24074 (2) APPLICANT'TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY nwlam Project ed Identification1R lon rhnT NQ, 4 0 7 4 ,. Bullding AddfcBu _ oS3al t40J T5=1 il CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION �� q centrador'.Mme: - Lie.N. APPLICATION /PUMIT litupm Co./IsTO.✓ LO. BUILDINGEECTRICALPMUMBING-MCAL CATEGORY CONTROL v Archltcct/ glrxw Llc.No: IA� BUILDING PERMIT INFO QtY ELECTRIC PERM - PEE. Address: AV�/. �'1 PERMITI5SUANCE 1" LICE CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(mmmsee APPLIANCFSRESIDE L OB DESCKB'TION ing with Section 7000)of Division o(the Buideca�sannd Profe&sloesCode,and my /��}^ liana I.in fu arect. S , Y I�Y� ^ jXTQ an PANELS Ll ' Clan Lic.M JOQ ss' Dae Contractor �/a,/ ARCHITECTS ECLARATION p1'SAM 0Z I nderstand my plan.hall be used u public record&. V 000 SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. O Licensed Proferelonal CAL % Lkq 1O 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION TALC 7E, IherebyafRrrn that l am exempt(romthe Contractor'.Llan..Law for the - pp following reason.(Section 7Rd15,Buainee&and Profenlons Code:Any dty or TIP.ME INST. FE cmntywhich requlrcsa permittomvtmct,ater,lmprove,dennlish,orrepalr a anystrodure prior tolts Issuance,also requiresthe applicant torsuch permit to POWERD PVV ryC U file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the 04 Contract.e.License Law(Chapter 9(ce..eingwith Section 7000)ofDivl- �0 gan3o(the Businns end pro(emlovCode)orthat heisexempttherefromand NG LELECTRIC - VALUATION A� yd the basis for the allegmi exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any O �I aPpliant for a permitsubjecta the applicant to a civil penalty a not moa than I17LETSSMTCFIFSEXI'UItS V , By hundred dolts.($SM. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELECTR SQ}T. STORES TYPECONSIRUCTION as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole. mmpensation,wfll doth.work.andthestmmm isnot m ended or offered for ❑ vie(Sec.7044,Business and Professions;Code:The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property who Wilda or improves thereon,and EEE whodoce such work Mmelforlhrough his own employees,provided that such OCC.GROIIP RES.UNITS Improvements are not intended proffered forsals.If,however,thebullding or Improvement hsold within amyearofcanplelogtheownerbuaderwRlhave tllEtIurden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY. 'PLUMBING PERMIT FEE u FLOOD ZONE APN as owner of the property,am exclusively Business contracting with IlaneclconPERMITISSUANCE ,r The Contractor's to rovWd the project(Sec.or apply Business and Pf prop rt Codo The Coor Improves Llane Lew don rat apply to an owner.of property who ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER MA) - huBda car Improve thereon,and who mntnN for each p(ojeca wRM1 a - FEE SUMMARY m,R((adwW licensed pursuant to the Contractor&License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT:DEVICE I_l I am aempt under Seo B k P C for this reason 1DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y N Owner Date RECEIPT N WORKMANCOhIPENSATIONDECLARATIONpp( q,PER MAPSCHOOLTAX Y N ❑I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to aelf4esure,or a - RECEIPT N 3NWrlmteotC.Works Compevatlonly mnaoramnitledmpythen f6l . GAS RA,SYSTEM-1 ILNCAOUTLETS „� PARK FEE Y N Polity tl •. GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER d(EA) RECEIPT N Com ray ,pyyp �-f Q� BUanwc orvlsloN l'r:Eg �Certled copy is here ml ed. GREASE/INDUSfRL WASTE INTERCEsTOR PLANCHECK FEE ,I. C—Do O Certified ropy is filed with the city inspection division. _CERTIFICATE OF EX EM PITON FROM WOR KERS' GREASE TRAPA1000MPENSATION INSURANCERhiswdlonneednatbecompletedlfthepem tisforonhundreddollars '`EWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.l00Ff.(Stm)orles+.) WATFA HEATER W/VENT/ELECTRENER�cy F Y_Imrtlfythatlnt nype or.a ..Yt nnerf "tchthis sybjisWthe —L ��Ishallnetemployanypersonf anymanneraontobeen. bkdtothe Workere'Compenvtlon Laws of California. Date �' n PAID O Z Applicant i� Datil 1.Inn Z G NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If,ager making this Certificate of Exempt) n,y LMB should become subject to the Workeri Compeva ion provlslonso(th T TAL:rl �.ta N Code,you must forthwith mmplywith such provislov orthispermit al BUITM FEE VO LU > domed revoked. SEISMIC FE CL G CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I herebyef(irm that them iso msetrudion lending agencyfor hoper(o ELECTRI ' M Z ane of the work(or which this permit Is Issued(Sec.3097,Cie. Al,3ifK W5 U O Lender.N.me PLUME G 'E 1LF Lender's Address QTY. ' •' MECHANICAL'PERMIT , FEE MECFIA ICAL E OW . I witifythatl have read this.ppliatbnandetatethattheabovelnformation 1 .famered.Iagree to complywlth all city and county ordinances and gate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES I } relating to building construction,and hereby authorize represenmtivesotthis - (. city to enter upon the above,mentioned property for Inspection purposes. ALTORADDTOMECH. Z fWe)agree to nave, deme fy an d keep harmiem the City of Cupertino - atc +RCCeI NI V against liabilities,Ndg ets,mgaand ez see soh¢¢heray]nany way come AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000CFM) UBTOTAL: agabutvld Ci C e ofthe gr' tin Ehl&pennlV f z I/ AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,O30CIM) fCONSTRUCTIINTAXSigresfa /Cortr mar D m IXFWUST HDDD(w/DUCp TRUCTAX PAID: HAlARDOUS MATERIALS DISC URE theapplicant orfutum building occupant store or handle hazardous FTFATING UMT(T0100,W0 BTl.n ice' te 'Rece tN mat Ices defined by the Cu peg]no Municipal Code,CM1aptcr 9.R,and the Heal and Safety Code�+Section 25537(.)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU)' TO , ❑Yes ,II+��--11,�No i M Will theappliant"Future bu]Iding occupant use equipment or devices VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) L./� ISSUA EDATE which emit hazardous air contaminants as cleared by the Bay Area Air - u�IityManagement District? BOILER-COMP pEItDft 100,OlU BTU) 4Yn �No have 1.11t eth& f,ty C.edal at..lrementeunderCM1apte4.1 of BOILER-CAMP(OVFR 100,000 BTU) the Glllomla lleallM1&Safety Code,Sections 7550.5,75533 and 25534.] understand that if the building don not currently have a tenant,that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.Fr. responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be mar P .411 /� {4 y prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, 4,'v Po,i Owner or authorized agent t Date - ISSUED .�OI i TOTAL: OFFICE COPY CITY OF cbrCt...