24879 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOf1I1. G-E,P,C'I RICA I, - PERMITNO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL ,!� /I p�A BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJECI'IORN'I'IFICAIJOIN - G 4 O J BUILDING ADDRESS: 111/ - SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITPAL DATE 'i UNITp LO'1'e OWNERS NAME: PHONE: CON'IRACIOR'S NAME: LIC NO: NYC CONTROLY NN A ' / ARCHITECT/ENG NE[R: LIC NO: ADDRES J D � CONTACT: Pit ONE. BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. EI,ECT'RIC PERMIT FEE BLDG ELECT' PLUMB MECH PERMH'ISSUANCE ❑ 4 o ❑ LICENSED CONTRACT'OR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION p(y.Z I hereby amrm that am licensed under provisionsol'Chapmr9(commencing with ;;dfutfore0ndaffDivision]of the Business ntfosinns and mylicrnuis in ` PANELS F'0 full force and eRut. Fa-Z LicenseC Lic.M_ UPT0200AMPS wQy te Contracmr 201-IIXIO AMPS ZOARCH,FECI'S DECLARATION OVER IOOIIAMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA E/SQ.FT, 0z"_ I understand m plans shall be used ns public recoNs. F-W SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Prfatitomil c Was:< OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. jeOyF I hereby affirm that 1 an exempt from me Contractors Licemse law for the W 3 fe-m following rensoo.fSution 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county TEls11s.METER OR POLE INST. FLOG which requiresa pe.oil I.emmiu0.alter.improve,demolish,or repair sty structure, - �W} prior to its ismance,alsmcquinestheapplicamt for such pemduo files signed aatemem MW13R DEVICES W L4<C that he is licensed pursuant m the Provisions of the Commoner License Law(Chapter dxLo� 9(commencing with Section]000)of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code) SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION W_m or that he is excmpnuarefmm andnhe basis far heslleged exemption.Any violationof FZ> Sceion]031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty of OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIXTURES 'R2¢p not more than five hundred dollars(S500). NEW RESIDENTIAL.ELECfR —SQ.FT. Cf—p C3 NEW STORIES 'TYPECONSTRUCIGN will do the%ark,aM the structure isnm intendedoroffered rnrsnle(Sec.I0a4,Business and Pmfessi.m Cale:The Cnmrvaor'a Licenu law Jas not apply m an owner of own progenywh.buildsorimpravestherengaMwhoacessuchwork ornelfm through his employer,providM thatsucment is vemcntsnrenoUmeofoompffercd thea owner. OCC GROUP RFS.UNITS builder will avec ng the rEmpmvocusin that hediinoneyem or improve forpenwner builder will have the burden refocusing that he did not build m improve for pucpnx of sate')' to QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN ❑ Lan the Immfthepro.7(N,nm usinsivelycontrandons idben'M Commonly License the projut(Sec.oano Business and ywhosians Cale:)the Camrnctor'a License Law Joersuch Iplytoanownerofpro r(s)whosed puorimt bithehereomond PERMIT ISSUANCE - %icense aw.f.rsuch projem:withucnmractogs7lic<nsW pursuanuothe Comrvcmr's ALTER Ar FEE SUMMARY License Law. ( ) ❑ 1.ameaempt under Sec. B&P C for his..,.a BACK FLOW PROTECT,DEVICE OUTSIDE PF.FS N SrOL Owner Dme F.CEI N ON DECLARATION DRAINS-1100R,ROOF,AREA,CONK S TA WORKMAN compENSATIN ❑,ers'Co affirm that lhave acertific:rte atennxnun self-insure,or Lot,C.)which FIXTURES-PER TRAP 'CEI M Woflin%Compevatlo a&,this is per ncen117M copy thereof(Seo.JBW,Iab C.)which - A K E N colics all employee's undenhis permit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM]INC.40U'TLETS ECEI g P.licytl 1 NG DTVI IN FEES Company GAS-EA.SYSI'EMOVER4('A) DTE C1 Certified copy is hereby famished. ❑ Citified copy is fled with the city inspection division GRFASIyINDUSTRL WASTEINTER R GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERSGREASE'I'RAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thi"ceden need nm hec.mplirld ifflepermit is l nrnnehundreddall.NBUIXq SEWER-SANITARY-STORM HA.201AT. ENERGY PEE - le"..) I certify that in part onnenet,of Ilia work for which thispermi(is knod,(shot) WATER I IFAI'RR W/VIRJr/3LECTR not amploy any person in any mamma so or in tweome suhjoo to the Workcre' PAID Compensation Lnwsol'California. Data WAI 17R SYSTEMITREA'TING pate � ReceiptB Zz Applicant 0 NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If.aflennukingthis Certincutc of Exemption,you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. SQ,1'1'. TOTAL.: H ti bw.me subject .the Worker'sComns peation provisions of the Luh,Code,yoamnat t > forthwith comply with such provi........this permit shall hodamted revoked. BUILDING FEE 0. A CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE Vz l hereby affirm that there isocanstrecion lending agency for the performance of - - 0 the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3091,Civ.C,) _ TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE Lender's Name OL•✓ Lender's Address QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE U d certify Ont I have read @ix application and state toot the above information is correct. l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relining to PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE �o V) huildingconatructinn,and hereby authorize representatives of this city in enter upon the CONSTRUCTION TAX U z above mentioned progeny for inspeomn purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. (We) area m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cape n ngam lishilifies,judgmena,costsand pemseswbichmayinanywayaccrueu stsaEd City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) consequence of the tiny fthis pemci 9 / AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IB,BIp CFM) tgna rent Applican mmmor - Data EXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCU PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIA1 S DISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT(TO 300,00)BTU) Data Receipt p Will the applicant or future building occupant store orha.dle Botanical material as defined by the CLpenimo Municipal CMe,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety fI1 ONG UNI'T(OVER 100,000 BTU) TOTAL: Code,Section 25532(e)T C3 Yes ❑No VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE RFSID) ( BOILER-COMP(3HP OR 100.010 BTU) ISSUANCE DATE I Will the uppticantnons as building by the Bay equipment unlit Manavdhgement P p ' -0anmdous eh c.naminan¢as defined by the Bey Arca Air Qualify Management BOILER District?. ]BLOW BTU) W District?. ❑Yes 13 No NEW RESIDENT]AL MECH. SQ.FT. I have read the hazardous materials reqmets uirenunder Chapter 6.95 of the /s 17 1993 California Hwlth&Safety Cale.Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.1 undersand than if the building does nor currently have a senator,than if is my responsibility to notify the V�' senatosenator, occupant of the requirements which must be met prior to issuance of o Certificate of �fII"111. .rA Occupancy. s / Owner oraothorised agent Dare TOTAL: ISSUEDBY: OFFICE