17928 (2) 1523 JAMES TOWN DRC VE Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Pda.. — 7 7 Date................_... ....31....._.................. 19.--.8_ Permit No............�..l.........------........... The undersigned hereb�akes ap lica�io��jjffo f fu bin }nsVefor of the City of San Jose fora permit to install ihe�jegn �f'�oJk�led sgrsjf, Exemption from requ 2 f f State a l orn(a for Cdnfracfor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: a owner ❑ statement filed ❑ Undersigned attests That his fate of California Contractor's License # 258540 is in full force and effect and psr- uthorix t!�is�ep is 1 San Jose City Business Lice ya ��/ I certify }hat in the performance of the work for which this permd is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER Robert Bloom ADDRESS 1523 James Town Drive Lot No. USE OF BUILDING Residence nnn` ' Signed--U�A.X-?<X'-"A..-- -'-- U 280-404n \ 1523 eJAMES TOWN DRIVE VALLEY HEATING Type ofOFEES Appliance No. Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Boilers (Steam( Boilers (Wafer( Blower Furnaces Suspended Units Clothes Dryers I MIS Appliance Fee Flues/Vents Fee Flue/Vent Hood/Ducts Fee Hood/Duct Gas Piping Fee Condensate Drain I Cond. in Permit Fee TOTAL FEE INSPECTION RECORD Ducts Underfloor Ducts Complete Flues in Wall Flues Complete Appliances/Misc. No. Gas Lines Outlets Size Tested and Approved