93952 (2) 1641 Jamestown Building Permit Confirmed Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date---`-- .�--..2.T----------------------- 19.0 Permit No.--------- l 4. -5TC.72"�....... The undersigned h eby as ap ' atio e I 'cal Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit to inst e a o s sied on the reverse side. Exemption from a ent or Sta c lfornia for Con}racior's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner statement filed ❑ Undersigned ai}es}s }hei hi fat Ca r r 1 se h is in full force and affect andp ry�au} r a 'an San Jose City Business Lic nse I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the/workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER //AM l�T� ✓ n. (� 7t"W Ae?/ ADDRESS �/^ �� ��1FS ��--' "Wn1 �nR SA J NOSE USE OF BUILDING 51 F C L I .I�Gf EGL/n/ . FIR E .v n ' - t JWWrt(�J SIGNED FORM 200.10 (5/99) IOM I 1641 Jamestown =eJ STEB7AR ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old OutletsLL Panels, Cabinets --Size Service Conduit Switches J` Switchboards Size Service Wires 0 Receptacles _Panelboards Size Service Switch A, Fixtures .�._ Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits _ Signs Transformers Motors vZ' Number of Meters _ HP 1 r, Phase_Ampere Loads •S Lighting Power Miscellaneous Rough Inspection By Final Inspection — By �N Rem arks:/O .(/_ j/'J 4 Lery-/�-e^-c�/