAUt7~~.l~cnt ~+3i'-~0 ABS~N'1'2 C~Ot~Qlleaonf ~GUke~m ~'`~ / D ~, l yor Attest: i r' r . y art 3 ,.~ ~ r yit ~ rs , ~, ` ~ + + P • r `5 ' ,s C~~ tS CE}~'IFICATE ~~ x, ~"~w~::..~~ ~a M!A i ~, Citq ~a~Pk t~f th+~ City Qt Cupex°ti~~o, Ccsliro~sa, do heroby aex°t3fy that the tore ,~ going is a ~`u]~1, truce ~aorreat aoFy aP a rodalutlen du~.y adopted by tts~ City Council of said Cityr, at ~ ]~+ewtui ~~: '~: sreetir~ of said CYt,p Cntanail duly and regularly ant! l+egal3.y ~~ ; , held ®t the regular aarating pleas thereof on the M day ar Oatoher, 196, of diiiah eseeting all o! the ^eswbers of ,, said Citq Caunail had due alotiea end at which a sa~ority thvreuP was present; that at void aeeting said resolution Kee fn~roduaad by Ccunaiiaan t~P ,~„ and read in Full, and sae therarupon, upon motion of Counci].e~an ~sipit~r , aeaonded by Counai3.~an l~itrsKa~ld ,adopted by tche following vote: AYES: Counci~en = Uempaxer, Pl~txga~~ld, 2tael, l~hah NOES : Gnu~1.l:ssrrt s 2~ans ABSENT: Coun~ttlassn: :stokes That I huv~z carefully compared tlae same aith the original minutes of s~eid westing on file and of record in my offioe and that said resolution la 8 full, ltrue and aor- reat copy ar the origine-1 resolution adopted at said ^aeting and entered in said minutes. That acid resolution has not taeen amended, mdditlQd or reaainded sines the date of its adoption and the setae la now in full force and erfeot. WITNESS ~ hand and the seal of the: City oP Cupertino this 19'~A day of Oataber, 1964. ~5~~-~~~r".Tc ".,"..,.~.,...w ,,~,~ , „ . ,. ; ~ ~ ,~ N