21440 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY. Building Project Identification _ PERMTNO. Building Address: - -/1�1 A`4 A O 5 GI44 wncre one: 17_911Z57/ CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION' p - - at a ane: Lie.N.: APPLICATION /.PERMIT i - 'BUILDING-ELECnUCA PLUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL N Archlt /Engineer QrY ECT LERICPERMNIT '. " FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO . PERMITISSUANCE ❑ .. "❑ . LICENSED CONTRACTOR'SD RATION - 'Iherebyoffirm that lamlfcensed under proixonsoi Chaptart)(commaro, APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL -HON DESC ON Ingwlth5edion7000)of Divielon3ofthe Buslnemand ProfesslonaCmde,andmy - - - Ilcenm le In(uB tore d d(M. is PANELS n License ClnMEO— LIc.M - j" Date Contractor _:._1 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION' 201-1000 AMPS - ctOZ Iadeatand my plans shall be,used as public record a. OVERI(DOAMPS,' SQ. RAR $/SQ.FT. M pp� O Licensed Prafesslonal - .. SIGNSELECTRICAL 'r G�< .OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION - SPECIALCIRCUIT/MLSC^ t - L.,r��i}� ,Ihereby affirm that am exempt from the Contractors License Lawforthe - z p following reason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code,Any city or O Z F. TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. r F4� counlywhich requires.permit to construct,alter,Improve,demolish,or repair any structure prior to Its Issuance,also requires the applicant for such permit to ppyygRDEVICES .�' file a signed statement that he Is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Ow Contratore Lfcense Law(Chapter9(ca.r ngwlth Ssdioa 7000)o(DIv1- I ' SOS sion3oflhe Businemand Pmfemlorm Code)orthatheisexemptthereframand SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION. - the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjeds the applicant to a civil penalty of nut more than OUTLETSSWITCHESHXTURES Qflue hundred ownerdollar he pro SQ STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION u, NEW R6.SIDENTIAL ELECTR .FI'. �n ❑I,se owner of the property,or my employees Is with wages r their sole < compensation,Buwilsiness ando the Pr ie i,;.the Code:Th not Intended License Law q far sale(Sec 7(M4 Business and Profeml6ss Code:The Contradore License law $$ does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon,and OCC.GROUP - RES.UNITS. who does such work hlmaelforthrough his own employees,provided that such Impm em nnt arenofinlendedorofferedformle.l(however,thebuildingor TOTAL: Ymprovenkntissold wlthmoneyearofcompletloathe owner-bullderwill have " + , lryc�ub an of proving that he did not build or Improve for purpose of sale.). QTY.. PLUMBING PERMIT `'FEE FLOOD ZONE APN LJ 4''as owner of the property,am exclusively cou—'Ing-an...... ppT=My�PLUMISSUANCE Y mntradors to construct the projed(Sec.7064,Business and Professions Code: . The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN AVENT-WATER(EA) 6u llds or improves.thereon,and who contends for such plojeds with a - - ador(s)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. - `FEE SUMMARY, cgg(t + I am exempt under Sea B A P C for this reason BACKFLOW PROTECT.DEVICE S FLOOR, Y -' N Owner - • . Date DRAINR ROOF.AREA,GOND. SARECEIPT N . WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION 9yPER TRAP' - SCHOOL TAX Y N FO ereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self-InsureFIXTUItFS- ,or RECEIPT �J ceflaam ofWorkeraC pareatlbn Laurance oramtifed copythereS of(Sec. GAS -' C.40I71LEI5 PARK FEE ' ,Y N 3800 1W ,Lab C.) 'Polity •. RFCE1PTB GAS SYSTEM- BUILDING DIVISION FEES LP_ f ' rtifled copy Is hereby-Fimiluxis Pprtl(ied copy Is filed with the city irapectlon GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE 1NTURCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE division. , CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP -� - PAID COMPENSATIONINSURANCE , SEWER- STORM-STORM EA.200FT. -Date : Recei t# (This section need not he complctM lithe permit Is torone hundred dollars (1100)nnem.) WATER HEATER W/VENT/ELECTR t� ENERGYFEE .Y ' N I certify that in the performance of thework for which this permit is Issued, ' — ' .- I shall not employ any person In any manner so as,to become subjed to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING ' Workers'Compensation Lawsot California.Date PAID ` ZZ Applicant - , �. (T NOTICE TO APPLICANT: making this Certificate of Exemption,you NEW RESIDENDALPLMB. SQ.FT. Date Recel t# :F should become subjed to the Workers:Compemation provisions ofthe Labor - - :t - TOTAL: ' 0 Code,you must forthwith comply with such provlalora orthis permit shall be I L•j deemed revoked. U DING FEE aCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY ' "{1 SEISMIC FEE i hereby affirm that there Is a a mstrudlon lending agency for the perform- ELECTRIC FEE .M Z ante of work!car which this permit IsJawed(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL:, T r� PLUMBING FEE 0.:. Lender's Nerve �. U. H Leaders Address° QTY. •MECHANICAL PERMIT ', " FEE., MECHANICALFEE O W -1IwAffytAatlhavemadthhappUmtionandd is that theabovomformation v C 'Ismrned.]agree tdcomply with all dtyand comy.ndloancesand state laws PERMIT ISSUANCE - i FEES PAID: - t } relatingt.buildingornsWdlon,end herebyaWhotze represen[atives of this I - H W city to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD 7O MECH.. - �� _ (We)agree to save,Indemnlly4n d keep harmless the City of Cupertino nate Receipt# .gamut liabilities,judgments,meta and expenses which may In anywayaccrue AIR HANDLING UNIT 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: ag.inat sad City In a uence of the granting of this permit. - - AIRHANDiINGUNIT(OVF.R10,000CFM) - CONSTRUCTION TAXI n� •, Signature of Applicant/Con dor �- � Date FJ(HAUSTHOOD(W/DUCT)• CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: • HAZARD US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE "- t Will the applicant orfuturs building occupant store or Handle hazardous HEATING UMT(TO100,0008M, - material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the _ Date.- •Recei t# Health and Sal dy Cod a Sed 25532(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BTU) TAL: 4 .,O Yrs WIIl the applicant torebuitding..pantuseequipmentordevlces VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ISSUAN I TE whlchemit luuardo eairmntamluantans defined bylhe Bay Area:Alr - ` Quality Management Distrf ;'p . BORER-COMP OkB'DR 100.0(p BTU) W ''' 48 '?have Yes ^^^ddd ! a,• Ihavereadlhe Faz oua materials requimmente underChapter6.9S of BOILER-COMP(OVI7110(1,000 BTU) the Culifomia 2ie1 h Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 2534.1 - �as4,.�RFss+!-•;'4:. , understand that if the building does not currently have stenanq that it isat NEW RESIDENITAL MECH. SQ.FT. 19 responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirements which must be cot " priorlo/Auance of ertiicate.fOmp.rcy. ' iver or author agen _ d Date ISSUED - TOTALo - OFFICE COPY