NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)1 d/ • Lot No. PPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File No. IN Sanitary No. /&I Bf Date 196go Application is hereby made for a permit to a story, Type to be occupied only as in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed•herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements FEES AWA SD Owner • �d Cant,. Phone $ � 0". 0' Plan Check S Address�/7t� Address State License Approved WILUAM D. BENEVICH -qt APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date /+2J� ���%)3t'Ln.rv/DD 196t FEES ' 33. dO Contr. t^/4'e'r/ Address �'�s /+-cf -P/L i`d • A -�'t-� s G° Phone 73tyl - bState License Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date 1 i !z 196 GAS FEE $ �r• ��� PLUMBING FEE $ Contr. � //W'Q. ClJ• Address 00' u Phone e�9�s'- _„23.'►•3 State License'.) ,[. %69 '? Approved w � / APP ICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT i Date /�'� 196 FEES Contr. I: i(�9 �fN OQJ'%Q.C(� U/• Address � J r Phone State License .old 0i �^^a Approved. Applicants agree not to violate any of the Workman's Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING 74 FOUNDATION C2 - -3 ^ 6 DAT Z-I3 J UNDERFLOOR AE - 3 Y �� IN 6ISEC FRAME 3 I� TE IN SRGC.T ATH PLASTER DATE%ECTOR 23 �� FINAL -� DATE INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL ELECT UNDER ROUGH FINISH FIXTUF MOTOR FINAL SERVICE Ail DATE INSPECTOR iROUND DATE INSPECTOR WIRING_ DATE IN PECTOR Z/Z WIRING b Y NSPECTOR ES DATE INSPECTOR _ D4 INSPECTOR DATE / V INSPECTOR PLUMBING & GAS ERGROUND DATE I CTOR FIAL ROUGH •- D TE ECTOR :H COMPLETE , - . DATE C INSPECTOR DRAIN N � - ( DATE _SINSPECTOR PIPING -22-64 ' / p DATE INSPECTOR ,NSPECTOR 'DATE 'S-22 64 �- c co C DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTED MISC MISC MISC .DATE INSPECTOR DATE DATE DATE APPLIANCE �Q rN.11l I oN INSPECTOR INSPECTOR - . DATE INSPECTOR I.OT NO. 's-' tJ/ NOri�«:J trS Et:l' III�1 //o?U x a DEC 1 GAP�PbIICA?ION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 4= "CITY OF CUPERTINO o a Sanitary No. 3 F w n QUTitte OF ( I'. � � "i , 196Z Permit NO. .��Il1 74 io �. W Application is hereby made for a permit toi�.e� oa / ato a story, Type - r/ Building to be occupied only as in accordance with ii o Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. Pl Ck Fee > 3 Estimated Value of Improvements, $ A4 Ouu Fee $/� �o iJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and J i all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of J O Cupertino will be complied with. 3 < Owner Address w Z•CRANE DIT W Address a a BY D F <u Ph 6ad�tTe ^I gp [AI IF 95050. ApprovedWILL1AiA U. BcNEVICI# State License -/S/ _7 BUILDING INSPECTOR X BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO eSewer Connection r-1 Plumbing Final Owner or Ten At .......... ..1. Cupertino Sanitary District Copy Sanitary Permit No . .................................. Plumbing Permit --- y , <-Vl :7n..T .................. Tract--------------------- - .! V -M - �- � .... .. .... ... ... * * ... ............... . DateConnected ------------------------ ... 47.� ........... — .. . . .......................... 1L9...... Date Final 19 ............ . ................................... ..... ........ M I PLU -CTOR 111 7/63-IM BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Plumbing Final Owner or Tenant ---M At ..... Z-1-1.CAS Tract----------------- .---- 4 Date Connected .......... Date Final .................. Bldg, Dept oiGce Copy (►'0a �p- Sanitary Permit No.....e....., Plumbing Permit No...a-�1=*-X ' LotNo .... .........-......--' t PLUMBING IN�I�BCGOR x ltt 7/63-IM , ROUTE SLIP File No. Date /1/777P►7�► Subject— • Approved Date spector CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ..... ............. Building Permit NoSIM-7.2, d"00, The Building Located at ... .. 71�7 ........... ........... --- Owned by ..... / - ----------- 7�..rkot."i --------------------------- ----- L Has Been (Completed) ............ ........... ...For Use As:..._---......------------------------------ ......-------... ...AW)- ........... .S.,F-RJR ............ .................... .. I ................................ ...I... ....... ..... . .. . ------ 5,,f,&4L�4 ...................................... . ................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-IM L-07- -'9;1 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Bldg. Dept. Office Copy Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No.61-0.3 ------------- Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No.51/67m� ........ AACKCLOW PEYI(F Lot No.-57-1 ................. Owner or Tenant ---- ;91- - ----- CRfiNE ------------------------------------------------------------ At... ..... HynNnI.V-Parr ....... Ax - ----------------------------------------- ----- -------- Tract ----- ... ...#... ...3 ................................................ ................................ DateConnected ........ ........................ .................................. 19............ Date Final .......... 1... 19............ PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66.-1M LoT.ry . GAS SERVICE NOTICE COPY;' OPI' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO 1.A.y......z z..,..L9.GQ.............. 196...... To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owneror Tenant ... .✓.L7z....-..CRA.ME..............--_..............._.......................... At . ...... 1.7..9.5...... .HV&vmise.gir.....02.._....._......................_.............. New Service ...... No. of Meters ....... /_....... .... Reconnect ._....... ................... Move Service ......... ..... ....._... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ...................... ....................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR r OFFICE COPY ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO TO You are hereby authorized to onnect electrical service for Owner Or Tenant ............ .........._... ._.I ........... ...... . ..................................... i/ No. of Wires .......�......... Size of Wires .........-?'. Size of SwitSh .......... Motor Load ....:..................... Voltage ....... -- ............... ...... Phase .... C;�.:-..-`........ HeatingLoad ..._............ K. W. _..._......................... Voltage ........ _..........._...._. . Light ................ 10.. ✓ New Service...... Reconnect .................. No. of Meters........ �...:..... I% Heat ................. 220........,... Three Wire............... Move Service.......... No. of Add. Meters............ Power ............... . as_e../. ......... Move Meter. ...... ....... 11 CTRICON 4LrZ J I hLVn/IC/Nl An2}A. /,!' LOT NO. NO, STIuirn' "yy"--77 LICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT w CITY OF CUPERTINO —6_ W Z /1 r g )- Sanitary No. 6 51 /67.3 3 < 1961 Permit No w 4 Pee $0— �o A4�plic in to the City of Cupertino fora permit to install plumbing o < p aQor r si of the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices a Ci for fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the Carty of n a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. w x r 0 Use of Premises 00 oa Owner Address zJ z By Address O CONTRACTOR,AGENT ` Phone m �llc����e wz ww a a State License Approved - 0 PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBERODRAINUnits Fees FeesWater Heater Water Closet Bath Tb Shower itche ink n. Dish Washer Waste Disposal - Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink &Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink Material Sand TrapTOTAL FEES Urinal Area Drainin Fee Water Leaderain Fee Sprinkler Systems. Fee Relief Valve i— Vac Breaker Skimmer 3F,ee Filter Pool Sweeper e Total if Total Fee Is - o� wQ z z w rc I O Y a 0 Q 34 x0 0 w 0 � a zN a w w x �r J 0 O 0 >w 03 0a z J J J 0 3r -z wz ww ¢a a o —U 217951 Hyannisport LOT NO. NO. STREET TI FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ,ITITY OF CUPFRTINO q 'p� Sanitary No. 1 C(AUG+%9' W919 1969 Permit No C;k,� o�) a n fn Pee $ 3 .50 C[TAYI)Iq on q�i�N& the City of Cupertino for a permit to install plumbing pipes an /or Ixtures istec on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said paces and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Residence Owner R. H. Jones By Culligan CONTRACTOR, AGENT Phone 354-8840 State License 216217 Address 21795 Hyannisport Address 611 University Los Gatos, Calif. Approved PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water Heater Size Water Closet Material Bath Tub To Curb Shower To Pro . Line Lavatories To Existin Kitchen Sink Not Conn. Dish Washer Sewer Box Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine Size Water Softener 1 1.50 Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink&Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink iaterial Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal Fixture Fee Area Drain Main Drain Fee Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler Valve Water S s. Fee Relief Valve Gas Fee Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Permit Fee 2.00 Total Total Fee 3.50 21795 I Hyannisport Drive COT NO. #54 NO. STREET ` �,=APPLI AC TICN^'F,OR APPLIANCE PERMIT W � CITY OF CUPERTINO x ° i 9JAN M 1969 �� �: �ii c 0 < Date 196— Permit No. ' 0 'Application lslhereby-made to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to o a install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to z a install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing W Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. S LL Use of Premises Residence 00 5�; Owner Ditz-Crane Address 0J zPLOG SHELT MrIAL CO. z By Address 3'0 19PP'8RV{4 MGAVZ. (P. 0. BOX 97) a Phone - W �z Yh W os State License WXLA92L ApprroovedWILL1AV1 D. F3 NFVIr^.1d aU i PLUMBING INSPECTOR Type of Appliance Units Fees Remarks (Check V) New Replace Relocate Wall Hars Gas Plates Circulating Resters Blower Furnaces 2.«s Gas Fired Boilers Wa ning Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME TYPE) CK7 50 uk1e"(s 7.2 q rJ -2— q4o-a Z- o-v \ppliance Fees /2,